Warren Buffet on Solving the US Income Disparity

I know you're trolling, but I'm gonna take the bait anyway. Do you know how fucking stupid you look, sending the 12 million people back to wherever they originate, not all of them are from south and central America mind you, doesn't solve the problem. Sodomize yourself with a razor, and never contribute again.

Smoke a doobie and relax, If they go anywhere it will be the unemployment office.
He's partially correct, but it seems his solution is an attempt to divert people away from the truth. How is increasing the access to income tax credits help, if you don't have income in the first place? The problem, is lack of education for the jobs available. But even then, I just don't think there are enough jobs in this country to put everyone who wants employment to work.

You're right, of course. Rich people like Mr. Buffett have indeed worked very hard to outsource many millions of jobs that could be employing Americans. I respect him a lot but he's flat wrong here.
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I think the main misunderstanding among min wage earners is how their employer's profit margin will be affected by a wage increase. I don't think they fully understand that wage increases alone aren't the complete answer.

I fear a lot of people think a wage increase would have no other affects, except to give them more money.

I think the advantages outweigh the drawbacks pretty clearly here, lol
translation progressive is to juvenile for a debate so he acts like a five year old.

tell me more about your thoughts on the role of jewish people in our government. do we have a "zionist occupied government", as you have previously claimed?
He's partially correct, but it seems his solution is an attempt to divert people away from the truth. How is increasing the access to income tax credits help, if you don't have income in the first place? The problem, is lack of education for the jobs available. But even then, I just don't think there are enough jobs in this country to put everyone who wants employment to work.
You don't need to pay any taxes to receive tax credits. If you paid zero taxes and qualify for a $1,500 credit, you will receive a "return" of $1,500.
tell me more about your thoughts on the role of jewish people in our government. do we have a "zionist occupied government", as you have previously claimed?

Child I never said that that but every time you make up a lie i know I won another debate. What we do have running our executive branch is a corrupt, pro Muslim, communist style anti American though.
Some of our Jewish representatives are excellent despite what bigots like you think.
Child i never said that that of course that is why you cant provide a link. What we do have running our executive branch is a corrupt, pro Muslim, communist style anti American though.
Some of our Jewish representatives are excellent despite what bigots like you think.

a muslim communist president, eh?

tell me more about how you're totally not racist, or stupid as fuck.
a muslim communist president, eh?

tell me more about how you're totally not racist, or stupid as fuck.

"Pro Muslim, communist style"...have you ever made a single post without a lie

Progressives are just so predictable instead of a debate it is only a series of lies,followed by 5 year old like name calling of racist,bigot,etc.. with a little propaganda,and spam.... what a simpleton... its just to easy I am bored.
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"Pro Muslim, communist style"...have you ever made a single post without a lie

Progressives are just so predictable instead of a debate it is only a series of lies,followed by 5 year old like name calling of racist,bigot,etc.. with a little propaganda,and spam.... what a simpleton... its just to easy I am bored.

so there i snothing bigoted about calling obama a mulsim communist?

do you think he is from kenya too? secretly gay?
so there i snothing bigoted about calling obama a mulsim communist?

do you think he is from kenya too? secretly gay?

"Pro Muslim, communist style"
I am sorry I didn't realize you have a learning disability.

I dont know if he is gay and I dont care.
He was born in Hawaii dont you follow the news a little bit?
"Pro Muslim, communist style"

you're not fooling anyone by copying someone else's new, creative way of calling him a commie muslim.

I dont know if he is gay

he's married to michelle and has two kids, think that might be a hint?

good job on calling obama a gay commie muslim. still want me to believe you're not a racist bigot?

yeah, KKKynes already tried that tactic. said the BLS numbers were bullshit that didn't apply anywhere in california.

so i went online shopping in his home town of vallejo and pulled up prices of groceries in his very town, and they matched the BLS exactly, even in the bay area of california.

your tactic of denying reality is not working, klan man.

you are afraid to debate and run like alittle bitch when facts are presented.

also, the forum suspects you are a pedophile.
