Welcome New Members!

Hey everybody, recently diagnosed with a medical ailment, allowing me to consume and cultivate cannabis. So I purchased Jorge Cervantes growers bible along with Ed Rosenthals growers Handbook. Read both and learned a lot. Now that seeds have been successfully germinated using the water glass method, seeds have been planted in a 70/30% coco/perlite mixture in red solo cups with drilled bottoms, pre soaked with CANNA coco CANNA start and ph'd t 5.7 at 420ppm. I am using the CANNA CoCo line of nutrients along with Foxfarm BigBloom.

I have 11 of these in a 5x5x7 Jardine tent, with air-cooled Galaxy select a watt feature, 400-600-1000. With Blockbuster hood attached to a 650cfm and massive Carbon filter. Day 3 they have 2sets of leaves an are about an inch tall. 2ft from the tops at 600w room temp is 82-84F at 400w 78-82F with humidity in the mid 60's. the first night the lights went off for 6hs i've left them on for 24 hrs since with 600w MH. I guess I just wanted to share and ask for any tips on anything that I might have forgotten or to expect in the near future.

Thnks a Million


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Hello Everyone, I have been following and reading post’s on here for a long time as back in my youth I was a regular user. Back in 2009 I had what my primary care doctor called a “neurological event”. After many tests they think I had either a mild stroke or nervous breakdown due to some severe stress that I had going on at that time. After several doctors and opinions I was diagnosed with PTSD. I had been given an uncountable number of medications from the different doctors all of which did nothing or made things worse. Fortunately I found a Psychologist who told me off the record about a great alternate treatment for PTSD and once I took myself off all the doctor’s medication they had me on and started this alternative treatment I am 110% better. I am going to be getting a lot of valuable info from here and get things going myself…
Hello all im just in need of tips... dont know if i have nute burn or calcium def but something has changed within the last 24hrs
Hello, I'm about to see how big of a part of this community I can become, I'm sure none of you care to know about me but I wanted to read the sticky threads before posting any poor questions and have decided to kill a few minutes writing this post.

I go by the name wildybill or wildbill for online gaming, by day if I'm employed I can be found in the industrial/logistics sector of Perth, Western Australia, but in my spare time I am a full blown computer nerd lol.

About 4 or 5 months ago I invested $2000 in hydro equipment and since then frequently visited this forum as a guest to learn what to do, I have since;
1. had 7/7 seeds planted show as male
2. failed to germinate 4/4 seeds after just over 1 week with rockwool cubes in a clone box
3. receive 5 new plants, 4 of which i placed under hydro and started 12/12, 3 weeks ago to find only 1 female, the one I left as bushy was also female but its budding season here so she never had time to grow.
4. attempted to clone 5x monster and 4x veg clones only to have all of them die{not sure what I'm doing wrong yet}

That is me and my current endeavors, I am now going to post a thread regarding things that worry me about my first hydro female and I would appreciate any help anyone can give.

Thanks for reading and I hope to get to know all the great people in this community.

I've got a thread with a fair few questions in it with no replies, if anyone can help me out please do;
Hi everyone, I've been lurking on this site for awhile gathering up all the information I possibly could and I just started my first grow after 15 years of smokin and wanted to share with the community on how it goes. auto berry using ffof and 40% perlite/ro water + cal mag/ff trio pack under 2 advanced led 200w diamond series. Hope one day I can contribute and help other members as they have done for me. Thanks for reading.
hey everyone, im growing an unkown strain and im having some trouble, cant narrow it down to one problem. can anyone help this plant is almost a month old PICT0015.jpg by the way im using peat moss & perlite + a 20-20-20 fertilizer once a week
Thank you for the welcome,
i would like to post a grow journal.
its my first real grow outdoors and I'm on my first week of flower.
wuts up guys. first time grower long time smoker, i have a nice project im about to embark in 6 x 6 vert scrog and i will post in the journal section. If anyone has any advice i would reward you with praises a a HIGH 5 hehe

  • hello guys, can anyone help me? i have cloned my super lemon haze where i got the seeds from a good seed bank, my girls are well mature but they keep going from five leaves to for to three im well confused, iv been following the canna grow guide but only giving them half strengh nutrients, the ph is fine, room temp a little high like 81 and 76 at bed time room humidity is 50% at night and drops a little through the day? whats the prob or am i reading too far into this?​

hello i grow to help my wife with her pains cause cannabis helps her out and is better then narcotics the doctors prescribe
anyhow been growing a while and want to start a grow journal how would i go about starting one?
hi! just want to say hello! from an unknown state from america!

hope to learn something around this site ..about cfl lights! weed isnt the only thing but other plants to...like tobacco!

peace and love!