We do grow in HS

be thinkin about expanding the veggie garden and tryn to vend at local farmers market, maybe grow some edible mushrooms too, turned out I'm not cutthroat enough for the MMJ community
I have my garden seeds going but that's because I didn't have anything going indoors so I can use my tent for a bit while everything thaws and dries out. I planted a whole flat of veggies. I've got 4 Carolina Reapers up :) With a good indoor veg they're gonna be monstrously productive.
Duck and I sold peppers last year...$1-$2 each on the Carolina reaper...

Ugh. I like hot, but barely below pepper spray isn't fun for me. I think I capped out at habanero. Those reapers are unreal.

I'm closing in on my first batch actually grown till completion in almost 2 years. Two abortive attempts set me back (legal and then familial) but I feel like I'm doing pretty good all things considered.

First up is C99 by Female. Gotta say I think these guys are pretty damn good breeders. First time I've gotten them this far, but solidly similar growth patterns to what else I've seen . Really not a lot of pheno hunting with them. Crazy pineapple-honey smell and should be done in ~60 days. Can't attest to the smoke yet though.


Then a Space Dog by TGA. Can't say I'm all that impressed. Slight fuel scent. Very dense nuggets. But also very low output. This was put in 2 weeks after the others so it didn't a full chance to grow, but so far meh.DSCN2769.JPG DSCN2770.JPG

Lastly the BlackBerry OG by Emerald Triangle. I've had great luck with these guys. Some other people haven't, but everything I've grown out by them has been high yielding fire. Hopefully this one keeps the course. Smell is pretty strongly black licorice / anise, which I don't understand considering the lineage, but I like it so...DSCN2774.JPG DSCN2775.JPG DSCN2777.JPG

Cheers Guys
Grow alot of amazonian
And eat em all.:-)
I been OK..getting ready to pull down a tent,get a truck,got tickets up front for the dead show..life's been OK...
Now a waiting game for the dead show..
Your c99 is 60 days? That's crazy.
Grow alot of amazonian
And eat em all.:-)
I been OK..getting ready to pull down a tent,get a truck,got tickets up front for the dead show..life's been OK...
Now a waiting game for the dead show..
Your c99 is 60 days? That's crazy.

Haha will do on the Amazonian. No I think she'll be done around 60 days. She's around 48ish now, not really sure.

And jealous on the Dead tix. My friend tried to stubhub a few on the first day, loaded the page and they were sold out in under a second. Now some asshats are trying to get over a 100k for them. Unreal
They're still ones to be had,and they got cheaper.. I'm waiting it out and maybe buy one for some friends,depends..mother fuckers want $200-300 commission fee!! It takes hundreds to lick an envelope?
Haha will do on the Amazonian. No I think she'll be done around 60 days. She's around 48ish now, not really sure.

And jealous on the Dead tix. My friend tried to stubhub a few on the first day, loaded the page and they were sold out in under a second. Now some asshats are trying to get over a 100k for them. Unreal
Duck and I sold peppers last year...$1-$2 each on the Carolina reaper...
Mrs Duck actually ate them all. All 4 seeds have popped and they've got about 6 weeks before they go outside. I was planning on using 5 gal buckets but maybe I should go bigger.

Wow DKR and Pin dropping by. Great to see you guys!
Haha will do on the Amazonian. No I think she'll be done around 60 days. She's around 48ish now, not really sure.

And jealous on the Dead tix. My friend tried to stubhub a few on the first day, loaded the page and they were sold out in under a second. Now some asshats are trying to get over a 100k for them. Unreal
Theres still plenty out there bro but if your buying em its gonna be in the 700-? range:-P Buying mine early next week just got my MO back
Theres still plenty out there bro but if your buying em its gonna be in the 700-? range:-P Buying mine early next week just got my MO back

I'm thinking about just heading out for the party. I'm planning on getting a jetski this summer and heading to Mexico in Sept and Japan in Nov so money won't allow that type of expense. I have a cousin that lives in Chi so I may hit him up for a place to stay that weekend. That and get a real Chi-style hot dog. Those are the best, straight up.
Dude, completely agree you cannot beat a real chicago style w/ those peppers...Glad you reminded me I been spoiled by me w/ a hot dog joint that makes legit ones for sure. Damn man you just made me fucking hungry!