We are almost there - the descent of Trump

Trump the Cunt is so steaming mad at our Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski for not voting in favor of the parties health care agenda, that he's sent word to our senators via Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke that we will have funding for many projects pulled if she does not tow the party line.
Trump the Cunt is so steaming mad at our Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski for not voting in favor of the parties health care agenda, that he's sent word to our senators via Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke that we will have funding for many projects pulled if she does not tow the party line.
I read about this today.

He's threatening members of his own party.

If he keeps that up, they might actually find the courage to impeach him.
I read about this today.

He's threatening members of his own party.

If he keeps that up, they might actually find the courage to impeach him.
She might not be perfect but she is no slave to the party line.
I read about this today.

He's threatening members of his own party.

If he keeps that up, they might actually find the courage to impeach him.
Our other Senator repugnican Dan Sullivan is a little bitch and will try and suck his way past this.
The drump of State referred to us as the "Great State Of Alaska" in tweets just as he did Hawaii after the judge there shot down his immigration policies.
The man is condescending to entire states that he represents and should be run out of office for an ethics violation, IMHO.
She might not be perfect but she is no slave to the party line.

Our other Senator repugnican Dan Sullivan is a little bitch and will try and suck his way past this.
The drump of State referred to us as the "Great State Of Alaska" in tweets just as he did Hawaii after the judge there shot down his immigration policies.
The man is condescending to entire states that he represents and should be run out of office for an ethics violation, IMHO.
The ultimate condescension is his calling other people losers, in spite of the fact that he's done so little with so much given to him.
MAGA.........at least for me!
Your head.is up your ass.

The problem is not just that President Trump is selfish, insecure, egotistical, ignorant and unserious. It is that he neither fully grasps nor minimally respects the concept of honor, without which our governing system falls apart. He believes “honorable” means “obsequious in the service of Trump.” He believes everyone else’s motives are as base as his.

The Trump administration is, indeed, like the court of some accidental monarch who is tragically unsuited for the duties of his throne.

Eugene Robinson
He's not unimpeachable.

All he has to do is piss off a half dozen senators, that should be duck soup for him.

If he fires Sessions, his presidency will be on life support in a month.

6? The bar in the senate is 2/3, not 60. The republicans have 52 seats. They can lose 17 republicans to convict and trump is still president. Go ahead and find 18 republicans who *might* vote to convict. They aren't there. And that is assuming the chicken shit house votes to impeach, which ain't gonna happen.
Who's going to bell the cat?

Democrats don't have the majority.

Republicans don't have the balls.

The People don't seem to care.

This is Reality. Unlike the mass media entertainment kind, it doesn't go away when we shut the television off.

There are many avenues (including resignation) and there's an election coming up next year that could change the balance of power a bit. The Republicans mostly pay lip service to Trumptards and they must be concerned about the damage the retard is doing to their party. Relax. At least it's Trump and not Clinton, eh?
There are many avenues (including resignation) and there's an election coming up next year that could change the balance of power a bit. The Republicans mostly pay lip service to Trumptards and they must be concerned about the damage the retard is doing to their party. Relax. At least it's Trump and not Clinton, eh?

Trump isn't taking any exit that doesn't have a red carpet, saluting marines, and cheering crowds. Fuhgettabout it. You bought it, you own it. The only real option is the 25th amendment. And they will only use that out of fear. You'll have to look it up as an exercise for the reader. Impeachment isn't going to happen. Resignation isn't going to happen. Indictment won't work.

Thank gawd for our free press! They have stepped it up
Trump isn't taking any exit that doesn't have a red carpet, saluting marines, and cheering crowds. Fuhgettabout it. You bought it, you own it. The only real option is the 25th amendment. And they will only use that out of fear. You'll have to look it up as an exercise for the reader. Impeachment isn't going to happen. Resignation isn't going to happen. Indictment won't work.
