We Live In A Black Hole

What makes you think life doesnt exist outside of Earth? Astronomers estimate there are 11 billion earth sized planets orbiting habitable zones of Sun like stars...the odds are pretty good that we are not alone in this galaxy. Though it would be pretty special if Earth was the only planet out of 11 billion to support life.

off the top of my head?

it does per se..tardives? what we have is actually very special..it's not enough to be in the goldilocks..there's nothing between mercury and the sun for one..our orbit around the sun isn't round because of a very large 9th planet tugging on us for two..our moon is not typical of moons for three..but there's much, much more.

is a black hole one dimensional or three dimensional?
:roll: Cultivate your mind. Read Zetetic Astronomy, Terra Firma and The Greatest Lie on Earth. So you will come to understand the true nature of your realm. Then you will stop talking this outer space bullshit.
The difference between a scientist and a religious person....
A scientist will read a thousand books and admit they do not have all the answers.
A religious person reads only one book, that was written 2000 years ago and refuses to learn anything else.

I don't claim to know how the universe was made but to even suggest it was invented by some magical creature as a play thing is literally insanity. We're all living in a giant game of the Sims and can only act out what some kid with a remote control allows us too. We have no free will. We must accept our lot in life and never try to advance ourselves. Never explore new possibilities.
Never believe anything other than the words of a single book or you will burn in eternal hell.
My 5 year old wouldn't even believe that nonsense.

To follow religion is to believe that all the millions scientists and historians, in every area of study, all around the globe....
Are lying about absolutely everything and all telling the same lies.
That would mean they're all in cahoots with each other and in some sort of secret club.
A club made of millions of members and not a single one of them over the last 2000 years has ever blown the whistle.

Personally I think the most logical explanation is the big bang. What caused it?
Fuck knows.
Maybe the last universe got too big and imploded.
Maybe there's been a billion universes, a billion implosions and a billion big bangs.
Maybe the centre of the universe is what happens to all the shit that gets sucked down black holes.
Maybe not. Maybe it's something completely different and science got it wrong.
Maybe, just Maybe, the Hindus, seiks, Muslims, Christians, Catholics and the 3000 other religions who all have completely different versions of events that all contradict each other are in fact all correct.
Probably not though.
This new sativa I'm blazing has me on some space vibes so I will jump will jump in as the outlier in all of this. I belive in a Creator who created the universe with intelligent design that is beyond our current understanding. I also think flat earthers are batshit crazy, and I do believe in the scientific method.

I am thankful for scientists and doctors and modern medicine, even if I balance my views with seeking natural remedies and treatments first before I would look to a purely pharmaceutical solution.

I think that Jah gave us the intelligence to discover and understand things to help benefit mankind. In the last 100 years of Revelation times we have seen and discovered amazing things about our universe that our ancestors could not even fathom. None of that for me disproves creation, in fact it just makes it all that much amazing especially when you consider the points that @schuylaar made about our local solar system and planet.

How it physically manifested I don't know. I don't see why the act of creation itself could not have been the big bang. Regarding different religions having different versions of the creation story, well maybe some of them are wrong or false, but maybe some of them are just different versions of the same story told from different viewpoints. Some of those origin stories are metaphorical as well, not telling how the universe itself was created but how those civilizations or people came to be.

I think that we are all here for a reason and each of us has a purpose and mission. All of our lives have meaning. Life itself is a gift. At least that's how I see things.
The difference between a scientist and a religious person....
A scientist will read a thousand books and admit they do not have all the answers.
A religious person reads only one book, that was written 2000 years ago and refuses to learn anything else.

I don't claim to know how the universe was made but to even suggest it was invented by some magical creature as a play thing is literally insanity. We're all living in a giant game of the Sims and can only act out what some kid with a remote control allows us too. We have no free will. We must accept our lot in life and never try to advance ourselves. Never explore new possibilities.
Never believe anything other than the words of a single book or you will burn in eternal hell.
My 5 year old wouldn't even believe that nonsense.

To follow religion is to believe that all the millions scientists and historians, in every area of study, all around the globe....
Are lying about absolutely everything and all telling the same lies.
That would mean they're all in cahoots with each other and in some sort of secret club.
A club made of millions of members and not a single one of them over the last 2000 years has ever blown the whistle.

Personally I think the most logical explanation is the big bang. What caused it?
Fuck knows.
Maybe the last universe got too big and imploded.
Maybe there's been a billion universes, a billion implosions and a billion big bangs.
Maybe the centre of the universe is what happens to all the shit that gets sucked down black holes.
Maybe not. Maybe it's something completely different and science got it wrong.
Maybe, just Maybe, the Hindus, seiks, Muslims, Christians, Catholics and the 3000 other religions who all have completely different versions of events that all contradict each other are in fact all correct.
Probably not though.
Maybe your just intelligent and open minded. Great post
off the top of my head?

it does per se..tardives? what we have is actually very special..it's not enough to be in the goldilocks..there's nothing between mercury and the sun for one..our orbit around the sun isn't round because of a very large 9th planet tugging on us for two..our moon is not typical of moons for three..but there's much, much more.

is a black hole one dimensional or three dimensional?

