Well Today's the Day (ACMPR Regulations and Forms)

Cannabis seeds are 100% illegal, always have been. Just ask Mark Emery, RC (Heavens Stairway 02/06), and Dana Larsen who was busted for "giving" seeds away earlier this year.

I understand, but I can go to one of 3 stores in my shitty little town and buy seeds. Given the changing landscape of cannabis in Canada, I thought maybe....
Upon reading the actual application, it looks fairly easy and straight forward. Only 6 pages to fill out and some of them are not even full pages. I will have it filled tonight and seeing my dr on the 30th. Lets see if this works.
Good stuff man, keep us updated on how things go.
A registered person can purchase seeds or plants from a licensed producer up to a maximum quantity that, taking into account the fact that three marihuana seeds are equivalent to one plant, does not exceed the equivalent of the maximum number of marihuana plants authorized. It is expected that starting materials would be required at the outset of a person’s registration; however, there is not a limit to the number of times a person can purchase starting materials to account for the potential of crop failure.

Grounds for refusal
— registration
183 The Minister must refuse to register an applicant or renew or amend a registration if

  • (a) the applicant is not eligible under subsection 174(1) or section 175;
  • (b) the medical document that supports the application does not meet all of the requirements of section 8 or is no longer valid;
  • (c) the person who provided the applicant with the medical document
    • (i) is not a health care practitioner,
    • (ii) is not entitled to practise their profession in the province in which the applicant consulted with that person, or
    • (iii) is named in a notice issued under section 59 of the Narcotic Control Regulations that has not been retracted under section 60 of those Regulations;
  • (d) the given name, surname or date of birth of the applicant is different from the given name, surname or date of birth that appears on the medical document;
  • (e) the health care practitioner who provided the medical document to the applicant notifies the Minister in writing that the use of dried marihuana by the applicant is no longer supported for clinical reasons; or
  • (f) any information, declaration or other item included in the application is false or misleading.

Does this mean no skype Dr's?
is not entitled to practise their profession in the province in which the applicant consulted with that person

Yes, NO skype unless doc has rights to practice in that province. For example, my doc is licensed in 3 provinces (Ontario, Alberta, and Nova Scotia), just based on where he's lived over the years. I'm not sure what hoops doc's have to jump thru to get licensed in each province, but I'm sure being a resident of that province is high on the list of criteria. So Skype scripts from BC to Newfoundland...doc would have to be licensed in both provinces.
Cannabis seeds are legal in Canada for souvenir purposes.
Germination of said seeds is illegal.
Emery went to prison in the us for selling them across the border.
Larson well he pushed his luck and idk the details of his charges
Grey area at least....sorta like dispensaries. Make a lot of noise and you'll likely get busted. Fwiw....Larsen was charged with trafficking Cannabis....for seed!!
Upon reading the actual application, it looks fairly easy and straight forward. Only 6 pages to fill out and some of them are not even full pages. I will have it filled tonight and seeing my dr on the 30th. Lets see if this works.
On the application it ask for the mcr registration number. Any idea what that is ?
I understand, but I can go to one of 3 stores in my shitty little town and buy seeds. Given the changing landscape of cannabis in Canada, I thought maybe....
Emery and Larsen were both extradited to the us on trafficking charges across the border.
I'm sure somewhere it is in fact illegal to sell seeds. But there's a half dozen stores in downtown Toronto selling them like hot cakes and even advertising in major magazines like ht.
Emery and Larsen were both extradited to the us on trafficking charges across the border.
I'm sure somewhere it is in fact illegal to sell seeds. But there's a half dozen stores in downtown Toronto selling them like hot cakes and even advertising in major magazines like ht.
And this is exactly why they'll never be able to control the genetics we choose to use. Unless HC is prepared to block every Canadian seed vendor (online and brick & mortar)...the LP's will get single (one time) sales only. Peeps know how to clone, and seeds....well they just happen! ;)
Supposedly lps will have to sell clone and seed
Except most have what they call proprietary strains which they don't want to share.
Like there's a lineup of assholes seeking their shit
I spoke with my Lp today ( broken coast ) they said they aren't capable of providing starting material for a long time yet. And not even sure if they will go down that Avenue. Pretty sure most if not all Lp are in the same situation....

Way to go HC......Cart before the horse comes to mind
I spoke with my Lp today ( broken coast ) they said they aren't capable of providing starting material for a long time yet. And not even sure if they will go down that Avenue. Pretty sure most if not all Lp are in the same situation....

Way to go HC......Cart before the horse comes to mind
A few have already gone on record saying they will have some available eventually but most strains won't be available because they have worked on them and have trade secrets involved. Whatever the fuk that means.
id rather have any breeders poly hybrid direct or even pollen chucks before lp shwag beans
A few have already gone on record saying they will have some available eventually but most strains won't be available because they have worked on them and have trade secrets involved. Whatever the fuk that means.
id rather have any breeders poly hybrid direct or even pollen chucks before lp shwag beans
It means they accidentally mixed in males with females and boom, "exclusive" LP strains.
A few have already gone on record saying they will have some available eventually but most strains won't be available because they have worked on them and have trade secrets involved. Whatever the fuk that means.
id rather have any breeders poly hybrid direct or even pollen chucks before lp shwag beans
Cue the DNA/Tweed (and Bro's Grimm) deal to try and corner the Canadian seed/clone market.
#BoycottDNAGenetics #c99IsSo2004
Its a FARCE people..

its not gonna fly. dead in the water ..