Warning! Urine is not a substitue for ferilizer!

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Well-Known Member
I don't piss on my plants, but I have to say that it seems sort of ridiculous to say that your buds will smell like piss if you do. Unless you happen to be talking about pissing right onto the buds, which I don't think is the case. How is that my buds don't taste like worm poop tea, or seaweed, or anything else that I feed to them? The whole concept seems about as silly as... well, criticizing 'geniuses with a 12 grade vocabulary', when your own posts wouldn't even pass a 5th grade vocabulary test.
language is for communicating not making impressions on people about your wit. i sort of dumb down my speech on purpose so its easier to read. they do uptake the taste of ur worm castings, btu u dotn notice because pathogens break down the material to make it available, ever smelled middies that smelled like cat piss? well u can be sure some ghetto dude got his cat to piss on them


Well-Known Member
language is for communicating not making impressions on people about your wit. i sort of dumb down my speech on purpose so its easier to read. they do uptake the taste of ur worm castings, btu u dotn notice because pathogens break down the material to make it available, ever smelled middies that smelled like cat piss? well u can be sure some ghetto dude got his cat to piss on them
That's the nitrogen breaking down in the leaves from water curing, not from piss.:dunce:


Well-Known Member
LoL i didn't say feeding your gals piss means your smokeing piss.... seriously piss??? i said have fun feeding them piss.....
How many people do you know that feeds there plants piss? this is a first for me....


Well-Known Member
Hurry add some shit to the mix.... hell why not some vomit.... THE NEW piss,shit,vomit plant food GROWS YOUR PLANTS 3 times as big!


Well-Known Member
Have fun feeding kelp, blood, bone, bird shit, bat shit, worm shit, animal urine to your plant as well, we all do. What's the point, you grow your plant in DIRT, just becuase the dirt is "dirty" doesn't mean you're smoking everything that's in the media. You're only in-taking the 16 elements that a plant can intake. You throw a fish under your plant in the outdoors and you're not smoking fish.. I don't know why this is so hard for people to understand.
cyour comparing apples to piss oranges. its nto the same. urea is what is derived from urine to make inorganic ferts. they do this because of micropolutants in urine. ur not a scientist u cant isolate said pollutants whether micro or macro... i made light of their 12 grade vocabluray (yes vocabluray) because in place of firm arguments they choose lengthy longwinded words with little to no substance and articles with which they cant debate or even explain( i had to explain to them that the urine in the experiment was urea DERIVED from human urine not straight or even watered down piss , which makes it INORGANIC FERT) it has been proven time and time again what u put in your soil will come out in ur buds. water with mild lemon extract(careful will raise the ph) will give a light lemony aroma try it, the stomata doesnt stop uptaking water unless u shock it with cold water or something, it will uptake the lemon flavor 2 weeks before harvest. iv doen it countless times. iv tasted bud grown with too much fish ferts is nasty. it has that smeel and it keeps burning when ur not smoking it( i know over ferted but, it was flushed)


Well-Known Member
Add a few dead animals and they get huge.
lol well actually for outdoors piss isnt all that bad because of the drainage, and it wont smell like piss honestly outdoors again because of the drainage. but yeah dead things and things that attract flys and their larvae probably nto good lol...


Well-Known Member
lol well actually for outdoors piss isnt all that bad because of the drainage, and it wont smell like piss honestly outdoors again because of the drainage. but yeah dead things and things that attract flys and their larvae probably nto good lol...
You should click the link in my sig. for my grow. It's almost finished. I compost roadkill for a living and make the best fertilizer you'd ever find.


Well-Known Member
That's the nitrogen breaking down in the leaves from water curing, not from piss.:dunce:
funny when i grew pot i never smelled any piss form my lower 3 sets of yellowing, near harvest fan leaves. nitro breaks down in the leaves and turns yellow until the leave withers and dies, its using up all the nitrogen in the leaf. ever see somone with over ferted plants? they have that dark green that somepeople think is good btu it smokes liek shit after hrvest


Well-Known Member
Will you please remove the quote from your signature now? This is the second time I've asked.


Well-Known Member
You should click the link in my sig. for my grow. It's almost finished. I compost roadkill for a living and make the best fertilizer you'd ever find.
but composting makes it safe. while were stating the obvious what r ur thoughts about fire? is it hot?


Well-Known Member
Will you please remove the quote from your signature now? This is the second time I've asked.
no and go ahead and report me ur advocating piss and then turning it into a urea debate which i have no problems with but i personally dotn like inorganics


Well-Known Member
Have you heard of water curing?

Taken from here~> http://www.420magazine.com/forums/harvest-preparation-curing/108240-water-curing-marijuana.html

Water Curing is done by cutting down your buds and removing the fan leaves. It's optional to do further trimming, but note that cured trimmings always make better hash. Place them in a bin of Reverse Osmosis water and keep below above 65F and below 75F. Use something to gently weigh them down. Once a day for 3-7 days (depending on personal preference) change out the water with clean fresh RO water. Because there is a high concentration of chlorophyll and salts in the buds and none in the water, Osmosis will naturally occur, drawing it out of the plant until the levels are equal. The water is changed out to keep the osmotic pressure at its highest: day old water will not have the same osmotic force to suck out everything. After the 3-7 days, hang and dry the buds like you normally would. Done!
-Less bag appeal
-The smoothest bud you'll ever smoke
-Bud is more potent, but only because the total weight is reduced. IE- where you may get 1.5g air curing, you'll only get 1g with water cure: a much purer product
-Using them method allows you to pump in nutrients all the way to the end, with NO 1-2 weeks of flushing. That could increase yields significantly.


Well-Known Member
Have you heard of water curing?

Taken from here~> http://www.420magazine.com/forums/harvest-preparation-curing/108240-water-curing-marijuana.html

Water Curing is done by cutting down your buds and removing the fan leaves. It's optional to do further trimming, but note that cured trimmings always make better hash. Place them in a bin of Reverse Osmosis water and keep below above 65F and below 75F. Use something to gently weigh them down. Once a day for 3-7 days (depending on personal preference) change out the water with clean fresh RO water. Because there is a high concentration of chlorophyll and salts in the buds and none in the water, Osmosis will naturally occur, drawing it out of the plant until the levels are equal. The water is changed out to keep the osmotic pressure at its highest: day old water will not have the same osmotic force to suck out everything. After the 3-7 days, hang and dry the buds like you normally would. Done!
-Less bag appeal
-The smoothest bud you'll ever smoke
-Bud is more potent, but only because the total weight is reduced. IE- where you may get 1.5g air curing, you'll only get 1g with water cure: a much purer product
-Using them method allows you to pump in nutrients all the way to the end, with NO 1-2 weeks of flushing. That could increase yields significantly.
yeah but that doesnt explain why the middies iv smoked like 10 yrs ago burned black ash and smelled like piss...


Well-Known Member
Yea man.. add a funny quote to a sig about a nub thinking a male has buds.. thats fine... but just because you don't agree with someone opinion doesn't mean you gotta put it in your sig and try to embarrass him...
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