Well N A, The Tankless Water Heater is the Bomb!

Mine does make noise I'd say it about as loud as a six inch exhaust fan. And it only runs for the minute or two while the heater is burning . It says to add oil every use but I just add acouple drops when I empty the res drum every couple weeks or so.
It says to add oil every use but I just add acouple drops when I empty the res drum every couple weeks or so.

I would venture to guess that you could simply add some type of lubricant to your water. Something used to cool and lubricate cutting blades on saws, it's water soluble.

I don't change my rez for my lights but once every 6 months or so. I keep it clean with bleach and a uv sanitizer built into the pump but I'm thinking some pool chems might be better. since the water level doesn't get drawn down, I have suspended my pump off of rubber bungies just deep enough to function. this was originally to reduce vibration and noise but also has the added benefit of keeping the whole rez from draining should a leak develop.

also remember to ph your water to around 8 to make it less corrosive.
Hey guys, have been running a ecotemp on demand since last SEP. I got away with just using a 27 gallon tuff tote for my co2 res. I just kept it in the basement furnace room on the concrete floor. I took 6" flex conduit and attached that to the furnace room fresh air intake, then stretched the conduit down so its just off your res water. When its the dead of winter I have to raise it up because I get ice on the surface. After a full light shift my res will be around 70-78. You will want to circulate some vinegar at one point through your water heater to keep scale build up down or it can slowly plug up. I use a inline jacuzzi circulation pump,its very quite, and has 21' of head, plus it dont mind heat. Peace 907
That inline jacuzzi circulation pump sounds like the best bet yet due to the heat involved. Can you recommend one or tell us what u got?
Thanks man

Hey guys, have been running a ecotemp on demand since last SEP. I got away with just using a 27 gallon tuff tote for my co2 res. I just kept it in the basement furnace room on the concrete floor. I took 6" flex conduit and attached that to the furnace room fresh air intake, then stretched the conduit down so its just off your res water. When its the dead of winter I have to raise it up because I get ice on the surface. After a full light shift my res will be around 70-78. You will want to circulate some vinegar at one point through your water heater to keep scale build up down or it can slowly plug up. I use a inline jacuzzi circulation pump,its very quite, and has 21' of head, plus it dont mind heat. Peace 907
None that I have been able to see. They make some claims of changing a few things but in reality, I think they have just re-named some of the standard features.

A co2 Generator either produces co2 or doesn't. These do, and remove most of the heat. they also produce Co2 in greater volumes than a traditional co2 burner so maintaining 1500 doesn't require that the burner is on all the time.
So are there no differences at all between the hydrogen one and what you have?

Yes, there is a very big difference that you should be aware of... The hydrogen unit is $200 more. So if you decide to go the hydrogen route be sure to pick up a full suit of AN connessiour nutes as well just to ensure your pissing away as much money as possible. While your at it, buy some rockwool grow cubes as well; don't just buy a sheet or two of rockwool insulation and use a knife to cut them yourself cause the grow cubes are "specifically made" for starting plants.
Yeah they are totally different. Who implied they were the same? Rock wool is used as insulation as well as a sound deafened. It works really well as sound proofing actually. Mostly because it has some mass to it and is porous...a tough combo. Commercial building use allot of rockwool as insulation. It is completely fire proof.

Rockwool is made from metal slag, fiberglass is made from glass (silica)
I have been having a very difficult time cloning. My setup is in a warehouse that is used for storage. It is not climate controlled and gets VERY hot in the summer 100+, it is also very dry in my area. 20-30% RH. I also only visit once a day for about 30-60 minutes. So babying them, checking in on them, misting every 8 hours etc... is just not an option. I need systems that run themselves and are repeatable. I dropped this mix into my turboklone last last week, took 24 cuts and they look f'n fantastic. My cloner has only worked well one time since I bought it, that was the first time. I have scrubbed it, bleached it, h202, 70 degrees, you name it!

So yes, I'm, still a bit on cloud 9 over this latest development. I see potentially, the most frustrating thing left in my setup looking like it may be solved.
that looks like a perfect pump mine draw 2.5 amps and is starting to get louded by the day. that may be in my future.
I use uniseals to plumb my intake line into the res, the dam pumps so quite I have to reach down to feel it to make sure its running. Plan on putting a flow indicator on the discharge side of the pump for visual verifacation. My latest setup uses a 180 Quart marine fish cooler for my Res. Temps are alot easier to maintain, and they come plumbed with a drain :) Peace 907