Wanting to start organics while in winter/isolation

Would you mind talking highlevel about your soil/amedmant plan as you transition, or what you plan to use ratio-wise for a base-mix?

The more I read, the more it seems like people favour peat because it is a well known and understod soil enhancer, and there are years of experience and soil recipes to draw on, plus it works. Coco seems generally discouraged, but I don't often see a reason except to not change what isn't broken.

I should say, I'm not trying to start a debate between the two sides, just curious to see if anyone would have some specific reasons they like peat. @Northwood talked about how I can adjust for some of the shortcomings in Coco, and I read the article @PadawanWarrior helpfully linked which broke down pros and cons of each.

But also reading through @Northwood 's posts, I see he started with I believe it was HP Promix.

I guess I'm just stuck wondering if I should use what I have, or if getting my wife to pickup a bale of Promix will really be worth it.

Analysis paralysis maybe? Won't someone just tell me what to do so I can blame them later when things go wrong? (jokes)

Regardless, my wife is going to call in about an hour and ask what I want and I'm going to have to pull the trigger and make it work.

The method of organic gardening I'm moving to differs from what you are trying to do. I'm transitioning towards KNF "Korean Natural Farming" and JADAM. I'll be harvesting my own microbes and making my own fertilizers from plant materials. Although I'm probably going to get a bale of peat and some rice hulls to make soil for my houseplants and likely some cannabis. I still have big bags of kelp, alfalfa, azomite, shellfish meal, and other amendments so I'm going to use those for one purpose or another. I also have a ghetto worm bin that I make my own EWC with.

Like I said, I'm not qualified to comment on the methods you're using. But I'm interested to see how things work out. So keep everyone updated as you grow along.

I have a thread I started.

It's about KNF and Indigenous micro-organisms but that's where it begins with the style of growing that I'm transitioning to. I'll be updating that thread as I grow along. But for now, I'm still in learning mode. But not for long.

Good luck with your growing. :blsmoke:
Thanks all!

The products I sent my wife for have arrive, I have my vermicompost, more perlite, and I picked up a bag of happy frog for some ready to go nutrients. I wanted pumice/lava rock so it didn't break down, but I can't afford it right now.

My goal is to mix enough soil to pot up the following:
  • 4 established vegetative clones from 1 gallon pots to 3 gallon.
  • 5 newly rooted clones from solo cups to 1 gallon pots.
  • Enough soil left to transplant from the 4 3 gallon to the final 7 gallon pots for flower.
Once I run that soil through once, It should be approaching spring, and I plan to use that used soil, and any left overs to make a no till bed and start worm farming myself. Depending on how the soil is, I may add pumice at that time.
