Waiting for the next shoe to fall.

Other shoes ya mean @Unclebaldrick, since you are dealing with a millipede and there are shoes flying off the beast left and right! Here is a memory from the recent past, the last impeachment of king shit and his acquittal by the senate.
Ukraine Releases ‘Shock’ Call With Giuliani As Trump’s Impeachment Trial Begins | Time

Exclusive: Ukraine Releases ‘Shock’ Call With Giuliani As Trump’s Second Impeachment Trial Begins

“Let these investigations go forward,” Rudy Giuliani told the presidential headquarters in Kyiv, Ukraine, his voice turning impatient. “Get someone to investigate this.” On the other end of the line, hunched over a speakerphone, two Ukrainian officials listened in disbelief as Giuliani demanded probes that could help his client, then-President Donald Trump, win another term in office.

The 40-minute call, a transcript of which was obtained by TIME, provides the clearest picture yet of Giuliani’s attempts to pressure the Ukrainians on Trump’s behalf. The President’s personal lawyer toggled between veiled threats—“Be careful,” he warned repeatedly—and promises to help improve Ukraine’s relations with Trump. “My only motive—it isn’t to get anybody in trouble who doesn’t deserve to be in trouble,” Giuliani said. “For our country’s sake and your country’s sake, we [need to] get all these facts straight,” he added. “We fix them and we put it behind us.”

The conversation on July 22, 2019, kicked off the campaign of intimidation that resulted in Trump’s first impeachment. For a year and half, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his aides said little about their interactions with Giuliani, not wanting to anger an emissary of the U.S. President. But now, as the Trump era ends with a historic second impeachment trial, the Ukrainians have begun to speak up about the circumstances that led to the first. They are also taking steps that could imperil Giuliani and his Ukrainian allies.

Igor Novikov, who served as a close adviser to Zelensky during Trump’s first impeachment, says he is willing to assist an ongoing federal investigation of Giuliani that is reportedly underway in New York, as well as a separate effort to strip Giuliani of his license to practice law. Zelensky’s government has taken legal action against Giuliani’s Ukrainian associates. And they have opened up to the media about the pressure campaign mounted by Trump and his allies. On Feb. 3, Novikov sent TIME a transcript of the Giuliani call, whose accuracy TIME has independently verified.

Giuliani did not respond to a detailed list of questions about the transcript of his call with the Ukrainian officials, the Ukrainian support for his disbarment and the federal investigation.

In a series of interviews, Zelensky’s advisers say their motives are not to get even with Giuliani or merely clarify the historical record. Their goal is to rebuild relations with the U.S. now that President Joe Biden has taken office. “The past is the past,” Zelensky told TIME in a statement on Feb. 4. “I care deeply about the future of our relationship with the United States, so I want to focus on that.”

The Ukrainian moves highlight the raft of fresh threats to Trump and his associates now that he has left office. Under the Constitution, impeachment by the House and a conviction by the Senate are the remedies for presidential misconduct. Trump is now likely to escape conviction for the second time. Yet his critics don’t have to rely on Congress to punish Trump and his allies. They are finding ways to do it themselves: through libel lawsuits, criminal investigations, pressure to ban his social media accounts and other means.

The costs are mounting for Giuliani and his associates, especially the Russian agents and Ukrainian politicians who aided his crusade to get Trump re-elected in 2020. In the final days of Trump’s term, the U.S. government sanctioned seven of these men—all Ukrainian citizens—for being part of a “Russia-linked foreign influence network” that promoted Giuliani’s spurious claims against the Bidens.

Zelensky’s government has launched its own counter-offensive against Giuliani and his enablers in Ukraine. It moved to shut down several Ukrainian media outlets that broadcast unsubstantiated claims of corruption against the Biden family, which Giuliani spent more than a year trying to prove and publicize. One of the Ukrainian lawmakers who helped him, Oleksandr Dubinsky, was kicked out of Zelensky’s political party on Feb. 1.

Potentially more worrying for Giuliani is the Ukrainian support for the investigations he is reportedly facing in New York. Novikov tells TIME that he is providing assistance to a legal campaign to revoke Giuliani’s law license. Novikov is also open to helping the investigation that the former New York City mayor is reportedly facing in the Southern District of New York, the same office where Giuliani made his name as a prosecutor in the 1980s.
What the fuck happened to that guy? Rudy seemed like a reasonable person 20 years ago (in a relative sense, anyway). My guess is that he let his
"America's mayor" thing go to his head and then had a huge letdown when he ran for POTUS and got a tepid, at best, response.

Poor Rudy. Now he's an utterly pathetic joke - and he doesn't get it.
Looking forward to your corroborating documentation: .............

That’s a timeline, BTW. As I say, looking forward to your documentation of cultural oppression in the rest of the world that PREDATES the Barbados sugar plantations, and the importation of African “livestock” to the future USA, and the eruption of the Confederacy.

Why is it that you young people always need "Documentation" when a casual conversation takes place on any forum let alone
a weed forum....wtf? I neither want or care enough to provide you with anything but anecdotal evidence.

Since this IS a weed forum......... are you a pro flush or a non flush kinda guy......please provide documentation for why your wrong....
Why is it that you young people always need "Documentation" when a casual conversation takes place on any forum let alone
a weed forum....wtf? I neither want or care enough to provide you with anything but anecdotal evidence.

Since this IS a weed forum......... are you a pro flush or a non flush kinda guy......please provide documentation for why your wrong....
You've been here long enough to know that trolls are constantly making new sock puppets every day. If someone is bothering you, ignore them.

Telling us how cool you are and above the conversation is just trolling us. You are in the political section of a weed forum.

"Documentation" is a good way to figure out where you got brainwashed if you are a real person and not another in the endless line of sock puppets.
You've been here long enough to know that trolls are constantly making new sock puppets every day. If someone is bothering you, ignore them.

Telling us how cool you are and above the conversation is just trolling us. You are in the political section of a weed forum.

"Documentation" is a good way to figure out where you got brainwashed if you are a real person and not another in the endless line of sock puppets.

My point exactly.....In a political section of a weed forum....why would documentation be needed in casual conversation??
I mean if you really want political banter, go where the truly brainwashed are and debate with zealots that dont share youre
ideology......have fun with that.

I'm not above the conversation....but what conversation you talking about??
This is just a group of like minded patting themselves on the back and stroking their egos.
A true political forum would debate both sides, listen to different opinions and stop with the ad hominin attacks.....
But yes, this is a weed forum so swing from the bars. hang from your tails and beat your chests till you
drive out all the non believers.

I'm going to smoke now.....you guys continue to get angry and enjoy your day.
My point exactly.....In a political section of a weed forum....why would documentation be needed in casual conversation??
I mean if you really want political banter, go where the truly brainwashed are and debate with zealots that dont share youre
ideology......have fun with that.

I'm not above the conversation....but what conversation you talking about??
This is just a group of like minded patting themselves on the back and stroking their egos.
A true political forum would debate both sides, listen to different opinions and stop with the ad hominin attacks.....
But yes, this is a weed forum so swing from the bars. hang from your tails and beat your chests till you
drive out all the non believers.

I'm going to smoke now.....you guys continue to get angry and enjoy your day.
You don't have to give it, but that doesn't mean other people have to pretend like you are not one of the other endless lines of sock puppet trolls telling us shit like we have to pretend it is in any way not a troll.

This is just a group of like minded patting themselves on the back and stroking their egos.
A true political forum would debate both sides, listen to different opinions and stop with the ad hominin attacks.....
But yes, this is a weed forum so swing from the bars. hang from your tails and beat your chests till you
drive out all the non believers.

You are too used to forums full of sock puppets supporting your bullshit man.


The 'both sides' shit is just more trolling. Either your pushing the nonsense (paid troll (foreign and domestic)) or are a useful idiot pushing it because you truly believe the lies you have been told over and over.

I'm going to smoke now.....you guys continue to get angry and enjoy your day.
Enjoy. Not only do you show how little you understand about the Russian militaries attack on our nation that you think you can tell who is 'angry', but even thinking it is 'people' is a big assumption if you are new to a forum.
Why is it that you young people always need "Documentation" when a casual conversation takes place on any forum let alone
a weed forum....wtf? I neither want or care enough to provide you with anything but anecdotal evidence.

Since this IS a weed forum......... are you a pro flush or a non flush kinda guy......please provide documentation for why your wrong....
“You young people” - I love it when fools piss themselves trying to sound big....

Listen, JUNIOR, I’ve been following US politics since THE McCARTHY HEARINGS - and I’ve *kept up*. It’s obvious that you either don’t know or don’t care what’s going on: you’ve picked your team and maybe you’re entertained by all the ridiculous bullshit that makes up your team’s shit-talk, but you make it crystal clear that “you guys” get to say whatever crap you want and you expect it to be swallowed and rule the day.

It’s perfectly fine if you want to be a lying shit and get away with...but it’s NOT okay with *me* or with anyone else who doesn’t subscribe to your fake-news troll gang that you get away with it. “Anecdotal evidence” my ASS: you’re just another shit-talking troll who thinks all this is funny. A pretend patriot I wouldn’t trust to flush a toilet properly, much less know anything true to even say.

You think you’re immune to the shit you spew, that the nation is immune to the toxic treasonous attacks y’all’ve been cheering and regurgitating...but you’re as much a liar, a traitor, a fool as the suit-wearing treason monkeys you cheer on - you think they’re going to sort the rest of us out for you. You think guns, lies, and the overthrow of the country’s government is a cool game, a swell ride, you think you’re invulnerable. You think you’re on the winning team.

You will not win. Your treason brothers will not win. Your Chuck Norris fan club won’t win. The professional brain washers you dote on will not win. In fact, you make it crystal clear you don’t understand any of this: you’re like the eight-year-old thug wannabe who skips school, then hangs around outside the classrooms, smoking cigarettes and making faces at the other third-graders. You may know how to evade a truant officer, you may be able to hot wire a car, you may be good at B&E, you may grow decent weed - you certainly know how to show your ass - but you don’t know shit about this nation, its history, its constitution...much less what’s really going on. In the USA, in DC - maybe in your head.

I blame Abraham Lincoln for his “all is forgiven” response to the horrors of slavery *and* the horrors of civil war...though had he not been SHOT AND KILLED BY ONE OF THEM, it might have worked out as he wished, but the bottom line is that he failed to deal with your slaver ancestors (and mine) as they *needed* to be dealt with; if he had, ALL this would have been settled generations ago...and y’all’d have had to find some other lost cause to preen and strut about.

Traitors by themselves are bad enough; hidden generations of traitors hiding in plain sight, worming their way into the justice system, the military, law enforcement for more than 100 years...”real, ‘patriotic’ Americans”...*THAT* is the danger facing the USA - *THAT* is the bone-deep CONFEDERATE “patriotism” that has brought us to this point - *THAT* is the viper we have held so close and allowed to sink its fangs into us, over and over. It is the source of the poison in our political veins, the root and fruit of treason, hate, and vengeance that has dogged us ever since 1865...the snake that should have been chopped into pieces and fed to the fire at Appomattox.

OB.WEED: can’t “flush” the plant, flush the medium if it needs it. Duh. Learn what “documentation” means.
Last edited:
As I said......weed forum political views.

McCarthy eh?.......Lets do some math. Hearings in 1954, you obviously followed politics then, so I'll
say you were 14 or older.......That makes you 80 or more.......Dude, let it lie, nothing you do or say
is going to effect your life......just relax.....big breath in......slowly out.

I'm not trying to win.....I'm just not a fan of your ad hominin attacks. I voted NDP last election.(look it up)
I just cant take this "Bully" attitude you spew. learn to listen then react, not just spew venom that makes you look
cruel and uneducated before even giving it a second thought.

