Weirdest shit someone has tried to sell to you?

freebase cocaine that was laundry soap,so obvious it wouldn't have passed for powdered coke.The guy got a well deserved beating
What style of spear? Asking for a friend
A homemade one. It was nighttime but from my angle it looked like a chef's knife duct taped to a broomstick. I was trying to stay as far away from the tweeker holding the spear as possible . He pronounced spear crazy too. he goes "wanna buy a shhhhpear"... at first I thought he was telling us to hush.
A homemade one. It was nighttime but from my angle it looked like a chef's knife duct taped to a broomstick. I was trying to stay as far away from the tweeker holding the spear as possible . He pronounced spear crazy too. he goes "wanna buy a shhhhpear"... at first I thought he was telling us to hush.
Spurs ... he was trying to sell shhpurs ... the knife-stick was to defend against the spurious ones