I ordered the AQUAH 6L Tankless Heater today. It was 149.00 plus about 20 bucks for shipping. I am hoping it will just slide right into the place my HydroGen heater left.
I called HydroGen and spoke with them and told them that I have replaced their unit 4 times over the past 2 years. They mentioned that perhaps the chlorine from the pool was causing issues. I replied that their manual states that a pool or hot tub may be used for cooling. Long story short they sent me a shipping form so I am returning it so they can take a look and see what is wrong. If it is a mechanical issue they will pay all costs. If not I will tell them to keep the unit as it is just too much trouble for its worth. i only paid for the original unit and my Local Hydro shop replaced it each time for me. So worse case scenario I got a few years use for about 375.00.
Now I am wondering if the chlorine will be an issue with the AquaH unit as well?
I will check back in and let you know what happens moving forward.