Waging A Real War On Christmas/Synchronized Hyperspace Event (S.H.E.)

Just a few random words that everyone should know to make the world better:

Cognition- This happens in a Machine, when one small gear spins, and that small gear spinning pushes a bigger gear, and that big gear pushes 3 smaller gears. That activity that is happening is called "Cognition", and it also happens in your brain. Someone might tell you something, and it makes you think of something else, and then suddenly a question you had a month ago is answered. That is cognition. "Recognizing" someone is a function of Cognition.

Neuroplasticity- This is when your brain gets used to something. A good example is when you are learning your times tables in like 3rd grade. They don't just give you a chart that shows how multiplication works and say "there", they make you do different multiplication problems so that it sticks in your head, and they ask you over and over, things like "What is 1 times 0?" so you know that anything times 0 is 0. That is Neruoplasticity.

Neurogeneration- It was long thought that "If you lose brain cells, you don't get new ones" but this has since been proven false. You CAN get new brain cells via Neurogenesis, and there are things that are known to promote Neurogenesis, like Marijuana and Ketamine or MXE.

Endocannabinoids- Your body has Cannabinoids inside of it, the same exact Cannabinoids can be found in Sea Urchin eggs aka Sea Urchin Roe.

Cannabinoid Reuptake Inhibitor- Works like modern Anti-Depressants, but instead of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibition, it is Cannabinoid reuptake inhibition. Meaning that your body uses ALL of its endocannabinoids and does not let any go into the blood stream to be sent out as waste.

Research Chemical- Something that has no one has discovered a medical use for yet, but it is in a known class of chemicals that effect the brain. Clinical testing on these gets done every once in a while, but most of the research is done by independent researchers who use themselves as guinea pigs. LSD would be an example of this, except it has now been turned into a scheduled drug. Most drugs that become popular recreationally before they find a medical use, become illegal.
Another word people should know is "Nootropics".

These are things that hit receptors in the brain, but instead of acting like drugs, they stimulate cognitive activity and stuff like that. There are tons of them, and sometimes they even prescribe them in other countries. They are not like ADD medicine, when there is something that "helps you think" or "helps you focus" it is not a stimulant, but an actual cognitive enhancer.


Piracetam: Enhances Cognitive Activity.

Choline: Works with Piracetam, can also be taken alone.

GABA: Used for relaxing

Niacin: Used to increase blood flow in your brain and all over your body

Picamillon: GABA and Niacin to the brain

Alpha-GPC: More biio-available form of Choline

AcetylCholine: More bio-available form of Choline, used in the regulation of dreams.

Ginko Bilboa: Promotes blood flow in the brain

Tryptophan: Makes Dopamine structures more available in the brain

5-HTP: Direct Precursor to Serotonin

Phenethylamine: Promotes cognitive function

There are TONS more, but that is a good place for anyone new to start.
Now for something that a lot of people have forgotten how to do...

Fasting: Many religions involved fasting. If you don't eat for a few days, it will actually cause different brain patterns than usual. You can still drink fluids and some people drink apple cider or apple cider vinegar mixed with honey. I am pretty sure there are people in America that could not even imagine doing this, but it works. It can help you get ideas and all kinds of stuff.

Now for things that not a lot of people have forgotten how to do, but not a lot of people do...

Closing your eyes: If you close your eyes, your brain releases melatonin, this is the action by which you fall asleep. MOST people go all day without closing their eyes except when they go to sleep. If you close your eyes more often, it will change the way you think.

Dizzy states of Consciousness: In some religions, especially Jewish mysticism, it was common for Rabbis to work themselves into a trance state by shaking their heads back and forth, or preforming different rituals that would make them dizzy, and this would allow them to enter a moment of "Unconscious" or "Subconscious" thought.

Lucid Dreaming: This is most easily achieved through a ritual, such as writing "AWAKE" on the back of your hand, then checking to see if you are awake throughout the day. Or other cues that you can look for in your dream. Things you have to read are best because your dreams usually move words around so that they don't say the same things.

Harmony: This is achieved when 2 people hum, chant or sing. If you have ever made a deep vibrating sound with your throat and a friend made the same sound with the same pitch, that sound you hear is harmony. When 2 waves (like the sounds you are making) hit each other at the same Pitch, they will bounce off of each other and create and invisible effect that causes the sound to alter in the air. This is Harmony.
If anyone reading this wants to debate people (like I plan to eventually) write a book. I have not attempted to actually get into too many debates even though I "want to debate" because I have not written a book.

When you debate someone, you should read their book and they should read yours, then you should debate. And people should just write books anyways, that is how historical records are made, and ancient medical texts and historical stuff are kept by people copying them and revitalizing them throughout time.
How To Do Research

Context: Context is KING. If you read a story from a Roman historian about a General for an enemy army, who had morals like a Demon, remember that you are reading a Roman historian. If you are reading something from a Christian, remember you are reading something from a Christian. And keeping things in their timeline can be important too. For example, some Christians think Bibles existed when Jesus was around and don't realize the main texts were the Pentatook and Septuagint and stuff.

Cross Context: If the Christian historians and the Muslim historians both write about something, or if the Greeks and the Carthaginians both had similar stories about the founding of a group, then there may be something to that since 2 enemies both thought it.

