Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

The game has began.. I have my water on all is ready .. Time to pump out 14 pans of Lasana Im doing 4 at a time .. Im baking drinking rum and cokes and got 6 grams of shrooms ready to go ... Cheers
Well Vette is bustling around today. Not me, I think I'm sick, I think I might have the flu or something. My daughter works with kids, I'm pointing at her as the carrier. Blah.....
oh yes, in my foul feeling stupor I forgot about that, that perks me up. Damn I hope someone put the Netflix in the mailbox for me or someone who isn't me is going to drive across town later to mail thoe babies.
Bummer Miss... sorry to hear that .. But good news is coming ..I can feel it ... :clap::clap::clap::clap:

sounds like ur in for a wild ride vette, lol.

bought to have some grand daddy, i bought an icy optimo to roll it up in. ever tried icy optimos? you probably don't smoke blunts, but try it out..go to ur nearest liquor store and buy one..let me know what you think, i think mint+weed = amazing..
The game has began.. I have my water on all is ready .. Time to pump out 14 pans of Lasana Im doing 4 at a time .. Im baking drinking rum and cokes and got 6 grams of shrooms ready to go ... Cheers
Damn Vette! You know I always tease you about being your sister....there really might be something to it!!! You cook like me!! I WISH I WAS THERE..

Well Vette is bustling around today. Not me, I think I'm sick, I think I might have the flu or something. My daughter works with kids, I'm pointing at her as the carrier. Blah.....
Hope you feel better! Every time one of my kids would come home with a sniffle I knew I would soon be sick...take vitamins:)
Glad to hear you are smarter than me Twisty!! Good for you. The flu I just got over was a killer! Go get that needle and get back here and bake.
Twisty- Poor baby! I hate needles. Prolly the only thing that kept me a smoker all these years, even a buzz wasn't worth a needle. (shudders)
Don't ask me why I got so much ink, tho (tattoos). I am a big baby even with them.

Sunny- I dunno, last year they didn't get the rite one for the vaccine, and a bunch of people who got the shot still got sick. Me, I never get that stuff, I figure what doesn't kill me makes me stronger. But I also have an herbal remedy that keeps me from ever getting sick, it seems. Called Manroot Tonic.

Vette- Hmmmmm, what did YOU get into last nite? Did your lasagna win? (Getting hungry again.) I drank one of those Smirnoff 'Raz'es last nite and they sucked. Back to beer!

Getting in the net time I can, we are going out on the horses as a family, prolly do the picnic thing. I have a fucked up elbow, so I can't ride (*bleep bleep bleep*) but I am walking the horse that the girls are gonna ride. Then we gotta get hooked up and I gotta get crickets for the friggin pac man frog.

Here is the last, puffin in ya'lls honor!:joint:
I ate some shrooms also yesterday .. Whoa ... It was insane ,, had the visuals and all .. very intense I looked at the pasta and it looked like worms .. I took a seat for an hr ..
So with the schrooms and all, is any of that lasagne "special" ?

Oh no .. The Special ones are all gone now .. I been eating them for two weeks now . and gave my brother in law some .. I killed them off last night drank 4-5 large rum and cokes .. and smoked a bunch of bowls .. Im hurting today ,, The booze kills me Im not a big drinker anymore