Waging A Real War On Christmas/Synchronized Hyperspace Event (S.H.E.)

According to Hindu Mythology, Shiva (Marijuana) is Married to Kali (Datura), and Sadhus in India mix these two plants together sometimes when they smoke (as well as things like snake venom on occasion).

Datura when taken in low doses works as an "anti-spasmatic" and general relaxant, at high doses it can cause hallucination and death if too much is taken. It is also famously known as "Jimson weed" for its use in Jamestown, where it was fed to British soldiers so that they would have hallucinations like in the first Batman movie when they smoke that mountain flower.

I am growing some of this right now to mix with bud sometimes when I smoke, I have smoked and eaten small bits of leaves before and I have had a seed pod, but I have never taken enough to Hallucinate. It is not a "Hallucinogen" but makes you Hallucinate via making you delirious.

Datura grows all over the world and is extremely common between West Texas and East California. They are also known as "Angel's Trumpet" because of their large trumpet like flowers, or "Thorn apple" because of their spikey green seed pods.

Traditionally, this has been mixed with Marijuana in low amounts. And when people take it in large amounts, they reporting seeing people who they know and having discussions with them, but they aren't really there. Sometimes people they have not seen for years, or who are no longer alive. Another common occurrence is "phantom cigarettes", where the person thinks they are smoking and will drop the cigarette only to find that there never was one. These effects do not happen at low doses.

There is a clinical version of Datura (The chemical in Datura is Atropine) called "Benztropine", and it can have similar effects.
If anyone is looking for natural Aderall replacements, there is an herb called Bitter Orange. It contains a molecule that works like Norepinepherine, which is the exact mode of action aderall uses.

It is used in/sold for beer making, so I assume that it makes a specialty beer that has stimulant effects. And since it works through the same mode of action as adderall, it should be a good adderall replacement. I can not find much online about its mental effects, but the extract is sold as an appetite suppressant for people who want to diet so I assume it works.

I will try this after Oilahuasca and a few other things, but it is on my list. And if anyone else makes a Bitter Orange beer or something, post about it here.
http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-976-bitter orange.aspx?activeingredientid=976&activeingredientname=bitter orange


Bitter orange is a plant. The peel, flower, leaf, fruit, and fruit juice are used to make medicine. Bitter orange oil is made from the peel.

Bitter orange, both taken by mouth and applied to the skin, has many uses. But so far, science has shown only that the oil, when applied to the skin, might be effective for treatment of fungal skin infections (ringworm, jock itch, and athlete’s foot).

Bitter orange peel is also used to improve appetite, and, in surprising contrast, it is also used for weight loss. Other uses for the fruit and peel are upset stomach, nasal congestion, and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

The bitter orange flower and bitter orange oil are used for gastrointestinal (GI) disorders including ulcers in the intestine, constipation, diarrhea, blood in feces, drooping (prolapsed) anus or rectum, and intestinal gas. These parts of the bitter orange plant are also used for regulating fat levels in the blood, lowering blood sugar in people with diabetes, stimulating the heart and circulation, “blood purification,” disorders of liver and gallbladder, kidney and bladder diseases, and as a sedative forsleep disorders.

Some people use bitter orange flower and its oil for general feebleness, “tired blood” (anemia), impurities of the skin, hair loss, cancer, frostbite, and as a tonic.

Bitter orange peel is applied to the skin for swelling (inflammation) of the eyelid and its lining, as well as the retina in the eye. It is also used for bleeding from the retina, exhaustion accompanying colds, headaches, nerve pain, muscular pain, joint pain,bruises, swelling of the veins (phlebitis), and bed sores.

In aromatherapy, the essential oil of bitter orange is applied to the skin and also inhaled as a painkiller.

In foods, bitter orange oil is used as a flavoring agent. The fruit is used for making marmalades and liqueurs such as Triple Sec, Grand Marnier, Cointreau, and Curacao. Because the fruit is so sour and bitter, it is rarely eaten, except in Iran and Mexico. The dried peel of the fruit is also used as a seasoning.

In manufacturing, bitter orange oil is used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and soaps.

In Asian medicine, the entire dried unripe fruit is used primarily for digestive disorders.

Bitter orange is frequently used in “ephedra-free” products since the FDA banned ephedra in 2004 for serious side effects on the heart. Bitter orange and caffeine, a frequent combination in weight loss and bodybuilding products, can cause high blood pressure and increased heart rate in healthy adults with otherwise normal blood pressure. There is no evidence to suggest that bitter orange is any safer than ephedra.

Bitter orange (synephrine) is considered a banned substance by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).

Before taking bitter orange, talk with your healthcare professional if you take anymedications. It can interact with many drugs.

How does it work?
Bitter orange has many chemicals that affect the nervous system. The concentration and effect of these chemicals can change depending on the part of the plant and the method used for preparation. These chemicals can squeeze blood vessels, increase blood pressure, and cause the heart to beat faster.
Random Marijuana Tips

If your bud is wet, set it on paper towels, do not put bud in the microwave for long periods of time. You can put it in the oven and leave the door cracked using a wooden spoon, this is how jerky is made.

There are dense buds and loose buds. Sometimes loose buds are an indicator that the flower season was interrupted or something, but it can also just be the way some strains naturally are.

If you have ever wondered why Mexican marijuana is bricked, it is because they are trying to ship it. If they figured out some hash screening methods and realized how much seeds cost in America, they could be turning reggie into some bricks of amazing hash and pick a few strains to grow and start sending people up with bags of seeds and ready to chop clones. The drug war would be over pretty quick if people could buy clones and hash regularly on the black market. There would just be too much money in it and the states would have to legalize.

Mixing Marijuana and Tobacco, this is common in Europe, some people say mixing Marijuana and Tobacco boosts the effects.

The difference between hash and resin. Resin has already been burned by fire and contains the ashes that have fallen into your pipe as you smoke. It is basically smoke in solid form mixed with ash, while hash is extracted from the plant material. If you already knew this, then obviously this was not for you. I know it is common knowledge, but there are always new people doing this, and some people think that the black on the inside of their bowl is painted there. (It's not painted, it's resin from you smoking) And that is not an exaggeration, I literally had someone ask me why they paint the bowls when I was smoking with them.

Purple weed is grown by keeping your grow temperatures low, or blasting them with cold at certain periods.

You germinate a seed by putting it in soil and keeping the soil moist, or by putting the seed in a wet paper towel that you squeezed the water out of. Then that paper towel with the seeds is sealed inside a plastic bag.

Veg is the period where your plant is growing its branches and everything.

Flower is where your plant focuses on buds and the branches it has, it takes about 2 months for most plants to finish.

Autoflowers are plant that don't need a flower season and will finish much faster than most plants.

Indica means "From India" Sativa means "Cultivated or to Cultivate"

Marijuana butter is not just for brownies, it can be made in to cookies, put on pizza or made in to pretty much anything.

Curing Marijuana is after you let it dry, where you work with the water left in the stem to make your flowers finish perfectly.

Indoor growing allows you to grow at any time, outdoor season is Spring through Fall and harvest is August-November depending on strain.

UVB light exists in all of Marijuana's natural habitats, this is the same light used in Lizard cages.

CFLs and LEDs are good lights for Veg. LEDs can also be used for Veg, but at least a small wattage of HPS should be added to get the plant to its full potential.

Vaporizing is when you do not actually burn the material, but turn it into a vapor. The effects are not much different.

When you eat Marijuana, it lasts longer and takes 45 minutes to start working. It can also make you feel off balanced and extremely giggly if you only do it occasionally. I am not sure on dosage difference, but I suggest using more MJ for food than you would to smoke, and using trim from your grow is the best way to make the strongest stuff for cheap.

"Landrace" means it is a strain that naturally grows in a region. Ex: If you went to a Brazilian forest and found a marijuana plant that was seeding, those plants would be "Brazilian landrace".

You can grow regular seeds from cheap/bricked Marijuana. As long as the seeds are intact they should be fine and if you can't grow them, you should give them to other people or put them in places where they will grow, like where there are sprinklers.

The reason Marijuana costs so much more (dramatically more) than other produce by the pound is because it is grown in extremely limited amounts, and there aren't any industrial marijuana farms, especially no competing ones.

