Getting it set up for my birthday, thanks!Good luck with your grow.
Getting it set up for my birthday, thanks!Good luck with your grow.
Sorry to hurt your feelings I Will Never Leave... lol too much fun on here!Bye tard
I don't conform to churches or all the fake stories in the bible about kings, and lords, or that jesus was a jew. Jews are corrupt and demonic. Explain the pyramids and why history was soo fucking fake? And why we had to program our blind minds to accepting this? I know Jesus your local Mormon church: they are always willing to listen.
That makes you aWhat a stupid, shitty thread
Or stop being a pussy and drop a high dose of LSD!Or just strap up to a rocket and see it for yourself
Sorry to hurt your feelings I Will Never Leave... lol too much fun on here!
I remember my first beerThat makes you a
Or stop being a pussy and drop a high dose of LSD!
I'm taking odds on if you'll make it through a second week!
Unreal why when you look up in a telescope at other planets they look round? The earth is not flat.
First off this Covid-19 was created in the Wuhan lab in China as a bioweapon to depopulate us! All planned!
And Miley Cyrus has been brainwashed by the Mk ultra to be a sex slave/musician/puppet for the Illuminati. I prefer not to watch demons or drink the demonic poison that blinds you.Noone stays the same. You'll grow older. Maybe not wiser.
I never said it wasUnreal why when you look up in a telescope at other planets they look round? The earth is not flat.
This just reminds me how this is not the first time I stayed home to make sure my dumbass doesn't bring home a virus to my wife.Noone stays the same. You'll grow older. Maybe not wiser.