Weed in Canada has ZERO value

Do you guys think the black market will ever bounce back or do you guys think it's pretty much a done deal now?
Of course it will! Good bud is where you find it dispensary weed is shitty for the most part. I recently went to Vegas their dispensary is dog shit! I went to multiple & said fuck it & went to Cali which was decent! i’ve gotten street weed in early 2000s that’s better than everything floating around now!
Shatter here is 5 a gram in bulk if you know somebody and that's not hard really.
Pounds as low as $500. Locally you can buy an ounce for $160........get a free ounce. And dropping by the week.
This country is FLOODED with weed....it's everywhere.
I need that shatter hookup it’s still $25 for the average person in Alberta
Obviously if you know someone bulk is cheaper
I live up here and have no idea either. Can get sub-$100 ozs tho. A buddy got one of Trailer Park Boys bud before it was pulled or name changed. Not allowed to advertise or use celebrity names to promote pot, booze, pharma drugs or tobacco here. Lots of sin tax for us sinners tho. Try $15 for a 25 pack of cigs. $27 for a dozen beer. Tobacco is almost $1/g now too and it's mostly all taxes.


That’s socialism/communism paying extra taxes for their stupid social programs
I need that shatter hookup it’s still $25 for the average person in Alberta
Obviously if you know someone bulk is cheaper

Shatter here is $5-7/gr if you buy a 70gr piece. Weed that most people would find good is about $600-800 Weed that people would find really good is $800-900 If you don't care for monster size PGR buds you can get descent weed for $500.

I've had a good chunk of my customers quit for good, shut down and see what happens if the borders open up or really struggle if this is their lively hood. Some of my bigger ones that do this for extra income are already planning exits at end of the year.

Quite brutal out there atm and not sure if the borders opening up will help. If nightclubs and events start soon and no further outbrakes it might pick up for a while until everyone settles down but I'm not sure anymore.

Shrooms are $350-600 too now
Of course it will! Good bud is where you find it dispensary weed is shitty for the most part. I recently went to Vegas their dispensary is dog shit! I went to multiple & said fuck it & went to Cali which was decent! i’ve gotten street weed in early 2000s that’s better than everything floating around now!

We were kinda discussing Canadian bud here bub.
The black market is crashing super hard right now and it's because of all these new government shops.
It's not crashing .... It's stabilizing at the rate at which the true market value really is when everyone who wants to can produce their own . It's a beautiful thing really :) Big box stores can grab for there piece of the pie but ultimately it'll be a moot attempt when you can just take the time to produce you're own products..... I'd gander that nutrient, lighting and hardware companies are raking in the cash right now .....
I'd gander that nutrient, lighting and hardware companies are raking in the cash right now .....
Not sure what it's like there in the US but where I live here in Canada I'm guessing the opposite is true. No one is growing here because everyone is purchasing from government dispensaries. Never thought I'd see the day.

Edit: I find it somewhat odd that people seem to be completely content with buying garbage from the dispensaries but in the bm if the product isn't a solid 10 you can't give the shit away. And if it is a 10 you're lucky to get 6-800 per lb.
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Well not exactly tbh. They're not undercutting. Way cheaper and way better product in the bm.

People can be cheap you offer them the good shit or the cheap shit for half price. ..low grade weed for low grade favouring people so many would rather pay 100 for shit weed than 200 for good weed given the choice which I find a little bit sad but it's their choice

How much has legalisation devalued percentage wise the value of top quality bud?
People can be cheap you offer them the good shit or the cheap shit for half price. ..low grade weed for low grade favouring people so many would rather pay 100 for shit weed than 200 for good weed given the choice which I find a little bit sad but it's their choice

How much has legalisation devalued percentage wise the value of top quality bud?
That's the thing though. People could be getting top quality product for super cheap right now through the bm if they wanted but they're choosing lower grade products for higher prices from the government shops instead. It's weird.

Couldn't say percentage wise but it's huge and seemingly increasing non-stop.
That's the thing though. People could be getting top quality product for super cheap right now through the bm but instead they're choosing lower grade products for higher prices from the government shops. It's weird.

Couldn't say percentage wise but it's huge.
I have offered people two choices time and time again and virtually all of them take the cheap option I show them delicious looking buds the size of fists all sparkling and stinking that I'm still quite proud of even though I've been doing it for decades
and they pick the bag of shwag trim and popcorn for half price without even looking at it

I concluded they don't love the weed
they like it but they certainly don't love it if they did they would be growing too
I have offered people two choices time and time again and virtually all of them take the cheap option I show them delicious looking buds the size of fists all sparkling and stinking that I'm still quite proud of even though I've been doing it for decades
and they pick the bag of shwag trim and popcorn for half price without even looking at it

I concluded they don't love the weed
they like it but they certainly don't love it if they did they would be growing too
I'm surprised to hear that. It's the opposite here. No one buying bm product here unless it's absolute top quality stuff. And it's super cheap too. Anything that's not top quality is pretty much unsellable no matter how cheap it is.
I'm surprised to hear that. It's the opposite here. No one buying bm product here unless it's absolute top quality stuff. And it's super cheap too. Anything that's not top quality is pretty much unsellable no matter how cheap it is.

I am in the UK so things are very different here people do like good bud but they like saving money even more