This is my first go around and im just curious how to tell if the co2 is making a difference rather than being wasted? I have an 8x4 tent so pretty sealed. No exhaust fans, just tube coming in from ac... dont have a ppm sniffer. I used a claculator and it says to turn on co2 every 3hrs for 15min at a time with a certain pressure for 1600ppm.
This is first time seeing plants flower so really not sure if its normal flowering growth or the co2 lol. What i did notice was the leafs up top seem to be spiking towards the light and extremely perky. Usually they are tipped towards the light upward. Now they seem to be like a strait line up to light.
This is first time seeing plants flower so really not sure if its normal flowering growth or the co2 lol. What i did notice was the leafs up top seem to be spiking towards the light and extremely perky. Usually they are tipped towards the light upward. Now they seem to be like a strait line up to light.