Weed in Canada has ZERO value

medical users here they haven't been legal for long and they are willing to pay £350-400 700 CAD per Oz for medium quality imported Canadian medical weed or they pay £150-200 for popcorn they are upset too because street weed is cheaper and more potent lol
Holy shit, $700 per oz??? You can get a pound of top notch stuff here for that price. Cheaper even.
Good , Same things happening in Michigan too. Unless u'r an idiot going to Lume an oz is like 125.00 and less than a G for an lb, which is right where is should be. people been getting ripped for too long just to get a buzz on
I’m in Michigan and if your smoking those 125 dollar ounces from the store , your smoking today’s equivalent of Mexican brick weed. Cardboard terps.

That being said if you have right quality and strains, you can move it for decent numbers. Outdoor has zero value in bud form, and I’d say 90% of indoor won’t fetch more than 1200 a #. But luckily if you take good care of your plants it’s not hard to outshine most product here and get over 2k a #. I mean if you do that, my patients get all mine.

Its a different game than it used to be, that’s for sure. If your not always looking for the new best genetics, and putting out consistent fire, your not gonna make it much longer. My people are so damn picky now it’s not funny, I had a friend with some great looking indoor, forwarded the pictures for him and no interest, all I got back for a reply was doesn’t look as good. Hell I thought it did.

If your weed isn’t better than the store weed by a good bit, the store wins. Even then you have to find the customers that care enough, it’s not the same customers who want the best deals, they will be the first ones lining up to smoke cardboard terps at the store.
I'm in Southern Ontario area. Cheap as stink here. We are legal to grow 4 per adult here so weed is all over the place here.
I know folks who have actually thrown some away they had too much and nobody to give it too.
You could pass them my address :).
I think you misred what I said although I could see how easy it is to do the way I wrote it. Weed at the store is fucking stupid expensive, between 45 and 65 an 1/8th and upwards of 300 an oz.... quality isn't what I'd consider better then a mid . An oz from private sellers are on average about 125 and oz and killer can be had for 200 ish.

I myself have retired from being a medical grower, I made lots and lots of money in the 11 ish years I did it.... now I just grow for my mother and the family.... and occasionally to barter with , I dont sell cause it's no longer profitable to me for the time and consumables it takes and honestly I'm glad it has evolved to that.
That’s what I said but the fat fucker selling his 1/8 for 125. The killing part is ppl is buying it. I’ve been wanting to buy one just to see the quality. Hell I paid $45 bucks for 1 pre-roll in Vegas. Which was the best they had to offer.
which offers the best finished product in your opinion. Potency being the top factor, considering ordering but i’m still doing homework.
Idk, I've had really shit luck last few years with seed/strain selections. Thinking about trying some clone only strains if I don't pack er in myself. Probably a better question for the strain section of the forum here. Some people there will have some suggestions for sure.
Holy shit, $700 per oz??? You can get a pound of top notch stuff here for that price. Cheaper even.

Yep here is the price list for the UK medical weed they are selling medium quality dispensary style dried out nuggets in plastic containers which is mostly outdated imported Canadian castoffs that you guys don't want lol someone is laughing all the way to the bank and it ain't you and it ain't me

Spectrum therapeutics range are £412 per 30g
That is $708 CAD
Yep here is the price list for the UK medical weed they are selling medium quality dispensary style dried out nuggets in plastic containers which is mostly outdated imported Canadian castoffs that you guys don't want lol someone is laughing all the way to the bank and it ain't you and it ain't me

Spectrum therapeutics range are £412 per 30g
That is $708 CAD
That's unbelievable really. For that price I'll canoe across the pond and meet those needs.
I'm not sure the stores are doing very well. We'll need a year or two to see how many pack it in.
Rent is NOT cheap.
Either make sales or foldup. So we'll know soon enough.
Plus the BM is under cutting them huge. Price combined with quality sells.
There are a lot of age groups and levels of experience in the market now.

I laugh the most at long time smokers who suddenly have found the holy grail at the store and think a jar saying 24% means it's the sxxx lol.

There are so many bad home growers I can kind of understand a lot of folks going commercial.

I really enjoy the process of growing, but if and when a farmers market of awesome piles of killer shows up for $50 an ounce, I will happily stop.

But the greedy nature of EVERYBODY today will prevent that for about another decade at least across the entire continent.
Northern Cali here the clubs have all the local favorites some hot fire for sure. Plugging out like 65 1/8th still for the top shit. All the real growers don't want it legal here in USA. Legal will only push prices to 0. 6 plants per house here is legal. Democrats always pushing legal because they suck big corp dick and they being paid. Republicans better for weed prices IMO and many others.
I live in an illegal state... I have been using cannabis since the early 90s. Back in those days an ounce of really good nugs would cost you 380 to $400. Now the market is flooded with overflow from the recreational legal states. I have never seen better-looking flower for 200 an ounce. Everybody knows that once it is completely legal federally and everyone can grow and sell it will be just like tomatoes lettuce or grapes
I live in an illegal state... I have been using cannabis since the early 90s. Back in those days an ounce of really good nugs would cost you 380 to $400. Now the market is flooded with overflow from the recreational legal states. I have never seen better-looking flower for 200 an ounce. Everybody knows that once it is completely legal federally and everyone can grow and sell it will be just like tomatoes lettuce or grapes
Everyone can’t grow good bud nor will they try once the Government figure regulation out imo the weed will suck!