Wakin Bacon Closet Grow

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Did a quick water change this morning. PH took a nose dive down to 5.36 :confused: , so I dumped the water and cleaned out the bucket. Very, very minimal dust this time around. :clap: PH is now 5.8 and PPM 286. :)

The roots have yet to reach the bottom of the net pot. So, I placed the net pot on an empty bucket and ran some of the freshly mixed water over the hydroton to make sure her roots are still getting what they need. (Top feeding?) I did this over an empty bucket because I didn't want any left over dust going into my new water. I think I will do this every day at least once a day. I will try to stay away from the rock wool beneath the surface and mainly target the roots instead. Anyone feel this is a good idea? Also, I have looked into other plants that are about two weeks old and they seem to be much bigger than mine. Not all, but a good bit of em. I am guessing I should have been top feeding this entire time since I went straight to a bucket instead of switching to larger ones as the plant grew. Guess I should've written sh!t while doing research. :wall: No worries, though. Not many people succeed without finding failure along the way. That being said, hope I don't fail all together. :lol:

Oh, on another note, my bag seed White Russian has yet to pop. :finger: I have given up hope at this point. I have heard of some stubborn seeds, but :cuss:!

Happy Sunday!! Enjoy the tunes!! :bigjoint:


Wakin Bacon

Active Member
PH - 5.83
PPM - 283
Air - 76
Hum - 47

Took the above numbers a few minutes ago. Fed from the top again this morning as well. Still have some yellowing going on, but growth is still going. Did some more research on top feeding and I think I will do this a few times throughout the day. Any input on this? I'll post mas fotos later.

I think I am going to start germination on one of the other seeds today, just not sure which one. But, after germination this one will be moved to a 3 inch net pot.....6 inch after that.....and then maybe a 10 inch. I am just not happy with the growth rate of the 10 inch net pot. To me, it seems logical that the faster the roots get to water the faster overall growth. Anyone got any input on this?

As always, more tunes! :bigjoint:


Wakin Bacon

Active Member

In order: 20 June, 21 June, and 24 June.

As you can see, still got some yellowing and not very dark at all. However, since the water change and since I started feeding from the top I can tell she loves it. So I will step it up on the top feeding from now on until her roots are showing through the bottom of the net pot. The water is bubbling quit nicely about 1/2 inch or so from the bottom of the net pot anxiously waiting for the root's arrival.

Still no input on any of this? :confused:

Must be the music. :lol: How bout something a little different? Ok, a lot. :shock:


Wakin Bacon

Active Member
good song, and yeah, should could use a few more ppms of feeding. id say a total of 300-400.
Thanks for the feedback b. real!

I was thinking about that, but I am kinda reluctant out of fear of killing her. But, they'll be getting upped for sure if the progress continues. I just went back to look at her and the leaves were perked up 2 hours after being fed! One of them damn near straight up! The dark lush color that I've never seen on her is starting to appear! Is that natural? So fast? :grin:


Well-Known Member
Regardless of soil or hydro, you really should cover the carpet in the closet. It's gonna get soaked and get moldy. Maybe a couple of those rubber entry-way mats at Home Depot.


Well-Known Member
If you haven't looked into T5 HO lights for vegging, you should. Very little heat, and veggin' plants love the lights. Not to mention that they don't suck up a ton of electricity. How many bulbs really depends on how many plants you plan on veggin' at the same time. I grow two plants under one 2' four-bulb light all the way up to flipping 'em to 12/12. I probably could grow 3 if my cabinet was big enough.

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Regardless of soil or hydro, you really should cover the carpet in the closet. It's gonna get soaked and get moldy. Maybe a couple of those rubber entry-way mats at Home Depot.

Thanks for the feedback lilroach! Ya posts just made me realize I never posted pics of my finished set up. Man, I am slackin! I will get on that manana.

I ended up enclosing a 4x4x7 area in the closet with panda film. Did the floor as well. I am running a 400 watt MH with dimmable ballast at the moment. Right now it's set on 50%. When it's time to flower I will take out the MH bulb and throw in a HPS and crank it up. I have slowly started researching other stuff for my next grow, but right now gonna stick it out with what I got. Still have yet to get a carbon filter and inline fan. I'll be getting that in the next month or so. Where is a good place to get my hands on some T5s? I have been seeing good things about them in the forums. And I think they would make a great addition when I create a separate veg. area.

Initially I wanted to grow three or four plants, but I decided to build a mini SCROG net and SCROG this bitch this time around.

I may end up starting some different strains from seed and taking some cuttings for clones at some point. I'll just keep em in smaller pots so they don't get out of control in size in the veg area.

