Well-Known Member
Huh? My HF model still going strong. Reminds me though, I need to throw a little bleach in the barrel.
It says to add oil every use but I just add acouple drops when I empty the res drum every couple weeks or so.
Hey guys, have been running a ecotemp on demand since last SEP. I got away with just using a 27 gallon tuff tote for my co2 res. I just kept it in the basement furnace room on the concrete floor. I took 6" flex conduit and attached that to the furnace room fresh air intake, then stretched the conduit down so its just off your res water. When its the dead of winter I have to raise it up because I get ice on the surface. After a full light shift my res will be around 70-78. You will want to circulate some vinegar at one point through your water heater to keep scale build up down or it can slowly plug up. I use a inline jacuzzi circulation pump,its very quite, and has 21' of head, plus it dont mind heat. Peace 907
So are there no differences at all between the hydrogen one and what you have?
What is this rockwool insulation you speak of?
Oops. I get it. Wrong link. Not OC 703.. This stuff