Warren Buffet on Solving the US Income Disparity

I assume you support all of Mr. de Place's other opinions, too, right?

Madame Speaker,

I would like to point out for the House this line of questioning has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Information has been presented regarding the perceived hypocrisy of the "Oracle of Omaha" and that should be the ONLY matter up for discussion since it is his words which are the genesis of this debate. It would seem the member opposite is frustrated by the dichotomy Buffett presents and is having issues reconciling this fact.
If he or members of his party wish to provide points to the contrary, I wholeheartedly encourage such action.
Otherwise, Madame Speaker, I would ask that you maintain control of the proceedings so we might be able to move on to other pressing matters on the agenda.
Madame Speaker,

I would like to point out for the House this line of questioning has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Information has been presented regarding the perceived hypocrisy of the "Oracle of Omaha" and that should be the ONLY matter up for discussion since it is his words which are the genesis of this debate. It would seem the member opposite is frustrated by the dichotomy Buffett presents and is having issues reconciling this fact.
If he or members of his party wish to provide points to the contrary, I wholeheartedly encourage such action.
Otherwise, Madame Speaker, I would ask that you maintain control of the proceedings so we might be able to move on to other pressing matters on the agenda.
Then why would you assume proponents of raising the minimum wage support all of Buffett's opinions? That's a logical fallacy