Welp... Got some kind of outdoor pests or some kind of deficiency already..


Well-Known Member
they will move on after all of the bugs are gone they wont harm your plant

they come in the same stuff the nematodes do and have instructions on how to apply ....just sprinkle on the fan leafs
Ah I see, OK thank a bunch man! I really appreciate it! Due to your help I can ensure that my harvest will be oranic and pests free! This is the best pest control I've ever seen or heard of.. I was always really big on neem oil for a few weeks for everything.. But this?? 400 X better, and you can apply while flowering, something neem oil cannot do.. At least not while risking bud rot.. Anyways, I really appreciate it, thanks again!

I've used it in small amounts for years but it kills all the larvae & I've had my meds tested for years with no pesticides.

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Thanks but I'm very keen on staying organic, and with all do respect, that stuff doesn't look organic.. Thanks tho.


Well-Known Member
Lol! Awesome picture!! ya I'd prefer lady bugs, but I'm going to go lady bugs when my indoor starts. For outdoor, it doesn't suit my area as they either fly away or get eaten lol. Awesome pic btw!! That it art right there! lol!