Well Here Goes Again

Hey Daniels just read thru your journal, girls are lookin great! Very green and healthy:) Was wondering if I could pick your brain real quick. Long story short, long time family friend has MS and is in bad shape. She's around 60 I'd say, and has never smoked. This am i sent her some cannaloupe haze (all I had atm). I was wondering if you could recommend a few strains that will hopefully help her. I've read that indicas are best? I noticed that u have TD going, I have some TD beans myself. IDK, I'm just trying to help her as much as I can, Ive told her it may be trial and error to find the strain that will benefit her the most. Thanks
Hey Daniels just read thru your journal, girls are lookin great! Very green and healthy:) Was wondering if I could pick your brain real quick. Long story short, long time family friend has MS and is in bad shape. She's around 60 I'd say, and has never smoked. This am i sent her some cannaloupe haze (all I had atm). I was wondering if you could recommend a few strains that will hopefully help her. I've read that indicas are best? I noticed that u have TD going, I have some TD beans myself. IDK, I'm just trying to help her as much as I can, Ive told her it may be trial and error to find the strain that will benefit her the most. Thanks
Sorry to hear she is having a hard time. I agree Indicas are known to be better for MS. As you say it will be trial and I wouldn't say 'error', just a kind soul looking to help.:joint: Good for you.
Have you looked into making a Green Dragon tincture? A friend of mine makes it for his wife and her rheumatoid arthritis. I use it as a sleeping aide/anti-nausea. It converts the cannibinoids into more CBN from the THC. Since she's never smoked it may work better for her. Or any Medible.
Green Dragon Tincture

This TD is 70% Sativa, 30% Indica so I'm expecting it to be more of a daytime smoke for me. As you know they can effect people differently too. Then for me after a few oz.'s over a few months I get a strain tolerance.
So I hope that helps a bit. I assume tremors & spasticity are issues so a strong Indica should help.
Sorry to hear she is having a hard time. I agree Indicas are known to be better for MS. As you say it will be trial and I wouldn't say 'error', just a kind soul looking to help.:joint: Good for you.
Have you looked into making a Green Dragon tincture? A friend of mine makes it for his wife and her rheumatoid arthritis. I use it as a sleeping aide/anti-nausea. It converts the cannibinoids into more CBN from the THC. Since she's never smoked it may work better for her. Or any Medible.
Green Dragon Tincture

This TD is 70% Sativa, 30% Indica so I'm expecting it to be more of a daytime smoke for me. As you know they can effect people differently too. Then for me after a few oz.'s over a few months I get a strain tolerance.
So I hope that helps a bit. I assume tremors & spasticity are issues so a strong Indica should help.

Thanks Daniels! I think you may be right about the tincture, although Ive never attempted it that may be the best for her. I really feel sorry for her husband (my father's best friend) it kills him to see her like this. Although she's been in bad shape for a while now, she's only become bed ridden recently. So, I'm thinking a sativa during the day might be more beneficial than i thought as I know there's depression accompanying the physical ailments. She didn't try the sample yesterday bc she said she was having a better day than usual. I'm going to attempt the green dragon tincture soon so wish me luck lol. Again thank you for the advice I'll let you know if she gets some much needed relief.
So I took SS #4-A down today. She went to 12/12 on 2-24. She had some white hairs still, but I needed the space. The s.m. were kept at bay, but some nanners showed.
I wish it was even more dense, with 1 400w CMH I'm happy.

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Well I had a bit of a set back. We had flooding from hard rain here where it seeped into the basement Tuesday night. So we used a couple Shop Vacs so I dumped many gallons we sucked up. Carpet in sisters bedroom is fucked as is laundry room's. Part of why SS #4 was harvested Wend, tent was flooded . Then Thur I weed whacked but couldn't mow. Lawn needed it bad, so I did it this morning.

I noticed last night my vision from my right eye was off. I can't really explain. It's like my vision is using the info from the left. Not double vision, horz. or vertical, known MS attacks. I have had a headache for a week or more. Today it was as bad, so Dr.s say three days is time to notify them. So messages were left after breakfast, and 3pm my neurologist's nurse called.

So it is a flare up, or called relapse. He had me go in for an I.V. of a steroid. Then for the next 2 days. Then a week on a steroid decreasing dose. Avonex, an Interferon shot still Sunday night.

But an Uncle and my Dad are here. My mom has a few friends coming to help. I'll just have to take it easy on helping. It just annoys me to 'half ass' help.
I think it was a combination of the work on cleaning up the water, stress from it getting worse, & stress from it fucking up the tent.
Then to add to all the insanity of the changes to the MMJ laws here. Wednesday I saw a rumor the whole Billings Clinic won't allow Dr.s to sign any cards. 1 of my 3 has before, but now unsure till I hear from him. The other 2 are fine with it helping me. Those 3 are happy my liver toxicity has never spiked. I need to quit worrying too much, but this will fade.

So never worry, 2 Dark Rain are sexing now 3 night's 12/12. SS #2-A harvested no good pics. I may have to slow down a bit for coming carpeting & new trim. Possibly drywall etc. Just a huge PIA when I have 150 annual & perennials to transplant, 2 Lilacs, 3 Hollyhocks and a Silver-lace Vine.

Well Brother, I wish I could come and be that supportive friend to help. This sounds horrible, and the I bet the medicines dont help the stress, like they probably work against each other. I hate wanting to help, but no one will let you help at full strength, or they wont let you help at all. I say get real stoned, like you did when you were a teenager and you smoked so much you thought you were straight again :D It will get better ;) Peace bro, take care. OH, nice smiley, its an interim between the wall and fire ones :lol:
Give Dr. Paul a $4.20 donation to show your support leading up to April 20th.

