LOL that would freak me out if I was as high as UKgrower2011psycologists call that a locked in stage, basically if you have smoked regularly and daily for a sustained amount of time your brain adapts to the intoxication and begins to operate in that state. conversly once lock in has begun the individual will begin to feel more "normal" during their high and less in control and alert during the sober moment.
Lock in stage is not a good thing and it can go away with prolonged sobriety with the time line of a cleaning procccess directly connected to the severity of your lock in stage.
interestingly, this caused by the same receptors that are stimulated through tripping (its why MJ is considered a hallusinigenic) and hard tripp do the same thing on a much more sever level.. and that where flash backs and acid head cases most commonly come from..
good luck