We do grow in HS

That dude is awesome!
Should I ever meet him he will get smoked the fuck out for his heroism!

@WHODAT@THADOR most waterfowl lack the ability to feel temperature through their feet and can't tell that water is about to freeze until they're getting stuck. Also diving ducks can be down long enough for water to start to freeze which is probably what happened here because of the position the duck was in where it was frozen under the water. Good thing out hero happened by when he did!
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That dude is awesome!
Should I ever meet him he will get smoked the fuck out for his heroism!

@WHODAT@THADOR most waterfowl lack the ability to feel temperature through their feet and can't tell that water is about to freeze until they're getting stuck. Also diving ducks can be down long enough for water to start to freeze which is probably what happened here because of the position the duck was in where it was frozen under the water. Good thing out hero happened by when he did!
I actually did not know any of that learn something new everyday:-P