
Depends on quality. You coooould always do it yourself..... become a master, and pay nothing :) I'm sure somebody here has an amazing recipe that they would be happy to share if one were to ask nicely. Hmmm where is a chef w you need one?.....
What youll need:
Quality uncrushed untreated sweet leaf
5X refined butane
Glass extractor tube
Pyrex dish
Pot w almost boiling water
Whip (dabber works)
2 razors (optional)
Begin by loading the extraction tube with the sweet leaf. Its important to not break up the trim as that will leave u with a greener and less stable product. So full but not tightly packed in.
Spray butane until your extraction runs clear. If you spray more your just making more work for yourself and if your unsure if you've gotten all the trichs, you can always go back and re-spray.
Try and keep your extraction in a small pool again this will make for less work by reducing the amount of oil you have to scrape off the sides of the pyrex .
Once done w your spray, set pyrex over hot water. Begin to "whip" until the consistancy is very runny. Remove from heat continue to agitate until the extraction begins to resolidify. Repeat until you habe the consistancy u are after. Oil, glass, wax. In order of heat cycles.
Sex Wax by Chef C
Like no sprays for bugs or mildew or whatever, as (and I'm not about this but would rathrr b safe than sorry) I'm sure in the process of liquifing the thc heads and stalks you would get some of the nasties through too... basically the cleanest trim you have.
Like no sprays for bugs or mildew or whatever, as (and I'm not about this but would rathrr b safe than sorry) I'm sure in the process of liquifing the thc heads and stalks you would get some of the nasties through too... basically the cleanest trim you have.

Ive never sprayed anything on my leaves, how bout the dry of the leaves?
Just normal drying process for me is: trim plants into two boxes, one will contain shade and the tips of sugar leavrs the second will contain just sugar leaf. Then just let em dry.... nothing to impressive...
Cas havent vaced prgdn but the cookin process does really at burning off all the taine... lookinh for a vpu atm...
I dont know what you said toward the end of this post, lmao cajun?
Just normal drying process for me is: trim plants into two boxes, one will contain shade and the tips of sugar leavrs the second will contain just sugar leaf. Then just let em dry.... nothing to impressive...
Cas havent vaced prgdn but the cookin process does really at burning off all the taine... lookinh for a vpu atm...
Thanks chef, just wondered if you had a good method to preserve them... looks very good and I can wait to try..
Tried blasting wet vs dry trim before and dry gave way better results.
Tried blasting untouched/smaller buds vs crushed buds and the crushed yielded better as well.

Vacuum purging works really well, were working on building a vacuum purging system that heats up a bit while vacuuming,
as I feel this could be a good route to head in making sure it's as pure as possible as quickly as possible :)
Whipping as Chef suggests is pretty controversial, as some swear by it and others swear against it. I've been taught not to whip during the initial heat purge, as this actually traps the tane in the product.

Here's some tips from someone who's done a bit o' work:

* Make sure to use glass tubes. Ffs, don't use pvc or galvanized metal tube, as you're spraying a heavy solvent under pressure. Glass is totally non-reactive, whereas these other materials certainly are not. I'm not even a fan of stainless steel. Also, everyone I've talked to who's tried the $1000 Tamesium Extractor has given up on it and gone back to $30 glass tubes.
* Work in small batches (2-3ozs of trim or less per run). it purges so much more efficiently, trust me
* Make sure there's NO moisture in the tube, and that the trim is dry. Tane + H20 = Ice = Cracked tube
* Harbor Freight sells a nice pump for $150ish (I think it's rated 3cfm) which works great
* Get a razor window scraper. A quick look on Youtube at some vids will show all kinds of moronic rigs people have devised to scrape. On a related note, talk to the hardcore wax-heads at your local wax dispensary, and you'll hear plenty of tales of hideous cuts, nerve damage, etc. Use a little common sense!
* I personally scrape with a candle: I use the candle to heat the blade between scrapes, which makes the wax easier to scrape. This may or may not affect the turpenes, but it is DEFINITELY safer, and I'd gladly sacrifice a little taste for safety. Also, this enables me to get product off the blade without (shudder) using another blade to scrape cold product from the first blade.
* Other essential items: latex/nitrile gloves and rubbing alcohol. If you touch the product with bare fingers, the product will stick and make a mess. Wear gloves to avoid this. Also, keep alcohol on hand to clean tools after your done. It's amazing how effective simple alcohol is
Ha, ya that would have been a ruff one for sure. Tasty, strong, stable, and cheap. Makes a great travel companion and won't leave your work clothes smelling like you just burnt down your grow room:) not that there's anything wrong w that!
now do you need one of those bongs that you light the glass tip with a butane torch? you cant vaporize that with a volcano can you?

Ive looked at the price and those vape bongs are $600+

I would love to try that out but so far it seems like you have to make bank to afford the hardware