Think of it as an orb in space time.....
Maybe your just intelligent and open minded. Great post
Thanks mate. The funny thing is, although I'm clearly an atheist. I am actually willing to admit that "god" might exist.
Just not in the way religion talks about it.
The orientals (is that the pc term?) talk about "chi. "
Watch shaolin monks perform
on heat sensitive cameras and you can see clear as day that there is something there.
When they focus before smashing bricks over their heads or taking a boot in the bollocks whatever. The area about to be hit goes red hot.
They claim to be absorbing energy (chi) from their surroundings and focusing it in their bodies to protect themselves...and now thanks to the wonders of science we can see they might just be telling the truth.
The camera says they're definately doing something. Can see the heat moving around their bodies.
It's a bit of a rabbit hole and it makes my head hurt so I try not to think about it too much but yeah. A little something to expand the possibilities lol.
Unsure. It's one of a flock at a Zen Buddhist Center we walk in regularly..
If anyones got it right it's those guys. They might still be wrong but they're definately closer to "the truth " than any of the rest of us.
Few years back there was a monk burned himself alive as a form of protest.
He never even flinched. Covered in petrol and blazin like a bonfire and he never made a sound.
Changed my outlook on life altogether.
That badass motherfucker knew something we don't.
Probably knew something that even if he told us. Our minds just wouldn't be able to comprehend cos of all the nonsense we've been fed through the years.
We're all too busy fighting over money to find the time to elevate our mental state enough to be able to see anything but greed and selfishness.
Fuck it man, where is it im jumping on a plane. Tell em to get me a bed ready :)
Thanks mate. The funny thing is, although I'm clearly an atheist. I am actually willing to admit that "god" might exist.
Just not in the way religion talks about it.
The orientals (is that the pc term?) talk about "chi. "
Watch shaolin monks perform
on heat sensitive cameras and you can see clear as day that there is something there.
When they focus before smashing bricks over their heads or taking a boot in the bollocks whatever. The area about to be hit goes red hot.
They claim to be absorbing energy (chi) from their surroundings and focusing it in their bodies to protect themselves...and now thanks to the wonders of science we can see they might just be telling the truth.
The camera says they're definately doing something. Can see the heat moving around their bodies.
It's a bit of a rabbit hole and it makes my head hurt so I try not to think about it too much but yeah. A little something to expand the possibilities lol.
I'm an atheist as well, but spiritual. I believe the Bible is a great guideline for being a good person, but its not the be all, and end all when its only taken from context. I have two friends who are Buddhist and we get along great, because we respect each other. We're open minded, enjoy each others company and never judge each others beliefs. My belief is that God isn't an all mighty diety, but he was a scientist that started an experiment on the most perfect petri dish.

Spiritual side note...My buddies say DMT is the most spiritual experience they've ever had, but i Haven't tried yet, but micro dosing (sometimes not micro LOL) cubensis helps with keeping me grounded.
off the top of my head?

it does per se..tardives? what we have is actually very special..it's not enough to be in the goldilocks..there's nothing between mercury and the sun for one..our orbit around the sun isn't round because of a very large 9th planet tugging on us for two..our moon is not typical of moons for three..but there's much, much more.

is a black hole one dimensional or three dimensional?
Not saying I agree with you. I don't to be honest but there is a lot of strange things regarding our solar system that just don't make sense. Our moon in particular pretty much defies all known forms of maths that try to explain it's creation, orbit etc.
There is definitely something in your argument. I fully understand where your thinking comes from but...too many questions....

Hmm.. why? I suppose that would be the big one. Why would we be lied to on such a grand scale?
And how? How would so many people manage such a big cover up without people caving and spilling it to the world?

If we are being lied to about the moon, its origins, it's purpose. Why?
Is there really a giant swastika on the side we can't see?
Are the Apollo videos of astronauts saying "holy shit what's that!" genuine and there really is an alien base there?

I read a book once on the cia paranormal espionage programme. About how they apparently used "remote viewers" to spy on people.
Seemingly they tested these people by giving them grid co-ordinates for everything from fields to their own military bases but never told them anything other than the co-ordinates.
The viewers were told to draw what they saw at the site in order to verify. And many proved they could indeed see what was there and what was going on.
The book says they tried to trick one of the more efficient viewers by giving him co-ordinates for somewhere on the moon...and the guy absolutely shat himself and started shouting about 10ft tall aliens and being able to see the earth.

Was a good read but not sure it's a pill I'm ready to swallow just yet.
In the vastness of the universe it had to happen eventually. A perfect alignment of random objects that just happened to create life from nothing.
Sounds a bit far fetched to some but Justin beibers one of the richest little wankers on earth and kanye west is thinking about (and would probably win) running for president.
Strange things just happen sometimes.
They have to eventually.
I'm an atheist as well, but spiritual. I believe the Bible is a great guideline for being a good person, but its not the be all, and end all when its only taken from context. I have two friends who are Buddhist and we get along great, because we respect each other. We're open minded, enjoy each others company and never judge each others beliefs. My belief is that God isn't an all mighty diety, but he was a scientist that started an experiment on the most perfect petri dish.

Spiritual side note...My buddies say DMT is the most spiritual experience they've ever had, but i Haven't tried yet, but micro dosing (sometimes not micro LOL) cubensis helps with keeping me grounded.
Yeah I've had a few folk offer me it over the years but my minds expanded enough thanks haha. Had plenty mushies back in the day so I've seen whatever the hell that extra dimension is. I know it's there but I'm quite happy leaving it at that.
I like talking about "the truth" it's a subject I obviously enjoy asking the questions on. It's good for expanding the mind but I'm quite content just knowing it's out there. (Did you hear that music ?)

The mental processes involved with digesting the information aren't a healthy thing to do to yourself to often.
Not everyone's brain is capable of accepting the possible answers and I'm cool being one of those people.
If I found out the truth and could mentally handle accepting it then I don't think I could live my life the way I do.
And I quite like my life so I'll leave fighting over what exactly it is to the rest of society and just be glad I'm not ignorant to it. :)