Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


New Member
Yes I have a myspace, but I don't spend much time there. It's mostly for keeping in contact with friends that have moved away and neices and nephews, stuff like that.


Well-Known Member
its okay to admit it, its the first step...

yeah, seeing as most of my friends live kinda far, and have lives, its a good way to keep in touch. i use it for promoting events too, i can send countless digital flyers for free, fuck the printers.


New Member
I have a ton of housework to get done today. The house had a spit shine on it for thanksgiving and now it just looks like spit. Blah, it sucks to be the "maid"...........


Well-Known Member
i am maid, mom, dad, breadwinner, buttwiper, chef, chief entertainer, head bowl smoker(i said BOWL!!), and one bad motherfucker. hear me roar!


Well-Known Member
oh no...no lighter...how am I to wake and bake....I'm devastated..
Start rubbing sticks (not that stick !!) together........:joint:

I have a ton of housework to get done today. The house had a spit shine on it for thanksgiving and now it just looks like spit. Blah, it sucks to be the "maid"...........
I don't get my con friend..he's anal about sweeping his cell and stomps mud all over my WHITE carpet..... I just don't need this....:roll:


Well-Known Member
I have a ton of housework to get done today. The house had a spit shine on it for thanksgiving and now it just looks like spit. Blah, it sucks to be the "maid"...........
I feel ya, my nephews got to our bathroom wall with crayons :neutral:
Idk how i'ma get that shit off. *flamethrower*:twisted:


Well-Known Member
My 1st & last birthday party we'd drawn a target and was shooting spoons of ice cream at the wall... crayon marks..... ?? How do you get a hand print off your ass......... 48 years later......... Stupid no ice cream at walls rule...