Water Curing VS Air Curing

Yeah, no I'll just wait the 3+ weeks from chop like everybody else lol, I water cured a gdp harvest.. Never again!! terps are good for your health right? Less flavor = less terpenes.
Smoking terps certainly not good for your health... If you value smell and taste over health, burning clean, and smoothness, then not for you for sure. If you're ingesting, also no point to it.
Smoking terps certainly not good for your health... If you value smell and taste over health, burning clean, and smoothness, then not for you for sure. If you're ingesting, also no point to it.

You obviously do not have a clue what you are talking about. You can continue to embarrass yourself if you want. Or you could actually do some research about terpenes.

Cheers :)
Or you could do some research about what happens to lungs when you light things on fire and inhale the smoke. Nice try, kid.

I don't need to research anything. You are a complete idiot running their mouth about something you have no clue about. And you are clearly such an idiot that you want to actually argue about terpenes. Way to go clown

Cheers :)
Water Curing, removes the chlorophyll, the green cells , thus a smoother smoke, but loses some potency. Generally Its not worth doing, unless you want a very mild smooth smoke and you have time to waste.
Water Curing, removes the chlorophyll, the green cells , thus a smoother smoke, but loses some potency. Generally Its not worth doing, unless you want a very mild smooth smoke and you have time to waste.
Loss is almost nil. Talking about .5% at most. Against a 20-25% increase in potency by weight.

Unfortunately doesn't take out chlorophyll, this is a myth. Chlorophyll is not water soluble.
Loss is almost nil. Talking about .5% at most. Against a 20-25% increase in potency by weight.

Unfortunately doesn't take out chlorophyll, this is a myth. Chlorophyll is not water soluble.
no just rots breaks down. go pick a tree leaf put it in a jar of water, come back in a month the leaf will be clear, the chlorophyll has broken down.

a flower petal is faster.

Chlorophyll is not water soluble, um yes it is?
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I wouldn't leave it in water for a straight month. This is asking for trouble, not only chlorophyll will break down during that time. I do a quick cure of already dried material, so if dried properly, the chlorophyll should already be mostly broken down.
I wouldn't leave it in water for a straight month. This is asking for trouble, not only chlorophyll will break down during that time. I do a quick cure of already dried material, so if dried properly, the chlorophyll should already be mostly broken down.
Ok well chlorophyll is infact water soluble, but if the method works well for you that is awesome.
I don't need to research anything. You are a complete idiot running their mouth about something you have no clue about. And you are clearly such an idiot that you want to actually argue about terpenes. Way to go clown

Cheers :)

So, let me get this straight. You’re calling a guy a clown who pointed out inhaling a combustible is not healthy, terpenes or not.

Frankly, you’re the clown. Try smoking vitamin E. It’s good for you right?
So, let me get this straight. You’re calling a guy a clown who pointed out inhaling a combustible is not healthy, terpenes or not.

Frankly, you’re the clown. Try smoking vitamin E. It’s good for you right?

Sweet another complete noob to ignore

Cheers :)
Ignorance doesn’t change the fact inhalation of SMOKE is harmful.

Now, if you were to say inhaling the VAPOUR from terpenes is healthy I may have sided with you.

Who’s the noob? It’s a basic scientific fact.
Fuck never mind. It’s a troll.

Want to carry this discussion on?
Post me a study that says inhalation of combusted terpines is healthy.

I’ll wait.

Or are you going to double down on your ignorance to protect your fragile ego?
So, the reason I do it is to make it more potent by weight... You lose 20-25% or so weight because getting out 95% of anything water soluble... For me it's a health thing. 25% less smoke from anything seems huge if considering large amounts of time.

It also burns muuuuch cleaner, to the point of pure white ash if smoking pipe. Really love that. And, significantly smoother because now have less compounds burning.

So those are the reasons I do it. But why would someone not? Because you will lose some IMO insignificant amounts of potency. Perhaps .5%. From incidentals.

And, the biggest reasons not to do, for many, is that you lose most flavor and smell. But again, these are still compounds that you're inhaling the smoke from, so, it's a trade off...and, in some cases, like with shwag, it can be a benefit to lose some taste and smell. Then we also have the stealth aspect which you mentioned, could be big for some.
You also lose terpenes when you water cure. Terpenes not only add to the sensory experience of smoking in terms of taste, they also have their own medicinal effects and do "color" the high as well. If you're worried about smoke you should vaporize. You could also just make water hash instead.
curing is for bad tasting weed that isn't any good in the first place lol
Once herb is Dry to the point where it can be smoked.
It only degrades from this day forward.
.curing is to make shit weed taste somewhat better due to the fact is was grown badly.:idea: