WARNING TO ALL GROWERS (especially outdoors): simple tip to avoid Big Brother


Active Member

to some this point may seem obvious, to others it may they may be skeptical.

Please just consider.

Most people these days have modern cell phones such as iphone, blackberry etc.
Many of these people do not even know that there are tracking devices within their phone (GPS), which can come in handy.

My point is: it might be best to not bring your phone with you at all when you go to your site. If you have ever done something where the government/rcmp/police have reason to suspect you as heat-score (example: mastercard bills for lots gardening equipment even though you live in an apartment in the city and work as a repairman, and someone reported your activity to police as suspicious for whatever reason which caused them to watch you in the first place) you may not want to bring your phone in case you are being watched.

Maybe I am being paranoid?

But seriously these phones can be detected by GPS, during the earthquake the gov'ts across the world located known citizens in Japan by their phones. It goes to show that they have the power.

Don't be going into a grow with your phone if it has GPS, because if they suspect unusual activity for example in the hills where you are growing, they may do a search for phone activity and not only follow you to your grow, but have all your personal information already as to who you are. Even if you get away they will know (and can prove) that you were there.

What do you think guys, am I being too paranoid, on the ball, obvious, or crazy.

Safe gardening my friends!


Active Member
true, and obviously turn the ringer off, but is it possible that they can detect us anyways? even most cars have tracking systems in them now! what about that issue? I don't have one in mine, but theoretically how can one prevent being followed by vehicle?


Active Member
Even if you turn of your phone, and the gps is turned off, they can be remotely activated.
Scary shit.

The gps doesn't scare me, it's the new phones that have cameras pointing in ever which direction that do.
Just knowing that someone COULD be watching me...


Active Member
I don't know, but turning off the phone would be enough. I don't have to leave it at home. What if there's an emergency and I have to call someone? lol

But seriously, the police have better things to do than screen the population's transaction history and employment details for potential cannabis cultivators. Believe it or not, some people actually DO grow tomatoes and watercress in their hydro setups.... :p


Active Member
Even without gps they can still track you from the cell towers,
The only REAL solution would be to take your battery out.

My father being a detective I learned alot very quickly and have put all the knowledge he taught me in the best use I can to not get caught.

Happy growing everyone =]


Well-Known Member
Just as PotConnoisseur stated, even with a cell phone turned off, the gps can be located remotely...so if u got a phone on you, even though its off, they can still pinpoint where u are....ganja


Active Member
Hmm, I don't buy that the gps functions when the power is off or batteries are pulled out. I'll look into it.


Active Member
I said that pulling your battery is only solution I know of that completely shuts off the gps and so they can't track you through gps or the towers.
Besides nothing electronic works without a powersource right?


Rebel From The North
well not sure if this works but if you put it in airplane mode thats soposed to shut off
all tracking gps/wifi/network signal and such. also you can remove the sim card in a
I phone and render it as a I pod


Active Member
also don't answer texts or calls and shit. if your phone is making noise or brining light or unwanted atten.


Active Member
Even if you turn of your phone, and the gps is turned off, they can be remotely activated.
Scary shit.

The gps doesn't scare me, it's the new phones that have cameras pointing in ever which direction that do.
Just knowing that someone COULD be watching me...
i agree! this is possible...


Well-Known Member
Just stay indoors and cover your windows with foil... ;)

true, and obviously turn the ringer off, but is it possible that they can detect us anyways? even most cars have tracking systems in them now! what about that issue? I don't have one in mine, but theoretically how can one prevent being followed by vehicle?


Rebel From The North
Im not going to stress on the small shit! phones cars yah you can be traced but shit same goes for posting on a online furum :(


Well-Known Member
Paranoia turned to the max, ladies and gentlemen.

The only reasons you don't want GPS is if your grow is in the middle of nowhere, and for some reason they think you grow. Or you are being chased.

If you live in the city, and a detective thinks you are growing(or whatever), you are fucked regardless of whether you got a GPS or not.

Check your self before you wreck your self.


Well-Known Member
i agree! this is possible...
possible, not at all probable. There are apps that can make your phone a "zombie", but it needs to be uploaded to your phone manually and takes about 5 minutes, so if you let someone access your phone and they want to pay $1500 to control it, then ok, your security is fucked.