Feminized seeds are seeds that were made between a Hermie plant and a female plant, all the seeds are female guaranteed. Breeders do this to make sure people aren't getting a bunch of their strain seeds for free.

Just wanted to share that stuff for anyone who is new to this.
A Few More Marijuana Tips

A lot of people say that white walls are fine in a grow, but I promise if you get some Mylar Blankets aka Heat Blankets or Space Blankets for cheap on amazon and use them around your grow to reflect the light back at the plants, you will see a massive difference in your plants.

"Swallowing smoke" is something that happens for new smokers, it is where you accidentally swallow instead of inhaling. Sometimes this causes burps of smoke.

Hotboxing is smoking a joint or blunt in a small space so that the smoke is contained in the area.

Shotgunning, when you turn a joint backwards holding the cherry in your mouth and blow the smoke into someone else's mouth.

Trichombes are the clear little heads that make up the frosty or dusty look on your bud that shines. This is what you are mainly smoking.

Trim is the leaves and stuff that the plant grows in order to get light to grow the buds, and you chop it off, then it is trim.

Sugar leaf is the leaves that don't fully form because they are growing during flower, they also grow trichombes on them more than the other leaves.

If you smoke your Marijuana like a cigarette, you WILL get higher by holding it in a little longer. But if you hold in Marijuana longer than like 10 seconds, you aren't doing anything except possibly causing damage if you have a huge plume of smoke in your lungs.
Some 60s and 70s stuff

Timothy Leary invented LSD out of Ergot, which is found on about 1/3 of all cereal grains (wheat, rye, etc). Near the end of his life he claimed to be able to create controlled hallucinations where people would see angles and other things, simply by using the right light patterns and colors. Ergot itself is thought to be what what caused the Salem witch trials, they hypothesize that it was in the bread, and Ergot that has not been changed into LSD causes permanent mental changes.

You may have heard of the book "One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest", it was written by a man who worked in an insane Asylum. His neighbor was a Doctor and had gotten chosen to be a volunteer for an LSD psychological testing project that he had signed up for, but he was too scared to go, so he gave his ticket to Ken Kesey, Kesey was the man who worked at the Asylum. After the test he started doing acid at home, then at work and he realized that the people in the insane asylum were just regular people that were not treated right or had made bad decisions, then had been passed around by doctors so much that no one even thought of them as people any more. He wrote the book "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest" based on this. Then he used his book money to buy a bus and drive with some friends (They called themselves "The Merry Pranksters" and had a bus named "Furthur" which is Further and Future mixed) across the country. LSD was legal at this time (much like Research Chemicals today, legal to buy, sell, trade, and give away) so they would give it to anyone that wanted it, and even some people that had no idea they were taking it. Which eventually became the "Acid Test" which is where the Grateful Dead started, they were called the Warlocks before they started being the Acid Test house band. Ken Kesey and the Diggers would get everyone together and give them acid (usually in Kool-Aid, sometimes in Turkey sandwiches and other things, there is a book about it called "The electric Kool-Aid Acid Test"). Ken Kesey and timothy Leary met and everyone thought it was going to be awesome, but they did not like each other because Timothy Leary was very clinical while Ken Kessey was much more of a free love and rock and roll oriented person.

Around the Same time came the Black Panthers and the Yippies who were involved in what is now know as "The Chicago 7" or "The Chicago 8" trial. A famous quote about Yippies says "A Yippie is a Hippie who was beaten by the cops" and together with the Black Panthers and the Up Against the Wall Motherfuckers they were the catalysts for almost everything in the 60s (everything that wasn't music). w Bobby Seale was the leader of the Panthers along with Huey Newton, while Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman were the leaders of the Yippies. In the Chicago Trial there was discussion about an event you have probably heard of that involved the Yippies and the Up Against the Wall MotherFuckers. The Yippies passed out flyers telling people to go to the pentagon so everyone could surround it and meditate to get it to float off the ground, then the Up Against the Wall MotherFuckers broke in and spray painted the wall. This was the protest where people were putting flowers in the guns of the soldiers.

