Was Biden a good choice or was he the only choice?


Well-Known Member
This article is behind a paywall but the point they make is stated clearly in the headline.. I'll just leave it as a reminder why Biden was a good choice.

New US jobless claims fall to lowest level since 1969
Sharp drop is sign of tightness in labour market as it recovers from worst of pandemic

We had a 4X increase beyond expectations in jobs in Canada according to a recent report. I expect the picture in America to be similar, the major complaint is by employers who are experiencing worker shortages. Gas price increases should be temporary and wages are increasing because of labor market pressure. The infrastructure money has yet of hit the streets and the economy appears to be roaring along, all things considered. As for covid, everybody knows the issues and who is to blame and it ain't Joe Biden.


Well-Known Member
Why? If the majority of individual voters vote choose, their choice be overridden?
Basically the EC is based on population just separated into states. Those states voting base power is maintained. It's out of whack right now because states suppressing their voters ability to all easily vote though, and that is the issue that needs to be fixed.


Well-Known Member
Why? If the majority of individual voters choose, their choice be overridden?
Electing a president through popular vote is not very far from a reality.

As with all progress, Republicans are blocking it.


Well-Known Member
Republicans would never win again if we went to a popular vote. Their ideas aren't popular.

Think Texas has to flip before it ever has a chance.

Given the state of affairs, I think its more likely the EC does something to harm the country and install someone illegitimate rather than serving as a protection.


Well-Known Member
Republicans would never win again if we went to a popular vote. Their ideas aren't popular.

Think Texas has to flip before it ever has a chance.

Given the state of affairs, I think its more likely the EC does something to harm the country and install someone illegitimate rather than serving as a protection.
Maybe its time for them to compete FOR votes instead.

Antidote Man

Well-Known Member
Republicans are barbaric, greedy, cruel, evil, calculating, heartless, slippery, sleazy dicks and total douche bags

Democrats are nosey, unrealistic, overbearing, over sensitive, when told they act like their shit don’t stank they whip out a brush and a towel, we’re better than you, annoying cry babies.

God help us. Oh yeah, there’s no god.

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
Republicans are barbaric, greedy, cruel, evil, calculating, heartless, slippery, sleazy dicks and total douche bags

Democrats are nosey, unrealistic, overbearing, over sensitive, when told they act like their shit don’t stank they whip out a brush and a towel, we’re better than you, annoying cry babies.

God help us. Oh yeah, there’s no god.
I'm sorry to hear that everything sucks so much for you


Well-Known Member
Republicans are barbaric, greedy, cruel, evil, calculating, heartless, slippery, sleazy dicks and total douche bags

Democrats are nosey, unrealistic, overbearing, over sensitive, when told they act like their shit don’t stank they whip out a brush and a towel, we’re better than you, annoying cry babies.

God help us. Oh yeah, there’s no god.
Odd that you ignore the elephant in the room.

Republicans are actively working to tear down the Republic, and using every dishonest fascist technique to do so.

Democrats remain committed to the Republic (sic!) and ALL its people. They have their foibles, but that is simply politics day to day.

Odd that you leave out the main thing.


Well-Known Member
Republicans are barbaric, greedy, cruel, evil, calculating, heartless, slippery, sleazy dicks and total douche bags

Democrats are nosey, unrealistic, overbearing, over sensitive, when told they act like their shit don’t stank they whip out a brush and a towel, we’re better than you, annoying cry babies.

God help us. Oh yeah, there’s no god.

Antidote Man

Well-Known Member
These are personality traits ive picked out from people over the years and divided into two camp. none of its absolute but a general pattern I find..

and those of you that think the world isnt in dire straits are comletely ignorant to whats going on


Well-Known Member
I didn't say Clinton walked on water either. I will say she was one of the most experienced and qualified candidates we've had in decades. That doesn't mean I agreed with everything she did but I agreed with a lot of her policies. She was a hard worker and had plenty of experience. She lost to Trump and so wears the L. People can say what they want about her. Holding a grudge is one of our rights.

I don't know what you are referring to with the corruption thing. What was said about the kerfluffle over Clinton's campaign keeping the DNC on life support:

Brazile: I found no evidence Democratic primary was rigged

But that clear and direct statement doesn't have the same fun factor that calling "rigged" has. I get it.
I know you didn't say you worshipped Hillary. Didn't mean to imply that. As far as my opinion on 2016 I think I'm in good company but you're allowed your opinion.



Well-Known Member
I feel her (Hillery) mistake was talking down to "deplorable's", when she should of been building them up.


Well-Known Member
I know you didn't say you worshipped Hillary. Didn't mean to imply that. As far as my opinion on 2016 I think I'm in good company but you're allowed your opinion.

I really like Elizabeth Warren. She's right about the need to fix the process by which we pick political leaders. I have No disagreement that the process is biased toward people who have been in power for a while. No disagreement that elections are heavily influenced toward a few big donors/lobbyists/well funded PACs. So, it comes down to what is meant by "rigged".

Clinton had a heavy advantage over Bernie because she had been working as a politician for something like 20 years. Reaching out, talking to anybody who would talk with her. Sticking her neck out on controversial issues. She made some enemies but many more allies and that is why she beat Bernie. She worked for it and played by the rules at the time. Did she have too much of an advantage over Bernie? I don't think so. Bernie was a terrible politician. Said dumb things about Black people, did not reach out to people who questioned him and in fact he was a big nothing in Congress. A senator for 12 years with nothing to show for his time except a changed name on a post office? Really? That's your guy?

Yet, Sanders did look to beat Clinton for a while there. His problem was the he had zero credibility with Democratic voters in the South. He lost every primary election there. So here it is again. White Bernie Babies are disregarding Black people and their concerns. We saw their racial bias when they complained about "people not voting in their own self interest", even some Bernie Bro opinion pieces calling them ignorant.

So, if Warren says the election was rigged because the system is biased toward entrenched politicians, then that's a positive way to look at the problem. If you are saying the election was rigged because a nobody politician was at a disadvantage when running against an experienced one. Yes, Bernie was at a disadvatage when he ran against a hard working and canny Hillary. By demanding a level field between two politicians with such disparity in their records, you are just demanding free stuff. That's a common complaint I've heard about Bernie's bros.

Elections are hard to win. They are meant to be hard to win. You have to work for it. Sorry, the presidency will not be given to Bernie because a tiny fraction of the Democratic Party likes him. Not sorry.

Going back to what the head of the DNC said, including what she said in her book:

Brazile: I found no evidence Democratic primary was rigged

If you read it, you'd find she was most upset about the DNC being shuffled aside after Clinton bailed them out because they wasted a ton of money on "consultants". She makes some good points. But Clinton's team was right about that.
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