New Member
Man that is one ugly cunt.
Man that is one ugly cunt.
used horse, anyone?strapping a dog to the car roof, rounding up a posse to assault a gay kid, and doping up horses without remorse is psychopathic behavior.
you meam Equinefax?What? No EquiFax?? Would you buy a 6-series Bim without CarFax? cn
Reported as nobodygivesashit you dumb arse....used horse, anyone?
reported as u mad, sistah.Reported as nobodygivesashit you dumb arse....
i wouldn't mistake a horse for a human being, and i wouldn't sell a human being to make a profit.Damn you buck!! I came to this thread thinking you were selling your wifeInstead it's a boring story about a real horse and Romney.
i laugh so hard at people who think making money is impressiveHey beck, I just got off a phone call that put another 4grand profit in my pocket and cut my time down to make it. Impressed? Should be, now get back to those treadmills. snap snap
I could easily mistake Ann Romney for an animal you put a saddle oni wouldn't mistake a horse for a human being, and i wouldn't sell a human being to make a profit.
romney, on the other hand...
The horse was named "Super Hit" not "Abstains From All Drugs Cuz Drugs Are Bad M'Kay?" The horse had a horse problem, it happens all the time. it never stopped Kurt Cobain from destroying rock music, and it didnt stop Courtney Love from cashing all those royalty checks.
the horse just needed some rehab.
i gotta wonder how long before Ann Romney is slandered with a Catherine The Great type story. or maybe she just was...