The Black Panthers were not actually the violent crime group that people make them out to be. They were responding to police violence in their communities and decided hat THEY wanted tbe the police. So they picked up some Shotguns and Law Books and followed the police to make sure they didn't fuck around. Then concealed weapons laws were made.

The "Yippies" were more of a festival group. They would go around speaking and passing out flyers and planning events, they called it "Liberating Territories" and they would have people fly their flag to show that a territory had been Liberated. Abbie Hoffman wrote "Steal This Book" which had tons of stuff he stole from the diggers, and sparked modern changes in soda machines and pay phones, as well as sparked many of the minds in the Yippie movement.

Eventually came the Riot in Chicago, where police released dogs and used hoses and military tactics. This was the FIRST time the police beat people in front of everyone live on TV, and it shocked everyone that police could ever do that to Americans. But eventually people rationalized it by calling protests "leftist" even though the Hippies were crashing the Democratic national convention, not attending it.

Then came Sasha Shulgin who is known for "rediscovering" ecstasy. The first person to write about it thought it was a complete trash product because he was making something else and ecstasy came out on the side. But one of Shulgins college students told him about it, and he brought it in to the therapeutic and psychological community. later he wrote the books Pihkal and Tihkal, which would give the world HUNDREDS of more psychoactive drugs, and pathways for new drugs. Without him we would hardly understand the brain like we do. Modern ecstasy usually has one of the other things Shulgin invented in it and not actual MDMA, and many are just cut with the much different molecules Caffeine or Meth. If there were a place that made pills like vikadin and oxycontin are made, then it would be much safer. When Shulgin first made ecstasy it involved a laboratory and complex synthesis, now people use Piperonal which is obtained through peppercorns and just stop at MDA because it is easier to make, and some people like it more. Science advances more when we use things properly instead of letting random street dealers who want money make drugs for kids to buy because we want the comfort of calling it "illegal".

The drugs Shulgin made were called "Designer Drugs" because they are made by a designer, meaning, someone thought up the molecule and thought it would be real if they tried to make it (they would predict these things using molecular models, like the hexagons and stuff you saw in Chemistry class). What this inspired me to do is make "Designer Smells", so instead of taking MDMA and DMT and LSD and Mescaline and altering their structures, I want to take (and have predicted some structures) fragrances like Cinnemaldehyde, Lemonene, Damascone, etc. and create new molecules just like he did, so we can have smells that no one has ever smelled before in history.
If you feel like Marijuana is calling you to something "Higher" and you don't just "Feel High" then your God might be Shiva. Shiva is that feeling.

If you feel this, you should read the Rig Veda, which is a 4000 year old religious text dedicated to Shiva and his other forms, like Indra and Rudra. If you have this book you can prove your God as well as or better than any Christian.

If you want to get "Prayer Beads" that turn Marijuana smoking into a Religious Ceremony that ABSOLUTELY PROVES you are not recreationally smoking, the Beads that Represent Shiva/Rudra and the many facets of them is the "Rudraksha Mala". This is meant for Mantras and to be worn when you smoke.

You can also burn Sandal wood, which making whatever space you are using more of a "Shiva Altar".

And if you have an image of Shiva or Kali, and if you have a Marijuana plant, you have built a complete Shiva altar.

You can continue to get more symbols of Shiva, like the Shiva Lingum. And all of this should prove that you are not smoking Marijuana the illegal recreational way, you are doing a legal religious ceremony, protected by US Common Law decided by Supreme Court cases.
And to anyone reading this that smokes weed and grows weed and trolls me on the internet for sharing stuff.

I am not jealous of your plants or hash, don't be jealous of anything I say.

When I said "The hash people make right now is not medical" I meant that you can not use it on a coma patient in a hospital, and I know this because my brother died because the treatment they studied and did successfully in Israel involved injecting Cannabinoids directly into a person and there is no injectable grade Marijuana in Colorado. So I was just sharing the REAL medical method, like they do with ALL medication.

I am not saying that hash sucks, or that you should be jealous of the hash I know how to make. I am literally just sharing information with you. I am not jealous of you, don't act like I killed your cat or ruined your method.

