i was just wondering if any other conditions have been added to the list since the start of the mmj program .
Not yet.
There are a couple of other conditions that I could use some help with.
Right now, the applications have to be written up a certain way, with medical documentation and supporting testimony, and personally presented to the committee BY THE SUBMITTER. That involves public speaking, traveling to Lansing, etc.
Here are some conditions I am interested in submitting applications for:
1/ Neuromuscular Conditions characterized by tics or tremors such as seen in Parkinsons
2/ Irritable bowel
3/ Narcotic Withdrawal
4/ BiPolar Disorder
5/ Chronic Persistent Anxiety
I am willing to put these together and present them in Lansing. What I really need is a research assistant to help me gather information. The assistant will or will not be listed as a co-submitter, depending on if they want to be identified and/or present the case with me in Lansing.
What I am looking for is someone familiar with and passionate about one or more of the conditions, that will track down FULL TEXT studies supporting the use of cannabis in the condition. Someone that can attest to their personal experience (or that of someone they are close to) with the condition and cannabis.
Most of these application packets are about 100-150 pages long and we need to keep them coming in the pipeline to keep the board seated. If there are no applications to discuss and vote on, or hold public hearings for, they will shut it down before we have everything addressed.
I could use your help. Contact me via PM.
Dr. Bob