
Ok I have some was told after watering had to be replaced.

I have 6 babies just sprouted and still unsure what to grow in.
For seedlings you can buy a seedling mix its normally just peat and perlite. Thats all you need for seedlings, they feed themselves for a while. Also they sell these compressed peat pellets Im sure you've seen, I have great results in those, I use the larger size ones that can stand on their own without toppling over. Or just mix your own peat and perlite. Make sure its not Miracle Grow Perlite cause that has Miracle Grow fertilizer in it.
For seedlings you can buy a seedling mix its normally just peat and perlite. Thats all you need for seedlings, they feed themselves for a while. Also they sell these compressed peat pellets Im sure you've seen, I have great results in those, I use the larger size ones that can stand on their own without toppling over. Or just mix your own peat and perlite. Make sure its not Miracle Grow Perlite cause that has Miracle Grow fertilizer in it.

I have them started in Happy Frog. I'm still unsure what to put them in next I have Happy Frog and Sunshine 4. Have 5 gallon plastic Buckets and Fiber Pots.
I have them started in Happy Frog. I'm still unsure what to put them in next I have Happy Frog and Sunshine 4. Have 5 gallon plastic Buckets and Fiber Pots.
As far as containers I like fabric pots personally but its up to you. Ive never used those soils I almost always mix my own so I cant say whether good or bad on those.
As far as containers I like fabric pots personally but its up to you. Ive never used those soils I almost always mix my own so I cant say whether good or bad on those.

Strange I'm thinking Happy Frog since it's not broke don't be fixing it.

Sunshine 4 has good possibilities.
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Actually reading up on them, sunshine 4 is pretty much what I was saying with peat and perlite. Happy Frog is is the same but lightly fertilized and I think you're right happy frog would be a good bet. You can make alot more out of the Sunshine 4 with some light amending and be almost the same as the happy frog, probably get 3 times as much for the price.
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I keep my soil putting it in compost so really it doesn't go to waste.

Do some radical changes and find myself saying that didn't work. I just hate doing it too often.
I really always thought you wanted to water until run off.
I'm in the same camp as yourself. Will always water until runoff regardless. Media should be properly saturated and allowed to drain. Period.
Soil or otherwise, organic or not.

Better assures soil saturation.
Avoids chronic overwatering/underwatering.
Avoids build-up of silts, clays and dissolved solids.
Helps condition and maintain the soil.

I've never understood the fuss people make about losing microbes or nutrients either. Nutrients are easily replaced and microbes multiply at such a rate it barely matters. Can double in numbers every half-hour.
Besides, nitrogen deficiency is the #1 sign of a healthy garden, or so the saying goes.
And, it really doesn't wash the nitrogen out so fast in my own limited experience. Takes a bit of time.
By which time, it's time to top dress or pot up, anyway.
Shouldn't have yellowing bottom leaves.

It's telling newbies not to water until drainage that kills so many plants, in my humble opinion.
Chronic overwatering and overfeeding, classic.
Fastest way to kill a plant there is.
Gets us all.
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