Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
There you are.. :p... Boy I was thinking about turkey soup last night..Thats what I love about turkey time..boil the bones and make primo soup. Mmmm ! What you been up too.. ?
Hey Twisty . Nothing much , Took the kids home yesterday been relaxing , Cleaning house , getting ready to get the tree, Taking care of ChinaCat, She is having surgery on the 23rd so X- Mas will be a quiet one this year,, That should be fun with 3 kids jumping around .. And in between all that smoking some bowls .. :-P


Well-Known Member
Hey Twisty . Nothing much , Took the kids home yesterday been relaxing , Cleaning house , getting ready to get the tree, Taking care of ChinaCat, She is having surgery on the 23rd so X- Mas will be a quiet one this year,, That should be fun with 3 kids jumping around .. And in between all that smoking some bowls .. :-P
Wow... All my love to your lady..:hug: Hope nothing serious.... holiday boo boo's suck..... glad you had a good family time.......
Sites slow AGAIN today...... :shock:


New Member
Call me crazy but I like to get up around 4:30 and go outside and soak in the pre dawn morning..... then I scurry off to bed again before the sun actually appears .. Screw the SUNrise!! ... I just won't give it the satisfaction....

Besides, I then get to double bake...toasty dog cuddles...mmmm

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The best buzz is when you get up at 4:00am to have a piss...you smoke a joint go back to bed, and when you wake up the stone is great... nothing beats a pre dawn high.... Like camping when you're out at 4 -5 am poking the fire and smoking a twisty... all is right in the world..... :)


New Member
The best buzz is when you get up at 4:00am to have a piss...you smoke a joint go back to bed, and when you wake up the stone is great... nothing beats a pre dawn high.... Like camping when you're out at 4 -5 am poking the fire and smoking a twisty... all is right in the world..... :)
your my hero....:hump:


Well-Known Member
Hay, whuzzup guys?

Still no bakey here, must wait till tomarrow. GOD I gotta grow my own!!!

One of my favorite buzzes was at the river, with the kids playin and me and the hubby kicked back after gorgin on campfire food and smores and catchin one..... Gotta wait till the summer to enjoy those again.... Snuggled up at the fire buzzes ain't bad either, tho.... Oh, and cocoa, MUST have cocoa.


Well-Known Member

Fathers Day Weekend
Manchester, Tn

LOL... vette the Bonnaroo poster guy... does sound great though... Not too many good outdoor events left... we used to have a St Jean de Baptist day weekend concert with 250,000 people sleeping out under the stars on the side of Mt. Royal..
Love those festival shows...