Weird people


I think the problem is that almost anybody can make more people.

I think the problem is that almost anybody can make more people.
That is a problem. I think. I've read and am always hearing about over population. I'm also seeing a lot on low fertility rates. Women aren't having enough children to replace the die outs. That becomes a burden on young workers who finance social security in this country. Less tax income for the govn't equates to less social services.
When economies are poor and shrinking it's harder to attract immigrants and there's more pressure to allow immigrants in. The increase in different cultures added to the melting pot also creates a lot of social unrest. Just look at europe and the UK.
See what a fucking mess things become just because people here decide not to have an extra kid?
I guess what I'm saying ANC is get the fuck out there and do your part. Go tap some ass for christ sake. I'm coming up on retirement age in just eight years.