The $4.20 on 4/20 Movement for Ron Paul

The 420 Message

Cool sites about sending a message to politicians who support legalizing Cannabis.
For the price of a Big Mac, it can make a difference.

The 420 Message Statistically it is reported that there are 30 million people in the United States that use Marijuana, which is approximately 10% of the population. It is however approx. 36% of the total votes cast in the 2008 Presidential Election. It screams the question, Why is Marijuana still illegal in the USA?

Because these 30 million people have simply never united to make their voices heard. The 420 Message is a movement started to do just that. It is designed to very simply send a strong message to ALL Politicians that the time has come to actually make a change that matters. This is not about making it legal for a bunch of stoners to get high. It is about building a positive future in the United States and creating new jobs, even new industries. Are you aware that the US has spent 14 Billion Dollars importing Hemp from Canada? That the first car built by Henry Ford had a body made from Hemp (stronger than fiberglass) and that it ran on Hemp Oil (bio-fuel)? That Hemp can be used to make paper & clothing. There are over 100 known positive uses of Marijuana/Hemp beyond the positive medical uses, it is time that this taxpayers money pit be abolished once and for all.

The war on drugs has failed and there is absolutly no sound reason why Marijuana is listed as a schedule 1 drug. All that needs to happen to make a positive change is to change the schedule rating. And yet here we are in what some believe to be the best Country on Earth with our Courts and Prisons swelling to the bursting point over what is very clearly a victimless crime. Taxpayer Dollars wasted every day over a plant that could actually help us out of our current economic stress.

How can we help you ask? The 420 Message is a very simple movement, all you need to do is Donate $4.20 to Politicians of YOUR choice on 4-20-2012. Want to Donate more? Do so in 420 increments, $4.20, $42.00, $420.00, etc. If each of the statistically mentioned 30 million Marijuana users donated just $4.20 it would equal $126 Million Dollars. That is a Message that the Politicians will understand. Even better would be to donate $4.20 every week from now till April and even beyond if you are so inclined to do so? Simple actually, you'd only be giving up say a BigMac once a week.

Get involved, Ask the questions, Make YOUR Donations to Politicians that support Marijuana Legalization. In the current Presidential Election it is very clear that only one candidate supports this, Dr. Ron Paul. But The 420 Message is not trying to promote a single candidate and we believe that this should not be limited to just the Presidential Election. Rather it should extend to ALL elected Government Officials, National, State and even County.

It is clearly time for a change and as one of the largest minorities in this great country, it is time for us to send the message. Make your voices heard, tell every one you know about the 420 Message, spread the word, make the donation, tell the Politicians how YOU feel !!!

It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.
Samuel Adams

Give Dr. Paul a $4.20 donation to show your support leading up to April 20th.

The $4.20 on 4/20 Movement for Ron Paul

The 420 Message

Cool sites about sending a message to politicians who support legalizing Cannabis.
For the price of a Big Mac, it can make a difference.

The 420 Message Statistically it is reported that there are 30 million people in the United States that use Marijuana, which is approximately 10% of the population. It is however approx. 36% of the total votes cast in the 2008 Presidential Election. It screams the question, Why is Marijuana still illegal in the USA?

Because these 30 million people have simply never united to make their voices heard. The 420 Message is a movement started to do just that. It is designed to very simply send a strong message to ALL Politicians that the time has come to actually make a change that matters. This is not about making it legal for a bunch of stoners to get high. It is about building a positive future in the United States and creating new jobs, even new industries. Are you aware that the US has spent 14 Billion Dollars importing Hemp from Canada? That the first car built by Henry Ford had a body made from Hemp (stronger than fiberglass) and that it ran on Hemp Oil (bio-fuel)? That Hemp can be used to make paper & clothing. There are over 100 known positive uses of Marijuana/Hemp beyond the positive medical uses, it is time that this taxpayers money pit be abolished once and for all.

The war on drugs has failed and there is absolutly no sound reason why Marijuana is listed as a schedule 1 drug. All that needs to happen to make a positive change is to change the schedule rating. And yet here we are in what some believe to be the best Country on Earth with our Courts and Prisons swelling to the bursting point over what is very clearly a victimless crime. Taxpayer Dollars wasted every day over a plant that could actually help us out of our current economic stress.

How can we help you ask? The 420 Message is a very simple movement, all you need to do is Donate $4.20 to Politicians of YOUR choice on 4-20-2012. Want to Donate more? Do so in 420 increments, $4.20, $42.00, $420.00, etc. If each of the statistically mentioned 30 million Marijuana users donated just $4.20 it would equal $126 Million Dollars. That is a Message that the Politicians will understand. Even better would be to donate $4.20 every week from now till April and even beyond if you are so inclined to do so? Simple actually, you'd only be giving up say a BigMac once a week.

Get involved, Ask the questions, Make YOUR Donations to Politicians that support Marijuana Legalization. In the current Presidential Election it is very clear that only one candidate supports this, Dr. Ron Paul. But The 420 Message is not trying to promote a single candidate and we believe that this should not be limited to just the Presidential Election. Rather it should extend to ALL elected Government Officials, National, State and even County.

It is clearly time for a change and as one of the largest minorities in this great country, it is time for us to send the message. Make your voices heard, tell every one you know about the 420 Message, spread the word, make the donation, tell the Politicians how YOU feel !!!

It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.
Samuel Adams