Man, I am tired a shit. I fell asleep typin this shit. Takin my ass to bed. I'll post pics and finish this shit tomorrow sometime. :sleep:

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Ok, I am back! Finally woke up! :lol:

How things have changed since the 24th. Let's see here, germinated White Widow and Northern Lights. They are in Root Riot cubes now, and the Northern Lights is about two inches tall and the White Widow is about an inch tall. Both have the taproot showing through the bottom of the cube. They have only been in the cubes for a day and a half under 400 watt MH at 50% power. Seems to be growing a good bit faster than the bubblegummer that was in rockwool.

Speaking of the bubblegummer, I performed open heart surgery on her, and transplanted her out of the rockwool. I can tell she didn't like it, but she lost very minimal root and am hoping for a speedy and full recovery. In all honestly, I really don't care about the bubblegummer that much as it was a practice seed and a freebee. I feel the little bit of experience so far with her has done me well. There are a couple reasons why I did the transplant. First: Just to see if it can be done! Not really a lot of info on it out there. Just most people just say, "OMG, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Second: The rockwool was getting funky. Guessing because the damn thing was never drying out at all. The new cubes are working FANTASTIC!

Went to wally world and bought a little 3.5 gallon tub with lid for under 5 bucks. Cut two holes in the lid for my three inch net pots and drilled two holes in the side for my air lines to go through. Put a little more than a gallon of water in with 1/4 tsp calmag (PPM 30) and adjusted the PH down to 5.6. I then took my razor and the two three inch net pots and cut the little circle in the bottom out. So now I have about a 1/2 inch circle in the bottom of my net pots. My root riot cubes with there little plastic housing has a hole a tad bit smaller in the bottom than the net pots do. I cut those out of the tray they came in, too. They fit perfectly in the net pot. So the tap root that is showing is already getting misted with water. This is of course temporary set up. They will be transplanted to six inch net pots and a larger bucket later when the roots get going good.

Here are some pics of what I am talking about. As always, any advice is welcome and enjoy the music. :bigjoint:



Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Shits going good. Threw the Bubblegummer out because it wasn't worth my time anymore.


Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Still going good. Started with nutes, but I waited for them to ask me for them first. Growth has picked up tremendously and they look lush and healthy. Can't wait for em to get some size.

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Still going good. White Widow is ready for its permanent home. Root growth on that joker is chugging right along. The Northern Lights on the other hand is just taking it's sweet ass time with root growth. But it still looks healthy. I was thinking it was maybe the root riot staying a little to wet so this morning I put some more hydroton under the root riot cube to raise it up. We'll shall see how it goes.

Anyways, here's a pic. Think this is day 20?

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Shits still going really good. They've been in 5 gallon buckets for 6 days now so lots of growth since the 24th. Going to top them tomorrow when I do a res change. I'll probably post pictures then.

Wakin Bacon

Active Member

The pic below is from 24 July.


4 Aug.


12 Aug.


You can see some spotting on them in the newer pics. I am guessing slight nute burn from when I left town for a few days. They drank more water then nutes so the PPMs went up and the water level went down. Anyone care to correct me if I am wrong about that? I gradually increased nutes with res change every Saturday or Sunday. PH (5.8-6.0) has been a DREAM with these two lovely ladies. I only had to adjust the PH once on the NL yesterday. Checked it again a little while ago and she is holding steady. I will stay with the current ppm range (600-630) for the remainder of veg unless I see deficiencies. I don't think I will though. Just topping off with distilled cal/mag water. Oh they have been topped as well. The WW has her two new tops already and the NL is taking her time. I also have some H202 coming along with a cool tube. Gonna replace the clear air lines with black ones today as well and throw another air stone in the WW bucket evening things out with two per bucket. Think that bout sums it up for now.


Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Decided to tie the ladies down today. I've got some Skunk #1 and some Special Kush I am itching to get started, too.

White Widow


Northern Lights



Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Well, I finally took two good size cuts for clones from the WW. Hope they do just like their mum and grow like crazy. Decided not to use a humidity dome either. Just some Clonex, root riot cubes soaked to 5.6, and 1/4 tsp of GH three part in one gallon of water. PPMs came out to be like 160 or so. I saw a grower on another forum do it this way and was having great success. Also read that there are people that don't do shit but take a cut and stick it in a DWC and they are good to go. Pretty interesting stuff. Gotta find out for myself though!

Other than that shits still going good. Gotta get this carbon filter going soon, too. These ladies have been stinking up the house for the last 2 or 3 weeks! Oh, the new ActiveAqua 70 lpm air pump seems to encourage faster growth as well. No surprise there, looks like the water is possessed by the way it's bubbling in those buckets. I heard people say it gets hot and it's loud, but it works fine to me. Stuck in the corner with a fan on it, made sure my lines were a little bit longer, and my water temps went down by like 3-4 degrees. Now I just hope it lasts a while. PEACE

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Let the ladies go free yesterday when I took the clones. The NL is taking her sweet ass time! Lazy ass!! Kinda disappointed with her, but I have patience. :bigjoint:
