Web site creation

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Heres the Dreamweaver link.
Adobe - Dreamweaver CS3, Web Site Design, Web Page Design, Web Design Software

Dreamweaver has a "code view" and a "design view", which is nice. For me if I'm in design mode and something is doesn't look right or isn't being displayed properly, I can just switch over to code mode and troubleshoot the problem. Dreamweaver is also nice cause you can create a direct connection with your host server and upload your files (web pages) straight to the server and its automatically updated on the internet.

dreamweaver is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) HTML editor. you basically are making a page like you would a word document.

you could be up in running in 5 minutes if you did something simple like a wordpress blog. running a website with wordpress would be as easy as posting to the forum. you fill out a form and add pictures. people can comment on it or you can disable comments. lots of nifty features.

1. buy a domain name
2. get a hosting account
3. install wordpress (a hosting account with a host that uses cpanel and fantastico allows you to install wordpress with 2 clicks)
4. post text and pictures to your website via a simple admin form.

i offered to host you but dont know that i can host a site of the nature you want, need to check my terms of service. either way i could set up a practice domain with wordpress installed and you can test drive before you buy.

pm me but im crashing now and will have to reply tomorrow

blah cars i used to love them, now they hate me, so fuck them, accords and civics...lol tied at number one stolen car...every gen.

and FDD get dreamweaver and a book on basic HTML they will make you very happy
Absoluutely! Dreamweaver looks perfect and you will save yourself so much time and aggravation like I went through.
You already have your domain name paid for so all you need to do is format your page and find a hosting lsite like buddy said and you are all set. :mrgreen: I think you will do GREAT Mr. Fdd.
Swishmax ;) - Flash based - very easy... and you can make your page look good....

you can also add the swishmax files to your dreamweaver webpage...

lets see you make a Logo and it has effects that have to replay'd again and again....

make it with swishmax, add a box to dreamweaver that supports the .swf extention and your done.....

Or you can use Fantastico... this programm installs all you'r stuff like forums, shops, gallery's, blogs, Data managment and loads more....

very easy....
i bought the domain. then i paid to have my ID private. now i sit. i have all the time in the world, i'm just trying to get a feel for what this all is. i have zero knowledge.
I did that in winter of '06 when our tenant stiffed us. Decided to rent out our cabin as a vacation rental, entirely online via CraigsList. Built my website by hand after buying my domain, and it sure as hell looked like it! :lol:
We hosted from home, so that can present problems when building your first site from scratch, as can not being able to beta test on different browsers and operating systems.

Ok, I see a lot of people advising using Dreamweaver, and I didn't use that. I'm not sure about Dw, but I KNOW that with FrontPage, once you go with that, you are MARRIED to it. And I'm talking Catholic-you-may-as-well-have-a-mistress-cuz-you-ain't-NEVER-getting-a-divorce married.
And it gets worse the bigger the site becomes because everything has to be done over again. So, I don't think I can recommend FrontPage, but with Dreamweaver, I'd say if it doesn't do the same thing (encode in such a way as to force you to continue using only that program), then it ought to be fun.
she has/had a site. looks like everybody but me has at one point or another. :-?
closest i ever got to my own website was my myspace.... haha...

you ain't the only one buddy...

... may i ask why though? is this site not boosting your ego enough????:blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke:
closest i ever got to my own website was my myspace.... haha...

you ain't the only one buddy...

... may i ask why though? is this site not boosting your ego enough????:blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke:

i locked the web address down so no one could steal it. it was suggested to me to do this. sounded reasonable, so i bought it for 2 years. i may just sit on it. i really have no plan for anything so it's not like i'm going anywhere or are bored here. just putting out some "feelers". :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
i locked the web address down so no one could steal it. it was suggested to me to do this. sounded reasonable, so i bought it for 2 years. i may just sit on it. i really have no plan for anything so it's not like i'm going anywhere or are bored here. just putting out some "feelers". :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
Ill take a bong load of the feelers.
JESUS, that's a bit much...I mean, that's like 400 frosties...2000 chicken nuggets....you could feed a small mexican family for...DAYS

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Portable Edition Included Serials [67,7MB]



Industry-leading tool
Take advantage of all the flexibility and power of a world-class web design tool. Manipulate pixel-perfect designs in Design view, craft complex code in Code view, or do a little of each. Work the way you work best.

Integrated workflows
Design, develop, and maintain content within Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS3 while taking advantage of intelligent integration with other Adobe tools, including Adobe Flash® CS3 Professional, Adobe Fireworks® CS3, Adobe Photoshop® CS3, Adobe Contribute® CS3, and new Adobe Device Central CS3 for creating mobile device content.

Complete CSS support
Discover the advantage of visual CSS tools that make it easy to view, edit, and move styles within and between files, as well as see how your changes will affect the design. Accelerate your workflow with new CSS layouts, and test your design with the new Browser Compatibility Check.

Integrated coding environment
Organize and accelerate your coding with code collapse, color coding, line numbering, and a coding toolbar with comment/uncomment and code snippets. Apply code hints for HTML and server languages.

Support for leading technologies
Take advantage of support for leading web development technologies, including HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, Ajax, PHP, Adobe ColdFusion®, ASP, ASP.NET, and JSP.

Effortless XML
Quickly integrate XML content using either XSL or the Spry framework for Ajax. Point to an XML file or XML feed URL, and Dreamweaver CS3 will display its contents, enabling you to drag and drop appropriate fields onto your page.

FLV support
Easily add FLV files to your web pages in just five clicks, with no knowledge of Flash required. Customize the video environment to match your website.

Learning resources
Learn as you go with comprehensive in-product tutorials, reference content, and instructional templates that make it easy to expand your skill set and adopt the latest technologies.

Extended Dreamweaver community
Enjoy all the benefits of the extensive Dreamweaver community, including the online Adobe Design Center and Adobe Developer Center, training and seminars, developer certification programs, user forums, and more than 1,000 downloadable extensions available in the Dreamweaver Exchange.
Cross-platform support






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