We are almost there - the descent of Trump

Thank gawd for our free press! They have stepped it up


As they say, time will tell, but so far, everything we are seeing says I'm right.
Trump isn't taking any exit that doesn't have a red carpet, saluting marines, and cheering crowds. Fuhgettabout it. You bought it, you own it. The only real option is the 25th amendment. And they will only use that out of fear. You'll have to look it up as an exercise for the reader. Impeachment isn't going to happen. Resignation isn't going to happen. Indictment won't work.
I hope it's ok to indulge in wishful thinking.

Practically speaking, what you say is true right now. I am skeptical that there is enough evidence to impeach even if a Democratic congress were in place. But really, does anybody doubt that Trump's campaign colluded with Russian agencies with the intent of helping Trump win? This might not be a crime but damn, it's still shocking to me that so many people don't care. And to act as if the whole problem is leaks, not what was done, strikes me as treasonous whether their collusion meets the legal definition or not.
I hope it's ok to indulge in wishful thinking.

Practically speaking, what you say is true right now. I am skeptical that there is enough evidence to impeach even if a Democratic congress were in place. But really, does anybody doubt that Trump's campaign colluded with Russian agencies with the intent of helping Trump win? This might not be a crime but damn, it's still shocking to me that so many people don't care. And to act as if the whole problem is leaks, not what was done, strikes me as treasonous whether their collusion meets the legal definition or not.

Keep in mind that Mueller is all the way up Trump's ass now. No telling what he's going to be covered with when he climbs out.
Keep in mind that Mueller is all the way up Trump's ass now. No telling what he's going to be covered with when he climbs out.
Totally agree. That's why my first sentence included the words "right now". I'm completely content to let this scandal rage and hope the investigation goes on for a couple of years.
There are many avenues (including resignation) and there's an election coming up next year that could change the balance of power a bit. The Republicans mostly pay lip service to Trumptards and they must be concerned about the damage the retard is doing to their party. Relax. At least it's Trump and not Clinton, eh?
I'd vastly prefer it if Mrs Clinton were in the White House. She didn't get my primary vote because I didn't (and still don't) think she was the 'best' one for the job, but I did vote for her in the general election.

Our foreign affairs would not be in such a shambles and I suspect our economy would be doing better for average Americans than it is now.

Instead of the daily Russiagate and Game of Cabinet Members, we might actually be seeing news about policy and progress.

I don't think she would have started any more conflicts. I doubt she would have ordered an airstrip show bombed for the ratings bump.

Perfect? No. Better? Of course, even if that's a low bar to clear...
Keep in mind that Mueller is all the way up Trump's ass now. No telling what he's going to be covered with when he climbs out.
And we'll see it when it happens.
No, your conjecture is no better than mine, no matter how convinced you are.
His conjecture has fit the events better up 'til now and barring any unforeseen revelations it fits the facts better than the 'Trump's going to be impeached BECAUSE!' hysteria so popular among Democrats right now.

In Nixon's day, decorum and appearances mattered. Today, an ongoing shit sure is considered entertainment and isn't impeachable- especially since Republicans hold the majority in both Congress and the Senate.

I want to see Herr Chumpster Fuhrer impeached as soon as possible, don't get me wrong! Realistically, I just don't see it happening until at least 2019 after a new Senate is sworn in.
As they say, time will tell, but so far, everything we are seeing says I'm right.
Anybody can say what you just said at this stage of the investigation. A preconceived notion like yours or the "will be impeached" notion can be debated using available facts and I think the only honest conclusion would be we don't know much.
As they say, time will tell, but so far, everything we are seeing says I'm right.

The Mueller investigation has gone into territory that seems far afield from the immediate issue of collusion with Russia’s involvement in the US election: Mueller’s team is investigating “a broad range of transactions involving Trump’s businesses as well as those of his associates,” a source familiar with the investigation told Bloomberg.

Does anyone really believe Mueller is going to come up empty? And if Trump somehow finds a way to fire Mueller, even the republicants will start pursuing options for removal.

My record on predictions lately have been more dismal than Tampee's face so I really should stop making them, but I'm fairly certain we're (the public) only seeing the proverbial tip of the iceberg at this point.
