Well Here Goes Again


Well-Known Member
One chamber is a CMH and the other gets it's a CMH bulb when UPS delivers it Monday.
Where did you get the bulb from? I got a friend who is going to let me borrow his 400Watt Magnetic Ballast so I can run a CMH light. All I need now is a bulb. Since I upgraded with a larger tent I am going with a CMH bulb too. I watched enough of you all grow with it and see nothing but amazing plants under the CMH so I am going to do it. I am going to do a side by side for Flowering(1-400watt HPS and 1-400Watt CMH in my Flowering tent to see what kind of difference. Exciting. Cant wait to order one so any link will help that you got ur or maybe Lumi. Thanks



Well-Known Member
Reliable company & best price I've ever found. You have to pick vertical if you don't want the horizontal. They aren't universal. I considered a test between a HPS in Tent vs. CMH in Main Chamber. I know better since I've converted all others to a CMH.:mrgreen:
Remember 2 400W's in a 4x4 footprint will have overlap so not a true experiment. Say 1 400W HPS covers 3x3 of the left side & CMH covers 3x3 of the right so the middle is dual coverage and 1" of Left & Right is single coverage. I would just use 2 CMH's if it was me and I could get temps low enough.


Well-Known Member
Reliable company & best price I've ever found. You have to pick vertical if you don't want the horizontal. They aren't universal. I considered a test between a HPS in Tent vs. CMH in Main Chamber. I know better since I've converted all others to a CMH.:mrgreen:
Remember 2 400W's in a 4x4 footprint will have overlap so not a true experiment. Say 1 400W HPS covers 3x3 of the left side & CMH covers 3x3 of the right so the middle is dual coverage and 1" of Left & Right is single coverage. I would just use 2 CMH's if it was me and I could get temps low enough.
Thanks for the advice and link. I will probably use one light in each tent, damn I could do a HPS and CMH grow and then see what kind of difference there is.



Well-Known Member
Looks good Daniels. How are the pollinated spots doing?
Good you mention that. I didn't see any seeds when I leeched her but she looked no better last time I looked. Tomorrow, I think I'm gonna harvest her to look for them. Enough fucking with her. (though I mostly ignored her) I'll pollinate a clone from #2 when I re-veg her.


Well-Known Member
So far I've done 15 of these letters. Hope he helps us. I'll get 20 to 25 more done in the coming days.

To: Governor Brian D. Schweitzer
Oce of the Governor
Montana State Capitol Bldg.

P.O. Box 200801
Helena, MT 59620-0801
(406) 444-3111 FAX (406) 444-5529
RE: HB 161

Dear Governor Schweitzer,

I am a medical marijuana patient / supporter and I would like to have your guarantee that,
if it should come to your desk, you will veto House Bill 161, or any similar legislation that
will recriminalize the use of medical marijuana.

State legislators have no right to judge the suering of others without any knowledge of
their medical condition. These decisions should be made by the patient and the doctor based
upon need; they should not be a sensational opportunity for politicians to make cheap

HB 161 would create “criminals” where none actually exist, overburden police departments for
no logical purpose and terrorize sick and vulnerable people, many of whom cannot use current
pharmaceutical medicines even if they wanted to.

Please make a denitive statement of your intention to veto this regressive and foolish bill.

Many frightened people await your leadership.
Voting District:______________________________________________________________
Signing as Anonymous, due to the climate of fear that this bill has imposed :

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS:______________________________________________________



Well-Known Member
I got some new pics since my 400W CMH bulb got here for my tent. I'll get all the tent first then others later. My 2 Tangerine Dream beans came today too.:blsmoke:
I raised the hood. Everything in here got fed 1 tsp. Jack's/ quart. SS #4 is getting bigger. PR #1 is good too. Clones PR #2-A, #5-A, & #6-A are looking sticky.
I harvested #4-A tried to pollinate, but no beans. My fingers were sticky from squeezing the buds. I think I sprayed it my too much Dr. Knock-out for the spider mites, & #6-A got too much Neem misting.
I think these Purple Rain will be good. They have a scent I haven't figured out.
2-15 CMH & Tangerine Dream.jpg2-15 Tent.jpg2-15 PR #1.jpg2-15 PR #1 frnt.jpg2-15 SS #4.jpg2-15 PR #5-A.jpg2-15 PR #2-A.jpg2-15 PR #6-A.jpg2-15 PR #4.jpg


Well-Known Member
The Super Skunk got watered with 1 tsp. Fish Emulsion/quart.
I'm thinking #3-A will be a Mum & #3-B will get pollinated.

2-15 SS #3-A.jpg2-15 SS 3-A & 3-B.jpg2-15 SS #1-A.jpg2-15 SS All.jpg


Active Member
Okay I partly take back what I said awhile back. Daniels also keeps some fake plastic dead looking plants around just to make him look humble. :bigjoint:

Daniels it's looking the SHITZ!


Well-Known Member
The House is currently debating H.R. 1, which would fund the government for the rest of the current fiscal year. As part of this debate, Representatives Jared Polis (D-CO) and Ron Paul (R-TX) are introducing an amendment to eliminate funding for the Office of National Drug Control Policy, commonly known as the Drug Czar's office. This would represent a savings of more than $24 million in taxpayer dollars.

The Marijuana Policy Project has set up an action page so that you can send an e-mail to your members of Congress, asking them to support this amendment. Please join me in taking action as soon as possible. The vote could take place in the next 24 hours!

Thank you!

To take action on this issue, click on the link below:

Fire some letters off guys.:eyesmoke:
Daniels bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
The House is currently debating H.R. 1, which would fund the government for the rest of the current fiscal year. As part of this debate, Representatives Jared Polis (D-CO) and Ron Paul (R-TX) are introducing an amendment to eliminate funding for the Office of National Drug Control Policy, commonly known as the Drug Czar's office. This would represent a savings of more than $24 million in taxpayer dollars.

The Marijuana Policy Project has set up an action page so that you can send an e-mail to your members of Congress, asking them to support this amendment. Please join me in taking action as soon as possible. The vote could take place in the next 24 hours!

Thank you!

To take action on this issue, click on the link below:

Fire some letters off guys.:eyesmoke:
Daniels bongsmilie

Already done!


Well-Known Member
Damn, I'm sick. I got a flu bug that has taken the whole house down, but Cash. Tuesday I felt horrible, yesterday as bad. Thought today would be OK, but still sore & tired. Pisses me off cause I have up-canning to do.


Active Member
Sucks to hear you sick bro! :(

Thanks for the links about the Drug Czar office funding! Gotta love Ron Paul's libertarian politics sometimes! :)

Fucking pisses me off about dea and other feds raiding legal clubs and citizens of MMJ states...time for a change.



Well-Known Member
Sucks to hear you sick bro! :(

Thanks for the links about the Drug Czar office funding! Gotta love Ron Paul's libertarian politics sometimes! :)

Fucking pisses me off about dea and other feds raiding legal clubs and citizens of MMJ states...time for a change.

Yeah Daniels, diddo what xivex said. Hate to hear you feel bad, I think this year the flu has been horrendous for everyone. I got lucky and was on antibiotics for something else when it went around here. My wife was out of work for 3 days though :(

Cash will make y'all feel better, that or some of your tinctures :wink:

get better man, wish I could swing by and help you tend the garden :weed:


Well-Known Member
Get some rest bro and drink lots of water, your garden will survive. You need to get better 1st!!!

