Well-Known Member
If you set this system up in a drain to waste configuration you will burn in hell.
It would be a criminal amount of water waste.
Drain to waste is a hanging offense in my neck of the woods. Some areas water is plentiful.
I think NOT flushing the toilet when it's yellow would almost offset the usage.
I restricted the flow of mine on the return. I may have pumped a gallon or two per cycle, not DTW.
Also, the water is still good, capture it and use to do laundry, water your plants and landscape, etc....
If done responsibly, DTW could be an option for the short term, high heat months.
I should also ad that my experience with this is limited. I ran one for about a year. Had many of the issues with pressure but had mine working with the knobs set the lowest flow. I also used chilled 65f water so my pumps didn't fail. My system was controlled by turning the pump on and off as opposed to some of the hydrogen units that flow water all the time, and control through the DC input. I smoked my first co2 controller with the pump (they replaced it under warranty with a beefed up one).