And as I have said before, I am just sharing methods for people to make religious sacraments, and some of them happen to be medical grade. I am not doing this to start a hash company or a dispensary, I don't plan on starting any kind of Marijuana company, I want to open a Marijuana Library/Church for Shiva and my Brother who could have been saved by it if there were more American research and people making the stuff.

And if you want to open a Church or Library for weed also, awesome. Do it. Don't think I am going to be jealous though.

Just trying to make everything clear.
And it won't just be for Marijuana. I am studying all kinds of different plants and oils and smells and stuff. So when I start the thing, I won't even be directly competing with just Marijuana people.

And if you read through my stuff, I have been studying all kinds of plants since I was 14. Marijuana was not the only plant I ever planned on growing, it is just the only plant that has massive amounts of other people growing it. Salvia has quite a few people also, but no where near as many as Marijuana. And I have met a few other people that say they smoke Religiously, but I have only heard of religious smokers with cases like mine.
And once there is a religious Marijuana facility, there will be free clones. I don't know why there is not a place that does that yet, but for sure that will be a thing when the religious facility opens.

And I don't plan on starting this until at least a year or so if not more. I am growing a bunch of different kinds of plants now, and once I get a shelf I am going to start growing more mint species and try making new breeds of plants that have never existed.

During that grow time, I am waging this war on Christmas (Bill O'Reilly's Christmas, not a war on Mithras trees and Gifts), which will go in to Easter. I only expect a few people to get in to it this year, but I am going to turn it into a PDF and make it a book that will exist from now in to forever. And every year we can wage a bigger and bigger war.

But since trees and gifts have nothing to do with Jesus and actually come from the Mithras and Saturnalia and other solstice traditions, we will actually win every year, because they use our religious symbols for their Holiday.

And eventually I will start a Polytheistic temple where Shiva can be honored with a bowl.
And in case anyone didn't notice, most of my profile pictures have been changed to the "Evil Eye Medallion" with some other stuff for the past few months.

This is to keep the Jealous assholes AWAY. Not to have them read my stuff and try to 1 up me. Like literally when I posted the medical hash thread, the first thing people did was post "Here is hash made by a real chemist" as if I was going to get jealous, but I just started talking about their hash like a normal human being. I am not on the internet to be jealous of people, I am on the internet to share information and maybe work towards fixing some shit.

Same with Bitcoin creators, when I was asking for help making a coin, it just made me feel like you were assholes when you made coins to troll me and my dead brother. It didn't make me jealous that you could code coins. I will eventually find someone that is not a dick that will do it for a fair price or just to be part of it at the beginning.
Now, I don't mean to sound like a Feminist here by saying "Patriarchy" but I want to talk about some underlying terms used in America that we don't even realize.

First is "Patriot", this is a reference to the existence of a Patriarchy, without a Patriarchy, you can not be a Patriot. And usually you would not even realize you were part of a Patriarchy, because it would have been founded by Patriarchs. If there were a Matriarchy, we would be "Matriots".

Another word is "United". We are a "Unit", that is how America was made and works best. Unity is kinda Communism.
Police comes from the word "Polis" in some places they are still called the "Polis" and "Policia" in other places. They are the ones that are enforcing "Policy", and in Ancient Greece the "Polis" was the whole town. If you voted and went to a temple you were part of the "Polis", it just meant "Town" really. And now the Police are a separate entity, enforcing policies upon citizens that are outside the "Police". If anyone knows who the Black Panthers were, what they did was walk around their neighborhoods with shotguns and law books, because white police were coming in to black neighborhoods and harassing people. Then concealed weapons laws were passed in America, and the Panthers were considered terrorists.

But there should be people that are either x-lawyers, or lawyers in training or something like that, who you can call when the police mess with you so that there is a 3rd party. Just saying, it's been done before and all it took was some community organization. We ARE the Policy makers, we elect people in, We are the Jury and we are the People.

Also, elections for judges and sheriffs shouldn't be secret. People need to start telling people about these so someone can't just become an asshole judge by running unopposed and not advertising. Also, if anyone has friends that do shitty jobs at desks or accounting for whatever, tell them they could probably be Mayor or Comptroller or whatever. All it takes to win a campaign is a campaign in some towns.