Active Member
I currently have had my girls in flower for past 17 days now and things where looking great. I read some where that once your roots touch water in a drip system you no longer need to have the pump on to run water to top of bucket. This made sense so I took pump out as to assure res temps stay low. Ever since I did that my Sativa plant has been looking a little droopy. Her roots are touching water but not covered as much as other plant. My WW roots have exploded in the water and get bigger daily. The droopy plant has growing roots as well just no where near as massive as WW ones. So I guess what I'm asking is should I put the pump back on or throw a bit more water in so all roots get covered thouroly not just little more then tips? Idk if I should just leave it alone, maybe it is just getting use to the change in watering... Idk, let me know what you guys think. Thanks!