Chuck Norris and Lincoln in the same post.....wow, hard to argue with either of those two great Americans.....
I really dont care what goes on in your nation, your right I dont give
a shit. I come from a different place.....when we have shitty leaders we wait them out.
We dont ramp up the other side like you do and then wonder what happened to our country....... WTF?
I dont post here because of my give a shit one way or another what you do to your country......again WTF?
The internet is used by the world......get off your fricken high horse.......McCarthy :roll:, I've been following politics
since Deifenbaker....and how he sold out the Avro Arrow to you dumb asses, and signed the Auto pack.

You guys remind me of Karen....here, a trigger word for you....."Capitalism"

PS. Correct about the medium flush.....but I just said flush, not plant or medium. Why dont you give us your
explanation on why it is or isn't needed......if it helps you can use documentation or even references.
My point exactly.....In a political section of a weed forum....why would documentation be needed in casual conversation??
I mean if you really want political banter, go where the truly brainwashed are and debate with zealots that dont share youre
ideology......have fun with that.

I'm not above the conversation....but what conversation you talking about??
This is just a group of like minded patting themselves on the back and stroking their egos.
A true political forum would debate both sides, listen to different opinions and stop with the ad hominin attacks.....
But yes, this is a weed forum so swing from the bars. hang from your tails and beat your chests till you
drive out all the non believers.

I'm going to smoke now.....you guys continue to get angry and enjoy your day.

About half of the Republican Party believe Democrats are in league with Illuminati and eat babies while following the Protocols of Zion.
Another quarter want to re-locate all dark skinned people "back to where they came from".
The last 25% actually believe that trickle down economics not only work but are the only moral option for this country to follow.

Before you go on about "both sides the same", you need to spend some time explaining why those different groups are to be listened to.
Before you go on about "both sides the same", you need to spend some time explaining why those different groups are to be listened to.
Because the vote is not given out to intelligence but in regards to citizenship. Because of that it may be be better to treat them as a frog, just increase the temperature slowly.
They just kicked the can a little farther down the road.
They kicked it into the courts, state ones for now, the federal ones might wait for a congressional commission first, for some indictments at least, particularly conspiracy to commit insurrection and that could involve others like Rudy and congress people. Then after criminal conviction for insurrection they could apply the 14th amendment to disqualify him with a simple senate majority.
They kicked it into the courts, state ones for now, the federal ones might wait for a congressional commission first, for some indictments at least, particularly conspiracy to commit insurrection and that could involve others like Rudy and congress people. Then after criminal conviction for insurrection they could apply the 14th amendment to disqualify him with a simple senate majority.
But they could have made a statement, is Trump running the Republican party?
As I said......weed forum political views.

McCarthy eh?.......Lets do some math. Hearings in 1954, you obviously followed politics then, so I'll
say you were 14 or older.......That makes you 80 or more.......Dude, let it lie, nothing you do or say
is going to effect your life......just relax.....big breath in......slowly out.

I'm not trying to win.....I'm just not a fan of your ad hominin attacks. I voted NDP last election.(look it up)
I just cant take this "Bully" attitude you spew. learn to listen then react, not just spew venom that makes you look
cruel and uneducated before even giving it a second thought.

Chuck Norris and Lincoln in the same post.....wow, hard to argue with either of those two great Americans.....
I really dont care what goes on in your nation, your right I dont give
a shit. I come from a different place.....when we have shitty leaders we wait them out.
We dont ramp up the other side like you do and then wonder what happened to our country....... WTF?
I dont post here because of my give a shit one way or another what you do to your country......again WTF?
The internet is used by the world......get off your fricken high horse.......McCarthy :roll:, I've been following politics
since Deifenbaker....and how he sold out the Avro Arrow to you dumb asses, and signed the Auto pack.

You guys remind me of Karen....here, a trigger word for you....."Capitalism"

PS. Correct about the medium flush.....but I just said flush, not plant or medium. Why dont you give us your
explanation on why it is or isn't needed......if it helps you can use documentation or even references.
Maybe we’ll talk when you get some years on you; in the meantime, enjoy hiding behind your keyboard!