Weird people

fuck u...i got better lookin bitches to fuck...dont open ur bitch mouth again unless u got somethin worthy to say
Everyone hates you, and @.nobody. likes your posts. Why would any sane person stick around where they are not wanted? I'm guessing because you are not wanted anywhere, so there's no place to go. I'm starting to feel genuinely sad for you. Poor shitliner. No ability, no friends, no future. It might be time to end it...
u hate my post so much...why u even replyin bitch?
u hate my post so much...why u even replyin bitch?

I can tell that my words don't get to you when you reply to my posts 5 times in a row :roll:. Idiot. We're all enjoying the meltdown, though. Please continue...

If your not mainliner Then you must of been living under a r
I dunno there was a lot of dranksta in that one post
Yeah I'm not thinking it's mainy, I just like the " what the FUCK is a mainy" or "what's a sock" .. If it was mainy he would have some back up socks..
I'm just passive aggressive..lmao.. Tyler's got this on lock down now.. So I'm just goin to enjoy the show from here on in...unless.. :fire: