Weeks till Gender shows?


Well-Known Member
I took the safe route and transplanted the largest of the 3 in cups, but I'll leave the other 2 in cups to compare..

I have been giving them full doses of nutrients daily with no nute burn.

I am also using a variation of hempy, because my cups are in other cups
with holes about an inch from the bottom, and the roots reach into the
reservoir and suck up the water within hours


Well-Known Member
I am working with limited space, and doing a perpetual requires me to use small containers.
I plan on upgrading to 2 liter bottles,
However I like your analogy's.

But are the nutrients we feed our plants not what they use to construct themselves? I nute them daily,
and I transplanted before the rootbound took hold but I still
am mot seeing substantial growth. But I understand what you are advising me for.
brah my space is 2x3x4... i planted mine the same day you planted yours on dec 27th 2012 ...im using 180 wattss of led and 125 of cfl...take a peek at mine yesterday you will see what the others are talking about..all of 3 my plants have atleast 5 "main colas"..more info in my grow in my sig ;)




Well-Known Member
I took the safe route and transplanted the largest of the 3 in cups, but I'll leave the other 2 in cups to compare.

You should be a teacher, you have got a way with coming up with analogy's.

I have been giving them full doses of nutrients daily with no nute burn.

I am also using a variation of hempy, because my cups are in other cups
with holes about an inch from the bottom, and the roots reach into the
reservoir and suck up the water within hours

I wanna know how that works out,..I wanted to do something similar with buckets to stop going back so much to water and catch rain. Never got around to it and always wondered if it works out !!


New Member
The only problem that can arise from root bound is root rot if you do not allow your soil to dry out fully between watering I believe.
The roots are the beginning of the vascular system pipeline that moves water and minerals from the soil up to the leaves and fruits.

To function, roots must have adequate levels of soil oxygen. Soil compaction or waterlogged soil situations, reducing soil oxygen levels, will kill roots and lead to a shallow root system.
The structure and growth habits of roots have a pronounced effect on

  • Size and vigor of the plants
  • Adaptation to certain soils
  • Response to cultural practices
Because they are out of sight, roots are often out of mind. They are widely overlooked as to their significance in plant health. Eighty percent of all plant disorders include soil/root problems.

here is the source for that info http://www.cmg.colostate.edu/gardennotes/132.html

Dude with a 1000watt light you should get WAY more than a half an ounce, lol
That's what I was thinking.......

Cobra is just being a little skeptical?
dude he is making fun of you.. hes saying a 1000w should get you atleast 1 pound dry.. not a half ounce


Well-Known Member
Troll much my man? I check the weight of my pots to know if the soil is dry...
If I used much larger containers I would not fill my grow space. I took 6 cuttings and all have rooted
They will be entering my flower tent in another week. When I will be taking 6 more cuttings...
I am being purposefully pessimistic about my yields.
But even if I only get 1/2 oz per plant, I still will have 3 oz every 2 weeks..
simple math shows that my "shit" plants will get me 18oz evey three months...

nughunter shows me plants from seed grown in larger containers,
His input is appreciated because he is not a troll... Aha

Thank you, I will certainly start with larger containers, and or transplant sooner,
footprint is important however. I would have more colas but I have been
removing branching, as I need light penetration because my containers will be touching.

Anyway, thanks for comments

please troll elsewhere cobra

Feel free to come back in a month
And see for yourself that you have
Wasted your energy sir...

Better luck elsewhere having your opinions matter.


Well-Known Member
buddinantor ...you are correct about the party cups being a methid used by many growers...i also agree with you that not everyones needs or goals are the same when it comes to there grow.....your method will work for sure...there is just a few things that will make your plants alot healthier and happier and you will get higher yields..i suggest you do a search and read the party cup threads im sure you will get ALOT of great tips and info from them...i was actually thinking of doing a scrog party cup grow with about 20 autoflowers ..good luck and keep on keepin on brah :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thanks nug. I have fully read two different journals done completely in party cups,
and another which was done in hempy cups.
yields on those grows averaged about 15 grams a plant with no veg time as they
were done with clones. They usually incorporated 2 400's or a 600,
1000's should help with light penetration so I won't have to lollipop as much.

thanks for the constructive input


Well-Known Member
I usually don't say mean things to people, and I'll try to not do it to you either, but honestly, you are epitomizing the word ignorant with your actions. Think about the root of the word "ignore". You've been given sound advice by around 10 people on this thread, and continue to ignore it. The people who have tried to help you are a lot nicer people than I am, I could tell it would be a waste of time from about 3 posts of yours in.

Roots are the key to a plants life. Roots are the equivalent of our hearts. One day you'll stop abusing them like you are, if you decide to listen and learn.


Well-Known Member
Actually, including yourself 4/4 have alluded to larger containers...

So not quite ten,

But I have not once said that roots are not important, I am well aware
that without healthy roots you really don't have much of a plant at all,
at it is much more susceptible to ph issues, heat stress, disease etc etc.

Roots are pretty much the keystone to a healthy happy plant,
Was already aware of this.

I appreciate how you went about calling me ignorant,
you probably did it in one of the least disrespectful ways I could imagine,
so thanks for that.

But I have various reasons for taking so long to transplant. I cannot fit 24 8" diameter 2 gal pots in my 2'x4',
I have concluded that the most efficient use of space is 12 8" pots and 6 3.5" party cups, and 6 4.5" diameter 2 liters.

Meaning these plants will be the only ones remaining in party cups over 2 weeks,

All other clones will only remain in cups for 14 days before being transplanted to 2 liters for another 14 days, then into
2gal smart pots for the remainder.

again though, thank you for not being as much of an ass hat as many on riu.
You try not to say mean things to people, I don't think anything "mean" was said,
you simply thought that I was ignoring others suggestions, and being blind to what is obvious.

However, I already transplant 3/5 plants to larger containers, the ones still in cups are more along
the lines of experimental plants.

I do apologize however for coming off ignorant,
that is probably one word that I would sincerely hate to be thought of as.

but I am the type who likes to try things out for myself if others answers are not
substantiated by facts to the extent that I would prefer.


Well-Known Member
WP_001060.jpgView attachment 2513008WP_001055.jpgWP_001044.jpgWP_001034.jpgView attachment 2513014

Day 7 of flower

and 5/5 are female

on friday I will be moving my 6 clones to 12/12 as well.

I already have 6 cuttings bubbling away in the cloner,
last batch took 5 days to show root bumps and were
transplanted on day 10.

As long as cuttings are rooted within 14 days
everything will continue to run smoothly


Well-Known Member
The clone rotation is off by a week as I wanted to have an
extra week of veg after rooting.
However I just made a nine site cloner to go along with my 6 site,
so now I have a substantial margin of error now
in regards to cloning success.

On Tuesday the first 4 plants with be at day 42, so roughly 3 weeks
to go for them, then the next 6 will be ready 3 weeks from then.
And I currently have 15 cuttings in my cloners.

Pictures to come