Well-Known Member
Based on your luck so far? Lol. Seriously though, it should be fine. Your bathtub probably weighs just as much. Sounds like the best bet would be basement and a better pump.
Just go buy your weed.
6L is what 1.5 galons? Seems a little weak. But then after running 26' head and unknown straight run what will it really be? Brings to mind my propane run to the house. its a 100'. where it plugs into house it needs a pump to keep the the flow pressure in range. I know you have NG so maybe it dont matter? either way when you start running all this head and distance to a simple hot water showerr burner you are asking for it. I believe my pump is best suited for our app but only time will tell for sure. These things are made for this kind of distance
your specific project is very ambitious. Not sure if I would attempt what you have. I understand the personal part of it very well but you got some serious dynamics going on for a little portable shower water heater. tanks are always an option....
What size are your floor joists? Making a small platform that distributes the weight across 3-4 joists would be helpful. I have a rain barrel outside that sits a top 3/4" old growth boards. It took about 5 years for it to slowly deform them enough to require replacement.
About head, I'm curious if running a loop that gets primed with water as your line in to your heater would make any difference. The weight of the water might equalize the head. This loop is independent from the line out from heater to rez.
I don't know I can't see the joists.
I don't understand what you mean about a second loop.
Ok, serious question: you weren't held back a couple grades as a kid were you?
I mean, Jesus Christ dude. It's a water heater for an RV, not a lunar landing module
The flow through the unit is not the same as the flow needed to trigger the burner. There is likely a minimum psi rating for the water pressure needed. As I said ten fucking pages ago, you have way to much head, you need a serious, heavy duty pump to raise water 26 feet and still have good pressure.