Etymology: Discovering where a word comes from can give you more clues about how people used it and what it means.

There are more tools than this, but this should be able to help anyone that randomly feels like learning more about something or writing a book or something.
And just btw, in case anyone didn't notice, pretty much most atheists won't be eligible for debates once they start, since they don't know enough about what they are talking about to write books.

They literally wanted to argue me as if I was part of the Zeitgeist thing. I am not trying to debate documentaries, I am trying to show people how planets were ALWAYS the Gods.
And if any atheists need ideas for a book, I wrote like 3 pages in this thread about how Atheist are really looking for the Christian God, and if they believe in planets they are polytheist. So if you need an idea for an Atheist book, you could prove me wrong and that would make a great book if you could do it.
I also just want to point out, religion only existed at first because humans liked to give credit to the animals that taught them things and the stars they saw.

Humans take too much credit, religion is about giving some credit to nature and the animals that humans learn from.
Something random that people should know:

There are animals that don't age, this is known as Negligible Senescence. Most animals have Telomers on their DNA that lose pieces of themselves each time a new cell is made when your cells split and make new cells. But in these animals, their telomers do not degenerate, so aging is not a factor. They die from disease, or wounds, or other things, but not aging.

This is the basis for most age extension research right now. And it makes everyone think of Vampires when they learn that bats don't age, which may be part of why people have said Vampires live forever in myth.
If anyone is turned of from the idea of debate from watching Atheists and Christians talking to each other, watch Sa Neter TV7. These are the New Black Panther party basically hosting debates between street preaching Hebrew Israelites, Moors, Muslims and Kemetic people. And they get some KNOWLEDGE out.

It's not like these atheist/christian debates where they just sling "Magic man" around, it's REAL KNOWLEDGE. Sometimes some of them are wrong, but someone always has some good knowledge.
More stuff everyone should know about

Guerrilla Art: This is kinda like when Christians put up Nativity scenes, but usually with a Political or Artistic point.

Guerrilla Theater: When people use their bodies in public to demonstrate something, usually political and musical.
A common example of Guerrilla Art apart from Christian stuff, is like when someone writes "War" under the STOP on the stop sign. So it says "STOP War".
If anyone is reading this, you probably know that I have been saying to vote, but have also been saying that people aren't doing their Jobs.

But I think I can point out what is happening here. I personally study religious rights that are legally defended, but are not part of any political party argument. And from this perspective I can kinda see the issue Democrats had and how Republicans won.

The Hobby Lobby case helps all religious people, even me, but Democrats haven't used it yet because it is like an Ebola rag they don't want to touch. But they could have picked it up and used it as a bat by opening up all kinds of cases and getting all kinds of other religions on their side.

Atheists are another big point, Atheists VOTE, but they aren't always as liberal as everyone thinks. Tons of Atheists are interested in "Rights" and there are no Democrats arguing for Atheist rights, because "Rights" is a word that the Tea Party has clinged to, even though the Democrats used to champion Gay rights and other rights, they are almost afraid of rights now, unless it is in the context of something like "Fair wages".

So having said that, I do think that the Republicans being in the house could be good. I have mentioned before that the Tea Party stalled the Government, but from what I can see the Republicans have been trying to separate themselves from the Tea Party, and now they will run the house and will be ready to do their jobs instead of being Tea Party esque.

My religion involves Marijuana, so if anyone doesn't want the Christian party in charge of everything it's me. But I don't hear anyone championing anything. Democrats are just kind of expecting to win because they aren't republicans and that should be enough to prove that they are good for the job.

But there are tons of middle aged Liberals (People you might call Hippies or Minorities or other groups that are usually stereotyped as automatically democrat) that have guns and listen to Ted Nugent. So, when there is no one championing "Fun" issues. I feel like Democrats have started taking themselves much to seriously to be the party of the underdog anymore. At least not in the current time.

For example, Abortion rights are important. Even if someone doesn't want an abortion, they shouldn't let someone else not even get the choice. But Abortion rights aren't something that people focus on constantly, the people who are REALLY pushing for it are usually part of Planned parenthood or in a state where Abortion is being contested or something and the other Democrats just pay lip service. It's not something a majority of democrats think about.

On the other hand TONS of Democrats smoke weed (Or at least would like you to think they do) but they aren't often championing Marijuana issues, because it's not "Serious" and they are "Too serious" for issues like that. But no, you aren't. Those are supposed to be YOUR issues. Marijuana, Minority rights, Gay rights, Women's rights, Under dog's rights, and I just don't see that.

I think that having Republicans that aren't the Tea Party + Obama in Office could end up getting more middle ground stuff done than everyone thinks.
Looks as though a few incumbent douche-bags were voted back into office here in MI, and that may not end up being the best news for mmj patients here. However we were able to slow down those diehard wolf hunters. There were two proposals to again begin to have open-season on the wolves here, as they did last year, but the proposals failed.
And in case anyone hasn't noticed, I am not partisan. I have a ministry, so I am not allowed to be partisan. Marijuana is part of my religion, and I was basically hunted like a witch in Texas, so I have "Liberal" leanings. But I am a minister, and I am not telling people who to vote for. I would rather get the people in charge to feel like we are all watching and get some stuff done.