I saw this thread and no offence but for me its the stuff nightmares are made off
Why would you want less taste i can understand if your doing it for stealth but barring that or crazy high humidity why would you water cure ?
90% of pot smokers have fucked up taste buds, would puke if they ate a sour grape, thinking it was laced with poison, and they quite literally mistake pesticides, burning plant tar and weed flavor for each other.
It was shocking to find out the southwest, especially, has everything backwards when it comes to weed. Its a placebo fanboy scene, they get high off buying the cool brand, not the quality of the smoke. They think unflushed npk bud grown by Jingle Balls or whoever, stored in Chinese Rubbermaid tubs tastes "gas", and that legit dank in ziplock is laced or rotten, or sprayed I've heard it all from these neo-pot legal garbage lunatics.
I handed a red headed trimmigrant my vaporizer loaded with dank one day, and they said they prefer to taste and feel the weed... My mouth was coated for 45 minutes, kept doing that sinus taste thing and they tried t claim something in the pot was giving me a bad reaction.... These people simply cannot taste weed metabolites.
Eventually I learned most people are fucked up in the head and can't even get high off weed without oxygen deprivation and nitrogen poisoning. Its crazy out there.
Water curing is good for nothing but making moldy shit weed a little easier to clean up when turned into face creams ecigs and gummybears. Or if you legitimately do not like what the plants metabolites have to offer (like strain specific effects, medicinal value, and the most pleasurable flavors in the Milky Way.