WALMART first it closes the Local mom and pops by coming - Now leaves those towns high and dry!

WALMART has left the towns it hurt and has managed to leave them high and dry!

This is a perfect example of corporate greed over the peoples need!

If it don't make enough - fuck'em!


So more cities can lose stores and be inconvenienced? Sounds like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Walmart tried smaller stores and they didnt work. It is not a charity, it provides lower prices and better selection. Corporate need is to make a profit or go out of business. So essentially the stores were going to go out of business anyway, it was just a matter of time. Mom & Pop can go back and open up the shop again.
So more cities can lose stores and be inconvenienced? Sounds like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Walmart tried smaller stores and they didnt work. It is not a charity, it provides lower prices and better selection. Corporate need is to make a profit or go out of business. So essentially the stores were going to go out of business anyway, it was just a matter of time. Mom & Pop can go back and open up the shop again.

OK, good point on the first part.

BUT, the second is not so much! They didn't "loose" money on those small stores. They didn't make enough! How much is enough when real people are at stake? Better yet, why did they come in and wipe out the local's. This is the real point of it = greed!

It's happened exactly like this in my "little" rural farming community......The point is now many will simply drive those 40-60 mile round trips and even if the local reopened, they, by habit, will still shop "down the road". This is the phenom that walmart has created across the country!

In the latest report on national news. Several old local store owners say they will not try and reopen as their worried another big money corp will again come in and push them out! [CBS and NBC news reports from the 28th and 29th...] Once you get stabbed in the back - you tend to look over your shoulder.

Why is it that us small rural farming communities are slowly being forced [it seems to many of us farmers here] That big greed corp and the government are wanting us all to go live in a metropolitan style area?

You folks in the cities and suburbia NEED us, or you don't eat! Where do all the city folks think food comes from anyway!

If you don't live rural - YOU don't understand! Your second opinion shows this!
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in maine now lowes is screaming for tax breaks on stores.after they killed local people they saying might close stores if no tax break guess who pays the tax break!!!!!! the people they put out of biz pisses me off to no end.scumbags!!! ok peace out
OK, good point on the first part.

BUT, the second is not so much! They didn't "loose" money on those small stores. They didn't make enough! How much is enough when when real people are at stake? Better yet, why did they come in and wipe out the local's. This is the real point of it = greed!

It's happened exactly like this in my "little" rural farming community......The point is now many will simply drive those 40-60 mile round trips and even if the local reopened, they, by habit, will still shop "down the road". This is the phenom that walmart has created across the country!

In the latest report on national news. Several old local store owners say they will not try and reopen as their worried another big money corp will again come in and push them out! [CBS and NBC news reports from the 28th and 29th...

You call it corporate greed. Where does that corporate greed go?
What is any different than a small business running another small business out?

If I could pull it off ethically, I'd run off all my competition. Im not here to wipe someone else's ass and share half the pie. I'll take the TP and the whole pie and leave you crusty assed and hungry.

Business isn't a everyone gets to play city league. Its competitive as can be, and we run the scoreboard up every chance we get because you never know what tomorrow will bring.
What is any different than a small business running another small business out?

If I could pull it off ethically, I'd run off all my competition. Im not here to wipe someone else's ass and share half the pie. I'll take the TP and the whole pie and leave you crusty assed and hungry.

Business isn't a everyone gets to play city league. Its competitive as can be, and we run the scoreboard up every chance we get because you never know what tomorrow will bring.

I look at it from the same view as those that are having the problem.....My closest "city" had a population of 609 in 2013. There was a local grocery and 21 and 24 miles away Walmart opened stores. Took them a whole year to finally fold. You ought to hear the owner in the bar bitching about that....Sure, those that started shopping there [walmart] take some fault too. Hell I bitched at a few who said they wished they had the local back and they were a cpl of the Walmart shoppers.......I actually looked into reopening it....NO bank would give a loan for that on the grounds of the Walmart's locations! Oh sure, it matters nothing that some folks living at or near hand to mouth farming would be using more expensive gas to simply feed them selves!
Lets say you are living on a fixed income...after rent and utilities you have a budget for the month left over to eat for the next 30 days of about 400 dollars....would you drive 40-80 miles to save 30% or would you shop local and eat less?
I don't have any empathy for those businesses that went under, they price gouged for a long time n had a nice run.. Ever go into an ace hardware? Home depot- menards- Lowes are half their price.

Even handy Andy went belly up, it happens to everyone..they run their course and get replaced.

Nice be able to buy in volume and get the discount.
Why do farmers get the short end of the stick for the products they produce vs, the over the counter pricing!

Again, those of you who live in the city and suburbs just DON'T GET IT!

Buy living here we made the choice to have to spend a bit more for our consumables....Now we have to spend more then the difference to drive somewhere to got those consumables....Farming is in blood out here! Sadly and quickly! MORE farm kids that would have taken up farming are taking other course's and leaving farming behind because of things like this. The lure of the lights and the big city, with it's big money are reducing farming as we speak.
I agree that we need to reduce farm subsidy's! The thing is it's the major corporate farms that take 98% of the subsidy's that the fed gives out!
We need fair pricing to the producer to overcome this or your all going to get the same bland thing for more money and less choice till we end up buying all our food from somewhere else......The little family farm is being replaced by farms measured in miles relying ON those subsidy's and held up pricing to make stupid amounts of money!

If you do not live rural or farm you simply don't get it! You don't live it, your not around it, so please, STOP equating life outside the metro area's as the same thing!
Adapt or die, I bet amazon and eBay have stole way more business.
Apple makes a frequent habit out of eating smaller companies with new ideas they steal and produce. And in their industry they can even bar you from selling your product on all of their digital devices. The best you can hope as one of these third party developers is that Apple pays you a tiny bit for it before they destroy your shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Apple makes a frequent habit out of eating smaller companies with new ideas they steal and produce. And in their industry they can even bar you from selling your product on all of their digital devices. The best you can hope as one of these third party developers is that Apple pays you a tiny bit for it before they destroy your shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I do NOT own CRapple products! (Look dude, you fell for it! You have an iPhone(y).....Don't EVEN anyone say they provide jobs here! What does an apple store worker make? They sure don't MAKE shit here!

They are a money monster and are JUST like MONSANTO!
Same fucking business practice!

Jobs was a DICK! Not a hero!
I do NOT own CRapple products! (Look dude, you fell for it! You have an iPhone(y).....Don't EVEN anyone say they provide jobs here! What does an apple store worker make? They sure don't MAKE shit here!

They are a money monster and are JUST like MONSANTO!
Same fucking business practice!

Jobs was a DICK! Not a hero!
That was kind of my point lol. And jobs was a dick and a hero he changed digital communication and personal computing for the entire world. He just did it while being an asshole. I like my iPhone. I got it because it was the cheapest newest phone out I could buy at the time. I wanted the lf G4 but it would've cost me an extra $100. So I ended up with an iPhone.

Also I do music and Mac dominates PC when it comes to recording/engineering software. Yeah you can run protools on PC, but it's even wonkier than on Mac. And I guess Steinburg is quality and PC, but no one in the industry uses that shit.

Minimum wage is minimum wage, Apple workers here start there and can work theirs way up to I think ~$25 I'll have to ask my buddy that used to work there. He's a tech guy so it might be why he made more than minimum, because he had a skill that was more valuable to them then walking around bothering you.

I'm also pretty sure they're commission based, so you sell more, you make more...

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I'm 100% against subsidizing farmers ( agricultural welfare) and I'm 100% against subsidizing Walmart or any other corporate parasites.... But markets change, you think I like selling lbs for 2800$ ? And dropping yearly.. Driverless cars will put every taxi driver, uber driver, bus driver out if work in 5 years.. You have to adapt or die.
So more cities can lose stores and be inconvenienced? Sounds like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Walmart tried smaller stores and they didnt work. It is not a charity, it provides lower prices and better selection. Corporate need is to make a profit or go out of business. So essentially the stores were going to go out of business anyway, it was just a matter of time. Mom & Pop can go back and open up the shop again.

I believe Walmart said it was only closing stores that were within 10 miles of another one, so its not like they are out of reach. I would be pissed if they mowed my house down to build the store though.
I support my local businesses. The big box stores are my last resort. I know that Wal-Mart doesn't miss my money.
When my mom died I didn't notice Mr. Wal-Mart at the funeral but I did see some of the local business owners there.
I live in a rural area that has family farms centrally located between 2 towns that have Wal-Marts and Lowe's home improvement stores. It's easier and quicker for me to go to any of the mom & pop stores than to make the 50 mile round trip to town. There's hardware stores a nice butcher shop and just about anything you may need within 10 miles of the house . I guess I'm lucky.
There were a few businesses that closed after Lowe's and Wal-Mart came to town but they were all in close proximity to the newly opened stores.I guess if the mom & pop stores eventually close I'll have to make the long journey to town but at least gas is just $1.74 /gallon at the Wal-Marts
WALMART has left the towns it hurt and has managed to leave them high and dry!

This is a perfect example of corporate greed over the peoples need!

If it don't make enough - fuck'em!

I'd say good riddance. Not knowing the reason for the closure, I'd guess they either screwed up and the store didn't have a large enough customer base or people are boycotting them. It would be interesting to know but it's my guess that the latter is true. Too bad for the mom and pop that Walmart screwed over but at least the cancer is gone and the healing can begin.

A Walmart opened near me but I don't see much traffic going their way. They don't exactly have an image for great quality and low prices. Just low prices. Other stores in the area beat them hollow.