Warning: Liberals, do not open this thread.

The first order of business to any Bailoutee, should be to return all the perks at the top and no person should make more than the POTUs, or 400K. They don't have any qualms about sacrificing employee jobs.
I got a laugh at the hearings yesterday when one of the senators asked all the CEOs of the auto industry if they would be willing to sell those corporate jets they flew to washington in with a tin cup in their hand, he asked those willing to raise their hands and then said, "let the record show that not one raised their hands".

^^^ And what concessions would the UAW thugs have to make? bongsmilie

fuck obama, fuck mccain
fuck biden, fuck palin*literally*
fuck democrats, fuck republicans
fuck having a form of government that
was formed when the 13 original colonies were
around, cause hey this shit doesnt actually work.

if we are to have parties, the house should be split
3 ways between 3 parties at all times. no who will
be running the house in 2 years, the left wing or right
wing of destruction.

people need to vote for a canidate, not for a party
actually, i take that back...we do have a couple of leaders.
the rockefellers, morgans and rothschilds

"i do not care who the puppet of the the english empire is, because whoever controls the money controls the english empire. i control the money" -baron rothschild
actually, i take that back...we do have a couple of leaders.
the rockefellers, morgans and rothschilds

"i do not care who the puppet of the the english empire is, because whoever controls the money controls the english empire. i control the money" -baron rothschild


Lucy always pulled the football away from Charlie Brown and he fell on his ass every time. :joint: