
That's strange.

I didn't know that democrats had such an affinity for Polish people.
Why do you suppose the video keeps them from fraternizing w/ people from Poland? ;)

Unless you meant "polls" as in "voter polling places".
But it couldn't be that since if you could make such a glaring mistake in the POLITICAL section of the forums it kinda proves you don't have the mental acumen to really understand much about politics.

When I hear someone insult the intelligence of another with a differing opinion, I'm pretty sure they haven't made the transition from ATTACKS to FACTS. They have run out of ammunition and now must resort to insults...
When I hear someone insult the intelligence of another with a differing opinion, I'm pretty sure they haven't made the transition from ATTACKS to FACTS. They have run out of ammunition and now must resort to insults...
Too bad you didn't go past the third post.
Where were "the facts" in the post I replied to?

I still stipulate that if you're going to argue about politics you should know something about the processes and terms.
Do you have any facts you'd like to add?

If you can answer either of those questions with content you're doing much better than those you defend. ;)
I still frequent another forum where the MOD puts a big fat gay rainbow under the names of all the whiners. Stands out like a sore thumb and looks great too. :eyesmoke:
I'm glad you liked it when he did it to you.
It seems to be a trend today that anyone that points out inconvenient facts is immediately labeled a whiner.

You guys need to hire more writers since the ones you have can't seem to do much but impugn the character of others. ;)
I'm glad you liked it when he did it to you.
It seems to be a trend today that anyone that points out inconvenient facts is immediately labeled a whiner.

You guys need to hire more writers since the ones you have can't seem to do much but impugn the character of others. ;)

I like everything that makes me lol. Including you :blsmoke:
Plenty of wailing and gnashing of teeth from both of the predominate parties about this movement as the meme has been adopted by members from both of them "walking away".

It gives hope that there are people who realize the platform of the party they pledge allegiance to is not particularly what is being practiced when that party member attains office.

Here's the video that started such wailing and gnashing:

Perhaps it'll cause people to actually look into the platform and track record of a candidate instead of just the colored letter that appears beside their name in the voting booth.
It has seemed to resonate w/ a great many people so far. ;)
Your video starts off stupid. Who would watch 6 minutes of this stupid shit? Besides you? And you buy this shit lock, stock and barrel. What a fucking dumbass.