We Live In A Black Hole

Yeah I've had a few folk offer me it over the years but my minds expanded enough thanks haha. Had plenty mushies back in the day so I've seen whatever the hell that extra dimension is. I know it's there but I'm quite happy leaving it at that.
I like talking about "the truth" it's a subject I obviously enjoy asking the questions on. It's good for expanding the mind but I'm quite content just knowing it's out there. (Did you hear that music ?)

The mental processes involved with digesting the information aren't a healthy thing to do to yourself to often.
Not everyone's brain is capable of accepting the possible answers and I'm cool being one of those people.
If I found out the truth and could mentally handle accepting it then I don't think I could live my life the way I do.
And I quite like my life so I'll leave fighting over what exactly it is to the rest of society and just be glad I'm not ignorant to it. :)
I get what you saying. Absolutely. Ive found that even I'm ignorant to situations I thought I was aware of...nope I was wrong. It took me 40 years to not give a fuck about what people think about me, and I'm way happier for it realizing that their lives are so empty, and that they want somethung more too, but want someone else to figure it out for them. Your dreams don't fall on your lap, you have to work for anything you TRUELY want.
And with your feet when you don't have a tape measure. Average mans foot with a boot on is generally 11-13inches.
Is that why 12inches is called a foot?
Yup its a great quick measure tool...fucking imperial system sucks...yeah its all I use, but I was taught metric.
Its at the bottom right of each comment
Yeah but even then it's all relative and subjective! You all know the theory of relativity right?! Just because it takes 365 days here does not mean it takes 365 days somewhere else in the universe! Time was created by man! You don't see animals counting down the days. Time was created to scare man and give a sense of impending doom!! Time is NOT real.
we must measure in light years when measurement becomes too great..
It's not a thing though. It's just a way for us humans to wrap our minds around and somehow make it logical for us. A light year is just how fast light travels through space! Again relativity, and has nothing to do with time
Yeah but even then it's all relative and subjective! You all know the theory of relativity right?! Just because it takes 365 days here does not mean it takes 365 days somewhere else in the universe! Time was created by man! You don't see animals counting down the days. Time was created to scare man and give a sense of impending doom!! Time is NOT real.
I looked into this recently and it turns out that time as we know it is only a few hundred years old.
It was originally measured from dawn till dusk. Only the daylight hours were counted.
An hour has only existed as a measurement of time for literally a few hundred years.
Was interesting stuff.
Yeah but even then it's all relative and subjective! You all know the theory of relativity right?! Just because it takes 365 days here does not mean it takes 365 days somewhere else in the universe! Time was created by man! You don't see animals counting down the days. Time was created to scare man and give a sense of impending doom!! Time is NOT real.
Yeah I get it, of course. its why I referenced an earth year in days and mentioned its full round trip in the first place. its 364.25 per year, the reason for leap year every 4 years. Who cares what it is elsewhere. It doesn't exist, its man made, who fucking cares, its not a conspiracy either.
Yeah I get it, of course. its why I referenced an earth year in days and mentioned its full round trip in the first place. its 364.25 per year, the reason for leap year every 4 years. Who cares what it is elsewhere. It doesn't exist, its man made, who fucking cares, its not a conspiracy either.
Absolutely right!
One of those fun questions that really reflects more about the people who answer it than it does to shed light on the understanding of the subject.
Human lives are so short. Human intellect is so limited.
All of the ideas from ancient people to modern science (whether empirical or guesses based off balancing equations) are still on the table as much as they ever have been. From created worshipper of a diety, to alien CRISPR made experimental miners, cosmic fluke, and maybe not even real or happening. Something like a crazy god doing a one man play and being all of the characters at once.
Science is great. As long as it is the scientific method, and not an indoctrinated regurgitation of "the facts" as written. These are our best guesses as our measuring instruments get better and our understanding of the situation deepens.
Still it seems like the more we learn, the less it matters. Look deep down inside on the micro scale and see the infinite vastness of space. Look out to the stars and see the practical workings of elemental particles. Seems to be fractal. The info of the largest parts is contained in the smallest part.
And yet here we are killing each other. Robbing from each other. And being general jackasses to all other forms of life on earth.
So our reality is monkey. Our fantasy of ourselves is a grander vision.
"Dang ol' dust in the wind, man. Shoot."-boomhauer from king of the hill
Is the human being something more than the working of the biological systems? Is there a soul to go on? Living in a black hole? Maybe, if we are experiencing the break down of reality as we are pulled deeper in to being crushed. See you all of you at the singularity again, real soon.
If anyones got it right it's those guys. They might still be wrong but they're definately closer to "the truth " than any of the rest of us.
Few years back there was a monk burned himself alive as a form of protest.
He never even flinched. Covered in petrol and blazin like a bonfire and he never made a sound.
Changed my outlook on life altogether.
That badass motherfucker knew something we don't.
Probably knew something that even if he told us. Our minds just wouldn't be able to comprehend cos of all the nonsense we've been fed through the years.
We're all too busy fighting over money to find the time to elevate our mental state enough to be able to see anything but greed and selfishness.
Fuck it man, where is it im jumping on a plane. Tell em to get me a bed ready :)

i used to also think that buddhists got it the most right. But then i learned that those core ideas of buddhism(which contain their truths) came outside of them and in their more original forms, they make better sense. Those core ideas like meditation, idea of oneness etc came from egypt originally, traveled through middle east in the form of gnosticism, then went to east and most likely mixed with indian early religions and through this mixture came hinduisim, buddhism and jainaism.

Buddhists seem to be most in number today that still carry these old truths. But there are some very different brances of buddhism, some closer to those truths than others
Another thread where retarded Griller speaks bullshit - deep bullshit. He’s like a
Manure farmer, that idiot