Well-Known Member
I just heard on CNN that she lawyered up again! She's still pursuing the case! lmfao!!!!!
At least she's persistent.

At least she's persistent.
Although the hearing from Justin Bieber's paternity lawsuit is no longer scheduled for December 15, it appears the woman who filed it hasn't dropped her allegations.
CNN has confirmed that Mariah Yeater, the 20-year-old California woman who says she fathered a child with the 17-year-old singer, is pursuing the claim with new representation: attorney Jeffery M. Leving.
Her former attorneys, Matt Pare and Lance Rogers, have withdrawn their claim from San Diego Superior Court.
Leving tells CNN that he intends to pursue a resolution for the case and is currently negotiating a paternity test. The date, time and location of said test will remain private (probably much to Maury Povich's dismay). Leving also confirms that Biebs has agreed to take the test.
Leving tells CNN that no monetary settlement has been discussed.
This isnt a personal injury case," Leving says. "If the DNA test confirms Justin Bieber is the father, most likely the next step would be child support.
Yeater was referred to Leving by a mutual acquaintance, and Leving says he perceives her to be a victim. Shes a young, 20-year-old single mom, and shes being bullied, and I believe shes entitled to pursue her paternity claim.
He continues, I believe my client when she told me this encounter took place, which leads one to believe thats the first step to bringing a child into this world. But to know with exact certainty that Justin Bieber is the father, we would need a paternity test. Justice should not be a luxury only the rich can afford.