Capt. Stickyfingers
Well-Known Member
Found it. A post not signed 'cn'. Your dedication was admirable but ultimately futile.
Almost 2300 posts since September. That's dedication.
Found it. A post not signed 'cn'. Your dedication was admirable but ultimately futile.
Such a nice way to put it ... cheers. nAlmost 2300 posts since September. That's dedication.
Found it. A post not signed 'cn'. Your dedication was admirable but ultimately futile.
Such a nice way to put it ... cheers. n
Now you signed just "n". Have you been drinking tonight? cheers
"cn" is the vestige of my old post closer ... "cheers 'neer". I figured a second c would be redundant. cn
something that can only fuck for 30 secondsI still would like to know just one thing. What's a Bieber?
He's 17.LOL did this happen a couple years back? hes 18 now